Gone with the wind——Chapter One
在描写Scarlett传递表达无聊、厌恶的场景时,Mitchell做了很好的示范。为什么Scarlett讨厌战争?是对战争本身的厌恶吗?在第一段的最后,我们可以感受到,因为大家都在谈论战争,大家的注意力不可能再集中在Scarlett身上。这种注意力的缺失是多么的失落,何况可能的战争会毁了圣诞的派对! 对于Scarlett这样在舞会派对上能够星光夺目的女孩子,那个表现的舞台如果不在,希望将变成失望,生活的多彩一下子苍白。与之相对应的,她周围的人,特别是获得鼓舞、肯定,让虚荣心满满的来源——那些男人们,无论是Stuart兄弟,父亲,以及其他的绅士们竟然无视我女人心,开口闭口,战争!战争与我何干?但倘若那该死的战争让我偏离焦点,我也要让它,即使仅仅在言语中消失!显然,Scarlett有典型的女性心理特征——对于一个女孩子来讲什么是最重要的,我就关注什么,但她同时又是那么的异别于其他的女性,那种骨子里透露出来的倔强、狠辣,谁让她的父亲是个IRISH. 同时,作为一个普通的女孩子,她也暂时只能shut the door, go in the house!
"If you say 'war' just once more, I'll go in the house and shut the door. I've never gotten so tired of any one word in my life as 'war,' unless it's 'secession.' Pa talks war morning, noon and night, and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States' Rights and Abe Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream! And that's all the boys talk about, too, that and their old Troop. There hasn't been any fun at any party this spring because the boys can't talk about anything else. I'm mighty glad Georgia waited till after Christmas before it seceded or it would have ruined the Christmas parties, too. If you say ‘war’ again, I'll go in the house."
这里的“secession”的原意是withdraw, 但根据上下文的感觉,显然Scarlett的心理期望是偶尔聊聊这个话题当然可以,聊做消遣,可你从早到晚,时时不停的像苍蝇一个样,怎一个“烦”字了得?!
She meant what she said, for she could never long endure any conversation of which she was not the chief subject. But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings. The boys were enchanted, as she had intended them to be, and they hastened to apologize for boring her. They thought none the less of her for her lack of interest. Indeed, they thought more. War was men's business, not ladies', and they took her attitude as evidence of her femininity.
deep her dimple是为了可爱,flutter her lashes才含情脉脉。enchanted似有陶醉,hastened争先恐后。thought none the less of her, 非但没有看低,嗤之以鼻,femininity女人味十足womanliness!
无声无形中,Scarlett化解了一个令自己不愉快的主题,接下来轮到Stuart兄弟尴尬了,由此还引出了站在他们背后的辣妈!看来,彪悍是不一样的,Scarlett柔中带刚,外圆内韧;而Stuart兄弟生的生猛,但有了身体没了脑袋,在战争中化为了硝烟,而Scarlett虽历经磨难,但她最后还是生机盎然,"Tomorrow is another day." 曾经的莽撞少年已看不到了。
Having maneuvered them away from the boring subject of war, she went back with interest to their immediate situation.
"What did your mother say about you two being expelled again?"
The boys looked uncomfortable, recalling their mother's conduct three months ago when they had come home, by request, from the University of Virginia.
"Well, " said Stuart, "she hasn't had a chance to say anything yet. Tom and us left home early this morning before she got up, and Tom's laying out over at the Fontaines' when we came over here."
"Didn't she say anything when you got home last night?"
maneuver有操控,掌控的意思,来源于法语,所以音形在英语中有些古怪!immediate situation正是迫在眉睫之事,此中引发的尴尬是uncomfortable, laying out在英语中似乎有一个hanging out对应,出来溜达,逛逛!
大家发现,从本篇开始,我重温经典时分成两步:1.一开始,大体的印象,以我的视角透视作者描述一个场景一种情绪一个人物等,直面客观世界的发生,看,作者如何妙笔生花,写出隽语佳句。这样做的好处是为了让读的人,把关注文字的奇奇妙妙,困惑于感叹于作者文字的猜测和回味,转变成,你和我和作者站在同一个事实、场景、性格前,品味怎样落笔的思路。2. 对其中的用词,用语,用句,稍加评点,点到即可,因为在重温经典的过程中,你或许过于专注单词的层面而忽视了整体的结构,提醒你,结构更具伟力,何况单词也是结构在词汇层面的产物,领悟到此,不虚我写你读!