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2016-10-17  本文已影响73人  O2nails美甲机

10月15-19日,和O'2NAILS相约广交会,见证美甲业科技未来。展位号:4.1 G47-48、H01-02。

Meet O'2NAILS @Canton Fair, witness the technical future of the manicure industry. District Booth NO. 4.1 G47-48、H01-02.


Marx said: "The progress of the society is the crystallization of human pursuit of beauty". In the eyes of Marx, beauty is also a kind of productivity. O’2NAILS deeply believes in the power of beauty, and is committed to combine technology with fashion, to promote the accomplishment to the ultimate beauty with the crystallizationof human progress. O’2NAILS applies technology to release human imagination ofbeauty. With the launch of the nail printer, the manicurist can transform any pattern into the scenery at your finger, and reduce the nail painting time to less than one minute. In the fall of 2016, O’2NAILS goes on to launch a series of new products, making breakthrough not only in the creativity and efficiency for manicure, but also the limitation of color and location, allowing manicure to be done at your pleasure, at anytime and anywhere.

O'2NAILS 移动式美甲彩绘机 V11



O’2NAILS Mobile Nail Printer V11 is a nail art equipment that prints

any pattern, any color and any design on the natural nail and artificial



Efficiency and high-quality


O’2NAILS has extremely high efficiency in nail painting,taking less

than a minute to paint a nail surface. At the same time of enhancing the

nail painting efficiency, it also ensures the delicacy of the pattern

and the brilliance of the color. This all depends on O’2NAILS'

independently developed printing system. O’2NAILS is the fifth

independent printing systemresearch and development enterprise in the

world after HP, Epson, Canon and Lexmark,as well as the first one to

apply the printing system to the manicure industry.By the application of

the 3-in-1 color integrated toner cartridge, it can provide smart nail

painting that is not only faster but more delicate.


1.6KG, Small figure brakingthrough the restrictions of place.


O’2NAILS Mobile Nail Printer V11 has only the weight of 1.6KG and the

size of a bag, which is superior to the last generation of the nail

printer in both weight and size, with only 1/8 that of the last

generation. The golden proportion of the body size has greatly enhanced

the convenience of the nail painting operation. It makes manicure more

casual, at any time, for example, at the scene of activities, in the

backstage of a show, or even at your home.


Mobile phone operation, easy and simple



O’2NAILS Mobile Nail Printer V11 is simple to operate, and users only

need to access to the WIFI signal emitted by the machine, namely, it

canbe controlled by mobile phone, to conduct nail painting and other

operation.The built-in WIFI module inside the body of the machine has

passed the CE certification of the European Union as well as the

American FCC ID certification of the highest standard. As proven by the

application of more than one thousand nail salons, most manicurists can

operate the machine proficiently after three hours of practice.



O’2NAILS APP是第一款集美甲款式杂志及美甲彩绘操作为一体的APP。O’2NAILS APP内置280款美甲款式,加上顶尖款式打造团队,以每周三款的节奏持续更新,为O’2NAILS美甲彩绘机的用户提供最新最高端的美甲款式。

O’2NAILS is the first APP that assembles the nail art style magazines

and nail painting operation. With the built-in up to 280 nail art

patterns, the first-class designer teams for the creation of the styles,

and the update speed of three new styles per week, O’2NAILS APP has

provided the latest and most high-end nail art styles for the users of

O’2NAILS Nail Printer.


Top style designer team

O’2NAILS APP的款式团队由一流设计师组成,拥有多年的时尚设计经验,从材质、图案、色彩到搭配,打造引导美甲潮流的款式。款式的设计照顾到了不同场合,不同衣着,季节用色及不同手型的需求,无论是哪种美甲爱好者,都能在其中找到适合自己的款式。

The design team of APP O’2NAILS APP is composed of first-class

designers, with many years of experience in fashion design, to create

the fashion and lead the nail art design from the material, pattern,

color to collocation. The style design takes different

scenarios,different clothes, different seasonal coloring and the needs

of different shape of hand into consideration, to ensure that whichever

kind of nail art lovers canfind the perfect style for themselves.


Manicure salon marketing expert

O’2NAILS APP打通时下最热门的社交平台,方便用户分享讨论。同时方便美甲店在新款上市的第一时间,通知自己的客户。

O’2NAILS APP connects to the most popular social networking

platforms, making it convenient for the users to share and discuss. At

the same time, it also makes it convenient for nail salons to notify

their customers at the first moment when new styles arrive.


Already launched in the android and apple mobile phones


O’2NAILS APP has been launched in the android and IOS system, with

free download through QR code or APP store, and applicable for all

brands and models of mobile phone to use.

O-Pens Color Gel Mixing Pen

O-Pens 甲油胶调色笔

色彩是美甲的关键,O’2NAILS APP改变甲油胶一瓶一色的传统,九支基础色调色笔可调制出130种颜色,打开美甲师色彩的大门,让色彩碰撞出更多灵感。

Color is the key to nail art, and O’2NAILS APP has changed the

tradition of one bottle of nail gelfor one color, the nine base color

gel mixing pens can modulate 130 kinds ofcolors, which opens the gate to

color for the manicurists, and allows the collision of colors for more



Unique palm pantone


The O-Pens Color Gel Mixing Pen is the exclusive patent of O’2NAILS,

which can modulate 130 kinds ofcolors with only nine color mixing pens,

which can be viewed through the APP,and is equivalent to the palm

pantone of manicurists, supporting the manicuristto create the most

perfect style.


Inventory reduction


The 9 O-Pens Color Gel Mixing Pen can solve the inventory problem of

130 bottles of nail gel, which can reduce the operating costs and

inventory pressure for nail salons.

USB Flip LED Gel Light



O’2NAILS drives the progress of the manicure industry with science

and technology, and pays attention to every detail of the manicure

industry. It introduces the phototherapy lamp and blow-dryerintegrated

product, and further strives for perfection, improving the product into

foldable model, so as to make it more convenient to use and carry.


Nail printer with USB connection

O’2NAILS USB Flip LED Gel Light,以USB插口连接美甲彩绘机,或使用插头连接电源。

O’2NAILS USB Flip LED Gel Light adopts the USB socket to connect the

nail printer, or use power supply plug to connect the power.


Integrated compact design

O’2NAILS USB Flip LED Gel Light,大小与粉盒相仿,却将光疗灯及吹风机二合为一,照顾到美甲的所有流程需求。一体化的紧凑外形设计,无任何多余按钮,却让操作更加简单明了。

O’2NAILS USB Flip LED Gel Light has the size of a puff box, but

combines the phototherapy lamp with the blow-dryer, which can satisfy

all the requirements of the nail painting process. The integrated

compact design makes the operation simpler and easier without any extra



It is no longer a slogan that science and technology changes

life, but the integration of technology and beauty remains to be further

explored and broken through by the scientists and inventors, among whom

O'2NAILS is one of the most active inventor and explorer, leading the

technical future of the manicure industry.


