怎样理解ABA中的区辨刺激 discriminative sti

2021-12-17  本文已影响0人  儿童言语治疗路老师

What Is Discriminative Stimulus – Definition & Examples


What Is A Discriminative Stimulus?


A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus that when it is present, it generates a particular response and the response is usually faster, more frequent, and more resistant to extinction. The responding behavior is then subjected to discriminative stimulus control. A discriminative stimulus (Sd or SD) is created when the response is reinforced in its presence, but not when it is absent.

一个有区辨的刺激是一种刺激,当它出现时,它产生一个特定的反应,这个反应通常更快,更频繁,更能抵抗消失。反应行为受到区分性刺激控制。一种区辨刺激(SD 或 SD)产生时,反应在其存在加强,在其不存在时不存在。

For example, a child requests to watch TV and historically, he is granted more screen time when his Mom has to get on a conference call for work, but never when she doesn’t have to take a call. So having a work related phone call is a Sd that controls the child’s requesting behavior.


Discrimination And Classical Conditioning


When an originally neural stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus to generate a response, the neural stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus for that response.


Discrimination And Operant Conditioning


Discriminative stimuli have control over a particular behavior because the behavior is reliably reinforced through positive or negative reinforcement and punishment when the stimuli present and not when they are absent.


Discriminative Stimulus Examples


Here are some more examples of discriminative stimulus.


When a child asks for a candy, she always gets one during grandma’s visit, but not in her absence. Grandma’s visiting is a Sd that controls the child’s asking behavior.

当孩子要糖果的时候,她总是在奶奶来看她的时候得到一块,但不是在她不在的时候。奶奶的拜访是一个控制孩子索要糖果行为的 Sd。

When the traffic light turns green, drivers keep their car going forward, but not when the light turns red. The green light is then a Sd for going while the red light is for stopping.


When a manager is present, the employees work faster than when she’s not present. The manager’s presence is a Sd that controls how fast the employees do their work.


When Mom is present, the child completes his homework, but when Mom leaves the room, the child stops doing homework. Mom’s presence is a Sd that controls the homework doing behavior.


You give a dog a treat when it barks at a certain person, but not when it barks at another person. Then that first person becomes a Sd that control the dog’s barking behavior.

当狗对某人吠叫时,你给它一个奖励,但不是当它对另一个人吠叫时。然后,第一个人成为一个 Sd,控制狗的吠叫行为。

Stimulus Discrimination Vs Generalization


Stimulus generalization is defined as the extension of conditioning so that similar stimuli that have not been reinforced can act as conditioned stimulus to generate a specific response2. Now an individual responds to not only the one stimulus that has been reinforced, but also others that share similar characteristics. Generalization can occur in classical conditioning as well as operant conditioning.


For example, a bee stings you. You will begin to fear it resulting in fear conditioning. But you will also begin to fear other insects that look similar. The more similar another insect is to a bee, the more you will fear it.


Your conditioned response (fear) has generalize from the training stimulus (bees) to another stimulus (insects similar to a bee).


Discriminative Stimulus In Parenting


Discriminative stimuli are often used in parenting to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and those with mental retardation3.


A branch of non-mainstream psychology, called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), has emerged to teach Sd-based techniques to parents who have kids with ASD. These ABA techniques help children develop social skills and decrease behaviors that may interfere with their independence in life4.

非主流心理学的一个分支,称为应用行为分析(ABA) ,已经出现,教授基于 sd 的技术的父母谁有自闭症的孩子。这些 ABA 技术帮助儿童发展社会技能,减少可能干扰他们生活独立的行为。

In ABA therapy, discriminative stimulus and differential reinforcement are used to teach children how to respond appropriately or give a correct answer. An ABA therapist will work with parents to make sure that they understand how to apply the correct techniques.

在 ABA 治疗中,使用区辨刺激和差别强化来教导儿童如何正确地回应或给出正确的答案。ABA 治疗师将与父母一起工作,以确保他们了解如何应用正确的技术。

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