2017 英文阅读

Notes | D02-刻意练习-Peak: Purposefu

2017-08-11  本文已影响3人  f5cbc22a4a57

Reading Part @ Aug. 02, 2017

Ch 1: The Power of Purposeful Practice ( P14-25 )


昨天提到的那种按照传统方式学会一种新技能后(如学打网球),怡然自得于现状,而后日复一日的机械练习着,以为时间久了技能自然而然就能更上一层楼。作者用 “天真的练习” 来定义这种行为:

Naive practice is essentially just doing something repeatedly, and expecting that the repetition alone will improve one's performance.

所谓天真,亦即无经验,幼稚,单纯的,想当然这样的持续练习是无法带来质的改进的。与之相反的是,我们需要有目的的练习(purposeful practice)。

所谓的“有目的” 指的是要有定义明确的特定目标(well-defined, specific goal)、专注于练习(focused)、及时有效的反馈(feedback)、勇于走出自己的舒适区(get out of one's comfort zone),当然最重要的是还要有足够的动力(motivation)。

So here we have purposeful practice in a nutshell: Get outside your comfort zone but do it in a focused way, with clear goals, a plan for reaching those goals, and a way to monitor your progress. Oh, and figure out a way to maintain your motivation.

这里提到的 “有目的的练习” ,其实和之前阅读的《高效能人士的七个习惯》有异曲同工之处,比如七个习惯的“以终为始”就是提倡我们要有个明确清晰的目标,明白自己要什么,才能知道怎么做,往哪里使劲;然而光明白也没用,关键还在于行动,所以七个习惯中的 “积极主动”,就是要迫使我们走出舒适区,不要做“温水中被煮熟的青蛙”;之后的 “专注练习” 和 “及时反馈” 则是和七个习惯中的 “要事第一” 相对应,最重要的事情当然是需要我们全情投入的,但是要避免盲目投入练习。没有及时反馈的练习,说白了就是“瞎忙活”,没有进步,还浪费时间和精力。


这些言语表面上听起来常会给人也给自己一种错觉,恩,其实我还是读了不少书的,可是只有我自己内心深处才知道,自己有多么的自欺欺人:你说你自己看过这本书,写的不错,那么是哪里不错呢?你能 blabla 的和对方说个一二三吗?不行吧,你能说的仅仅是,“恩,还不错,你可以去看看。”





English Summary:

Based on thorough description and explanations from those examples the author cited, we are easily to find the difference between "naive practice" and "purposeful practice".

Naive practice is essentially just doing something repeatedly, and expecting that the repetition alone will improve one's performance.

In contrast, purposeful practice requires us to get ouside our comfort zone but do it in a focused way, with clear goals and specific plans, and a way to get instant and effective feedback. And most of all, we should find our motivation to do this, otherwise we can't keep doing it until the end.

Words and Expressions:

This is naive practice in a nutshell: I just played it...

in a nutshell, 作为副词,表示 “极其简括地说;简单地,简约地”;used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way.

例句:Okay, that’s our proposal in a nutshell. Any questions?
仿造句:It's good for human resource manager to read your resume if you sum it up in a nutshell.

Student: Umm, I dunno...Once or twice...

dunno, 动词,常用于口语中,表示“我不知道”的意思,used in writing to represent the sound of the phrase don't know or I don't know when it is spoken quickly. 在非正式演讲中比较常见,应避免使用于书面写作中,除非写作中需要表达对话过程(如本文例子中的对话)。

例句:“What do you want to do today?” “I dunno.”

Purposeful practice is all about putting a bunch of baby steps together to reach a longer-term goal.

baby steps, 指一小步一小步蹒跚而走,如: take baby steps 慢慢来。

longer-term goal和文中的 long-range goal 可以替换表达,都是“长期目标”的意思。

putting a bunch of baby steps together to reach a longer-term goal, 可对应中文的 “积跬步,以至千里” 的意思。

仿造句:Learning a new language is all about putting a bunch of baby steps together to reach a longer-term goal.

He gave himself an excited pep talk, seemingly conscious of nothing but the approaching task.

pep talk, 可数名词,非正式用法,表示 “鼓舞士气的讲话”,informal: a short speech that is given to encourage someone to work harder, to feel more confident and enthusiastic, etc. 常用搭配有:give somebody a pep talk.

例句:The coach gave the team a pep talk before the game.
仿造句:Everytime when I feel nervous, I wil give myself a pep talk.

This will be a banner day!

banner,作为名词的解释比较耳熟能详,“旗帜,横幅,标语”之意;文中这里是作为形容词,还有“特别好”之意,unusually good;可以用来形容一个特别让人开心的,值得纪念的日子。还可以说 banner year,a year that is good because something is successful.

仿造句:It is a banner day for him being elected as a president of student council.

And despite his well-known advice to be early to bed and early to rise, ....

early to bed and early to rise, 早睡早起。(言简意赅,收了)

8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric
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