【Ovirt 笔记】engine-backup 的实现原理
2017-05-18 本文已影响21人
分析整理的版本为 Ovirt 3.4.5 版本。
命令使用方式:engine-backup [--mode=MODE] [--scope=SCOPE] [--file=FILE] [--log=FILE]
MODE is one of the following:
backup backup system into FILE
restore restore system from FILE
SCOPE is one of the following:
all complete backup/restore (default)
files files only
db engine database only
dwhdb dwh database only
reportsdb reports database only
--file=FILE file to use during backup or restore
--log=FILE log file to use
--change-db-credentials activate the following options, to restore
the Engine database to a different location
etc. If used, existing credentials are ignored.
--db-host=host set database host
--db-port=port set database port
--db-user=user set database user
--db-passfile=file set database password - read from file
--db-password=pass set database password
--db-password set database password - interactively
--db-name=name set database name
--db-secured set a secured connection
--db-secured-validation validate host
--change-dwh-db-credentials activate the following options, to restore
the DWH database to a different location etc.
If used, existing credentials are ignored.
--dwh-db-host=host set dwh database host
--dwh-db-port=port set dwh database port
--dwh-db-user=user set dwh database user
--dwh-db-passfile=file set dwh database password - read from file
--dwh-db-password=pass set dwh database password
--dwh-db-password set dwh database password - interactively
--dwh-db-name=name set dwh database name
--dwh-db-secured set a secured connection for dwh
--dwh-db-secured-validation validate host for dwh
--change-reports-db-credentials activate the following options, to restore
the Reports database to a different location
etc. If used, existing credentials are ignored.
--reports-db-host=host set reports database host
--reports-db-port=port set reports database port
--reports-db-user=user set reports database user
--reports-db-passfile=file set reports database password - read from file
--reports-db-password=pass set reports database password
--reports-db-password set reports database password - interactively
--reports-db-name=name set reports database name
--reports-db-secured set a secured connection for reports
--reports-db-secured-validation validate host for reports
Database password as if provided by --db-password=pass option.
Database password as if provided by --dwh-db-password=pass option.
Database password as if provided by --reports-db-password=pass option.
命令采用了 shell 命令方式进行实现。
数据库 | 数据库备份名称 |
engine | engine_backup.db.bz2 |
dwh | dwh_backup.db.bz2 |
reports | reports_backup.db.bz2 |
- 备份命令如下,采用了 bzip2 压缩方式。
pg_dump \
-E "UTF8" \
--disable-dollar-quoting \
--disable-triggers \
--format=p \
-w \
-U "${user}" \
-h "${host}" \
-p "${port}" \
"${database}" \
2> "${pgdump_log}" \
| bzip2 > "${file}.bz2" \
压缩后的.bz2中,包含的是数据库导出的所有 SQL 语句和数据。
数据库连接通过读取配置文件 10-setup-database.conf。
changeEngineDBConf() {
local conf="${ENGINE_ETC}/engine.conf.d/10-setup-database.conf"
[ -f "${conf}" ] || logdie "Can not find ${conf}"
local backup="${conf}.$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")"
log "Backing up ${conf} to ${backup}"
cp -a "${conf}" "${backup}" || die "Failed to backup ${conf}"
output "Rewriting ${conf}"
printf "%s\n" "${MY_DB_CREDS}" > "${conf}"
- 备份的目录数据库等,最终产生一个压缩包。
tar -C "${tardir}" -cpSsjf "${backupfile}"
- 恢复则是解压的过程,先对备份文件进行解压缩,根据备份文件中的路径和文件进行 mkdir 和 cp 的操作。
mkdir tmp
tar -C ./tmp -pSsxf ovirt-backup
restoreFiles() {
local paths="$1"
echo "${paths}" | while read -r path; do
local dirname="$(dirname ${path})"
local backup="${TEMP_FOLDER}/files/${path}"
[ -e "${backup}" ] || continue
[ -d "${dirname}" ] || mkdir -p "${dirname}" || logdie "Cannot create directory ${dirname}"
cp -a "${backup}" "${dirname}" || logdie "Cannot copy '${backup}' to '${dirname}'"
if selinuxenabled; then
restorecon -R "${path}" || logdie "Failed setting selinux context for ${path}"
done || logdie "Cannot read ${paths}"
- 目录结构与备份的目录和文件保持一致。
- md5sum 里面存储了每个文件的 md5 值
- version 保存版本信息。
- 备份目录:/var/lib/ovirt-engine/backups
注意:engine-backup --mode=restore 要求 engine 服务是停止状态,engine 数据库为空。