[翻译]知乎高赞回答 : 汉语为什么不是国际通用的语言?

2018-04-04  本文已影响0人  ditt0

今天的选文是一个知乎高赞答案 题主问题 : 汉语为什么不是国际通用的语言?
作者:Gunter Schoech 一个外企高管,德国人
参考其他翻译版本:原文下附翻译. 译者:满洲第一巴图鲁

Having said this, let me give you my theory:
In a sense, Chinese IS an international language. That is due to the big Chinese population, not only in China itself, but all over the globe.People of Chinese origin are to be found all over South East Asia, but also in a host of other countries. The "China Towns" are a visual sign. Even in my German university, the RWTH Aachen[1], the Chinese students were the biggest minority already in 1993 when I started my studies there.
This is of course possible because ~1 out of 5 people living on this planet is Chinese, the Chinese had strong trade relations in South East Asia, and even smaller waves of emigrations always make up a large number of people in absolute terms.

说到这个 , 我来谈谈我的理论:
某种意义上讲,中文是一个国际通用语言 . 因为中国人数量巨多 . 除了在中国本土 , 中国人的身影遍及全球. 在东南亚到处都可以看到华人 , 其他很多国家也是. "唐人街"就是一个直观的标志. 当1993年我还在德国亚琛工业大学念书时 , 中国学生就已经是学校里少数族裔群体中数量最多的了.

visual:视觉的,视力的 -这里我为了语句通顺翻译为"直观的"
minority : 少数派,少数民族,未成年

1. RWTH Aachen 亚琛工业大学 德国西部的一所著名理工大学

However, as far as I can tell, the people speaking Chinese in such an international context, are mainly also ethnic Chinese. What is much more rare is to find the locals learning Chinese to interact with such Chinese. In order for Chinese to become a true international language, it would have to be chosen as "lingua franca" [1], which means a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.

然而据我所知 , 在这种国际环境下 , 说中文的主要还是华裔 ,很少见到本地人学习中文去和这些华裔互动。要让中文变成真正的国际语言,必须让中文成为人们选择的“通用语”。意思就是被不同母语者所采用的公共语言

context:环境,上下文 -编程中常见的一个词,指的是历史,语境等概念中的情景。
interact :相互影响,相互作用,根据这段的语境译为互动

1. lingua franca 意大利语 意为 通用语

Why this has not happened is at the heart of this question. I have mainly 2 arguments:
First Historic, Second suitability
I am no historian or linguist, but think that the main historical difference of Chinese and other likely contenders is the relative lack in colonial expansion. This is actually something very nice to say about the Chinese people: While there have been epic power struggles over thousands of years within the Chinese territory, conflicts with outside powers were mainly defensive. Just take the Great Wall as a symbol: It is a completely defensive instrument. Wars that China did fight with foreign powers were typically with nomadic tribes from central Asia, who were the aggressors.As a consequence, the language remained mainly confined to the Chines territory.



linguist: 语言学家
contender: 竞争者
colonial : 殖民的
territory: 领土,版图,地域
nomadic : 游牧的
tribes (tribe 的复数): 部落,族
aggressors (aggressor的复数): 侵略者
confined(confine的过去形式) : 约束,局限 , 限制

Sure, there were the notable exploits of Zheng He for example. But they did not lead to colonization. On the contrary, the next emperor made all explorations illegal, as ships with more than 1 mast.
So China went back to it's core belief: Zhong Guo: If you are the "Middle Kingdom", literally "the center of the earth", and far far larger and mightier than anybody around you, how much sense does it make to venture further? China's attitude has over centuries and millennia been: "Let them come to us",maybe pay tribute and then do some trade, or maybe not even that. China has this tradition of closing itself more or less to the rest of the world, and depending when you look in history, it could very well afford that, while at others, this meant it fell behind.


notable :显著的,值得注意的
exploits(exploit的复数) :开发,利用,功勋 ,结合上文译为对外探索
millennia(millennium的复数) :千年,盛世,千禧年
tribute :贡品,礼物,颂词,悼念

European nations were often very different: The Portuguese as first big explorers were a tiny, very poor and marginalized country, the opposite of the "Zhong Guo", as they did not have access to the Mediterran. So they had to seek far and wide. Spain is a little bit different case: Having been occupied by Moorish invaders for 700 years or so, they simply didn't stop when they finally managed to kick them out: By coincidence, Christoper Columbus[1] discovery happened in the very same year as the last Moorish fortress (Granada)[2] fell in Spain .
England was very much like Portugal, poor and marginalized, in the North Sea. Attracted by the new gained wealth of the Spanish and Portuguese, the "followed the money trail". Similar the Dutch, who in the 17th century were the leading seafaring nation.
The French were a little later, and focused on Africa, but that's still the common language there, and gains French international status.
All this ship-building, exploring, conquering and colony building lead to vast empires.

欧洲国家则完全不同:第一个殖民大国葡萄牙当时是一个又穷又小的边缘国家,它的处境完全是“中国”的反义词,由于无法进入地中海,葡萄牙人只能把目光投向遥远而辽阔的大洋。西班牙的处境有所不同:他们被摩尔入侵者占领了差不多700年,这期间只能不停的寻找合适的殖民地[1] , 终于当他们想办法把入侵者赶出去的时候,克里斯托弗 哥伦布 偶然碰巧发现了新大陆,同年,西班牙攻陷了摩尔人的最后一座要塞格拉纳达。

Portuguese : 葡萄牙人,葡萄牙的
marginalized (marginalize的过去式):排斥,忽略,边缘化 
Moorish :摩尔人的,摩尔人
invaders (invader的复数) : 入侵者
coincidence : 巧合
fortress : 堡垒 , 要塞

seafaring(seafari) :  海洋探险(或勘探)
1.Christoper Columbus : 克里斯托弗-哥伦布,15世纪西班牙航海家,发现了美洲大陆
2.Granada : 格拉纳达 , 西班牙南部城市

British Empire
At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power. Still by 1922 the British Empire ruled over about 458 million people, one-quarter of the world's population at the time, and covered more than 33,700,000 km2, almost a quarter of the Earth's total land area.This of course covers the decisive time of the industrial revolution and a first wave of globalization. We might see tighter interactions today, but the directions were set there and then.


