健康码 health code
行程码 travel code
今咽拭子 throat swab
今鼻拭子 nasal swab
排队 line up
封城 lockdown of the city
消毒 get disinfected
阴性 negative
阳性 positive
冠状病毒 COVID-19
核酸检测 nucleic acid test
核酸检测点 COVID test spot
核酸检测报告 COVID test result
14天隔离 a 14-day quarantine
医护人员 medical staff
減少外出 make fewer trips outside
保持社交距离 maintain social distance
核酸检测 polymerase chain reaction 更专业一点
Covid outbreak/pandemic 新冠疫情爆发
lockdown 封锁
city wide lockdown 封城
unforeseen circumstances 不可预知的情况
closely monitor this situation 密切关注形势
be quarantined 被隔离
reduce production capacity 减产
be impacted 被影响
CoVD-19 control measures 疫情防控方案
bring the epidemic under control 控制疫情
work from home 居家办公
zero tolerance policy 零容忍政策
dynamic clearing policy 动态清零政策
control rising covid infections 控制增长的新冠感染
anti-Covid fight 抗议战斗
be back to the full capacity 恢复生产