
Jin Xiaohai, born in 1963 in Linan, Zhejiang Province, graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. Professor Lu Yifei, a flower and bird painter of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, was educated. Now he is the president of Lanting Painting Academy in Hangzhou, the academician of Ziguang Pavilion Painting Academy in Zhongnanhai, the member of Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center of China Federation of Fine Arts, the researcher of China Academy of Fine Arts, the member of Friends of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Society of Zhejiang Province, the member of Zhejiang International Art Exchange Association, and the member First-class artist, painter, professor. Guoli is for artists, painters of China's intangible cultural heritage and background painters of the G20 Summit Hall.


▲1 齐白石

▲2 林散之

▲3 张大千

▲4 于右任

▲5 刘海粟

▲6 郭沫若

▲7 徐悲鸿

▲8 启功

▲9 李可染

▲10 沈尹默

▲11 林风眠

▲12 沙孟海

▲13 傅抱石

▲14 舒同

▲15 潘天寿

▲16 赵朴初

▲17 关山月

▲18 刘炳森

▲19 石鲁

▲20 沈鹏

▲21 黄宾虹

▲22 张海

▲23 吴冠中

▲24 言恭达

▲25 吴作人

▲26 朱乃正

▲27 陆俨少

▲28 欧阳中石

▲29 李苦禅

▲30 费新我

▲31 王雪涛

▲32 刘自椟

▲33 白雪石

▲34 沈延毅

▲35 朱屺瞻

▲36 陆维钊

▲37 董寿平

▲38 王蘧常

▲39 何海霞

▲40 李铎

▲41 程十发

▲42 沙曼翁

▲43 黎雄才

▲44 潘主兰

▲45 赵少昂

▲46 魏启后

▲47 杨善深

▲48 武中奇

▲49 赖少其

▲50 尉天池

▲51 陈大羽

▲52 周慧珺

▲53 于希宁

▲54 陈振濂

▲55 王个簃

▲56 金晓海

▲57 刘大为

▲58 王镛

▲59 黄永玉

▲60 何应辉

▲61 何家英

▲62 孙晓云

▲63 冯远

▲64 张旭光

▲65 孙敬会

▲66 金勇

▲67 范曾

▲68 王冬龄

▲69 唐云

▲70 龙开胜

▲71 吴湖帆

▲72 徐本一

▲73 黄胄

▲74 曹宝麟

▲75 汤文选

▲76 刘艺

▲77 于志学

▲78 旭宇

▲79 宋文治

▲80 胡秋萍

▲81 吴冠中《双燕》