What's not on the map, but also key: The USA as ex-colony have dominated world history in the 20th century. And they happen to have adopted English. When I took an American history class during my high school year in the US, I learned that when the young US had to decide for a language, there was actually a majority for German. I think ~40% of US immigrants are of German origin. But through a bribe, English won the vote. Who knows, if the world might be a different place today. I remind you, I learned this in the US, not in Germany.
We Germans were even later, only uniting in 1871, and losing all colonies in WW 1[1]. This left the scientific world, where in the 1920's, German was the lingua franca, given that so much was published in German. However, Nazi prosecution of the Jews, including Jewish Germans, put an end to that. An Albert Einstein in the USA will write in English, not German anymore.

Spanish Empire(西班牙帝国版图)


French Empire(法兰西帝国版图)


So there are alternatives for global languages.



我们德国人就更晚了,国家直到1871年才统一,还在1战中失去了所有殖民地。不过好在还有科学领域,1920年左右,学术界的世界通用语是德语,这促进了德语的推广。不过纳粹对犹太人(包括犹太裔德国人)的迫害终结了这一切。阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦后来在美国写的论文全是英语,再也没用过德语。

foremost :最重要的,首先的
decisive :决定性的
tighter (tight比较级):紧密的,密封的
majority :多数的人或物
prosecution :起诉,检举,履行职责。(此处翻译成迫害,因为当时纳粹鼓励举报犹太人)
alternatives (alternative的复数):备选方案,替代物

1.WW 1: WORLD WAR 1 的缩写,指第一次世界大战

  1. The second reason I can give is "suitability":
    If foreigners want to adopt a language as lingua franca, how hard is that to do?
    Here, I speak from personal experience. My mother tongue is German, a "Germanic" language[1].
    English is usually also considered "Germanic" language, although it is a big mix. That was my first "living" foreign language[2], as I had studied the "dead" language[3] Latin before. I then learned French, and later Spanish, so 2 "Romanic"[4] or "Romance" languages. I also learned some Polish, a "Slavic"[5] language, and very different from all the others, closely related to Russian. Last but not least, I am trying to learn Chinese. I have already written on Zhihu about my experiences with these languages.

    E.g. here Gunter Schoech:如何用英语学德语?

    In short, in terms of grammar, worst is Polish, then close second German.
    Chinese has very very little grammar by comparison (before you angrily reply me, please read my article above: Many people only understood what grammar actually is, when they read this. Because Chinese has so little of it).


E.g. here Gunter Schoech:如何用英语学德语?


Latin :拉丁语,拉丁人
Romanic & Romance:拉丁系语言,古罗马语言


So then, Chinese should be easy? Well, no. For me, it is, with Polish, the most difficult to learn. The reasons are :
a) the writing. As it is not based on an alphabet, the effort to learn it is much greater. Chinese children spend a lot of time to learn all the characters, and I guess you never fully stop. My 6 year old son reads German and French without much difficulty, and his 4 year old brother has already picked up a little from him.
b) the relative scarcity of different "sounds". There are only a little over 100 sounds in Chinese. Multiply that by 4 (or 5 incl. silent) tones, and you get << 1000 combinations. But already for the simplest of newspapers you need > 2000. So your end up with orally identical sound which have various meanings. For disambiguation, you have either the written language (with the problem in a), or the context, preferably by adding another word with many meanings, but only in this one , wanted, meaning, they overlap.
For your native speakers, this comes naturally. But I find that to learn Chinese, you have to live it and breathe it every day, on site. Then you can make those links fast enough between words. But you can't really learn that in a language class far a way, or worse, in home study.
In fact, I taught myself Spanish, from 0 to a level which allowed me to fly to the capital, with my suitcase in hand, and start living there: find a place to live, to go university etc. I don't think that would ever be possible with Chinese for me.

a) 书写.中文不基于字母表使得学习起来要更加费劲.中国孩子们花了大量时间学习汉字,而且我猜你们从来没有真正停止过学习新字.而我6岁的儿子现在基本已经可以做到无障碍阅读德语和法语了,他四岁的弟弟也能跟着他一起学一些了.

alphabet : 字母表,入门,初步
scarcity :不足,缺乏
identical :完全相同的(事物)
disambiguation :消歧义
preferably :宁可
overlap :重叠,重复,同时发生

When people study Chinese in Germany, they say: I study "Sinology". That includes speaking and writing, maybe a little History on the side. But essentially, they study Chinese. Nothing else. Imagine, your entire studies consisted of CET 4 or let it be CET 6. But nothing else. You will say: "I study electrical engineering", and CET 4 is just something that comes with it.
It seems, as lingua franca, Chinese is just too difficult.
And if you take most of the populations that did not grow up with English, they are still much closer to learning English than learning Chinese. Portuguese is very close to Spanish, so you can add Brazil. With that, you have the American Continents 100% complete. Even Hindi is an Indo-Germanic language (common roots)
So I assume that the growing role of China will not reverse what the historic developments set up before.


consisted (consist过去式):组成,
continents (continent 复数):大陆,大洲
hindi :海地,南美国家

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