Diabetes, an epidemic disease, is a disorder of glucose metabolism that is damaging to every tissue in the body. As such, diabetes is a gateway disease, being associated with cardiovascular and kidney disease, dementia, retinopathy and numerous other conditions. Not surprisingly, morbidity, mortality and cost to society of this preventable illness are extremely high.
As with most complex, chronic conditions, the development of DMII involves environmental exposure coupled with genetic predisposition. It is clear that DMII is strongly associated with physical inactivity, obesity, low HDL levels, excessive alcohol intake, stress and poor dietary choices. Organotoxin exposures, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), polychlorinated biphenyls and bispheno1A,among others,have also been associated with DMll,and individuals eating a typical diabetogenic diet of highly refined,Processed foods are at Particular risk for exposure,Identifying genetics has been a more elusive Path however variants in the transcription factor 7-like2 (TCF7LZ) gene,involved in insulin exocytosis,have been shown to be associated with an almost 30%increased risk of DM 2 in certain populations.
As shown in her family history, CK demonstrated a strong genetic predisposition toward heart disease and diabetes. Environmental risk factors antecedent to her diagnoses included a high stress,sedentary lifestyle with excessive sugar and alcohol intake. Further , her waist-hip ratio,considered to be a more sensitive marker of cardiovascular risk than body一mass index.
As indicated in Figure l,hemoglobin AIC,blood and urinary glucose were all markedly elevated despite being on glyburide and metformin Looking at the high一normal insulin level in relation to the Pronounced elevation of blood and urinary glucose suggested that the Pancreas was unable to Produce enough insulin to overcome resistance Allowed to continue,CK would likely have required exogenous insulin at some Point in the future. CK、use of the beta一blocker metoprolol could:150 have been contributing to the dysglycemia.,BuN, creatinine,and urinary microalbumin were within normal limits,demonstrating intact kidney function.
An elevated AIT,and an AIT/AST ratio of>1 may be early indications of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH),which is associated with type 2 diabetes. Medications including atorvastatin may increase liver enzymes.While the thyroid Panel findings were within normal limits,a TSH>2.5 has been considered indicative of subclinical hypothyroidism,Subclinical hypothyroidism occurs with significantly greater frequency in type 2 diabetics,and may contribute to dyslipidemia.
The lipid panel,including LDL,HDL and triglycrides, was with in normal limits. However,a Closer inspection of cholesterol Particle quantity and size demonstrated significantly different risk picture. .Elevated total LDL Particle quantity, despite normal LDL-C, is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetics. The markedly elevated lipoprotein is indicative of increased risk for vascular disease,particularly in diabetics. Further,Lpa is not controlled by statin therapy. Thus, individuals with type 2 diabetes with pharmaceutically controlled levels of total cholesterol may continue to have an increased risk of cardiac and cerebrovascular events based on size quantity, and type of lipoproteins present.
Vitamin D has been found lower in type 2 diabetics as compared to type 1, and inversely correlated with BMI.
Biotin deficiency is associated with impaired glucose tolerance and utilization of glucose. Biotin upregulates genes involved in lowering blood sugar, including pancreatic and hepatic glucokinase enzymes." CK also demonstrated significant elevation of two alpha-keto acids, both of which have been shown to normalize in some cases with high-dose thiamine, and may be lowered with pantothenic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and alphalipoic acid. Finally, while the level of the B functional marker methylmalonic acid was normal, B should be periodically monitored because CK was taking metformin, which has been shown to deplete this nutrient in certain individuals.
There are several possible reasons for CK's lactate elevation. An elevated blood lactate/pyruvate ratio was shown to occur in individuals on statin therapy, demonstrating a mitochondropathy and lactate is likely elevated compromised cellular respiration. It is hypothesized that urinary in diabetic patients, as plasma lactate has been shown to be. Furthermore, metformin has been shown to increase serum lactate levels.
Also found were high urinary ketoses ((β-Hydroxybutyrate), evidence for increased fatty acid beta oxidation due to insulin resistance. HMG was also mildly elevated, suggesting inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, which was expected given CK's use of the pharmaceutical inhibitor, atorvastatin. HMG-CoA reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol and CoQ10 synthesis. CoQ10 deficiency has been shown to occur in statin users. In cell studies, statin exposure causes increased oxidative DNA damage, early cell death, decreased ATP production and CoQ10 deficiency.', Taken together, the elevated lactate along with the HMG elevation may have been associated with inadequate CoQ10 availability compromising cellular respiration, causing subclinical mitochondropathy. As discussed below , the high level of Lipid peroxidation is further evidence for mitochondrial dysfunction.
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA were within normal limits, but the omega-6 fatty acid AA was elevated, providing the substrate for eicosanoid inflammatory compounds. Insulin stimulates the production of AA through up-regulation of delta-5 desaturase. AA elevation has been associated with insulin resistance.
The element insufficiencies may have contributed to the pathogenesis of CK's complaints. In brief, chromium is involved in cellular glucose uptake via potentiating insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. Indeed, elevated blood sugar itself has been proposed as a surrogate marker for chromium deficiency." Vanadium is believed to be involved in lipid and glucose metabolism.'' Selenium is a cofactor in multiple enzymes involved in glutathione and thyroid metabolism, and thus low selenium status may be contributing to increased oxidative stress (see below) as well as the mild thyroid dysfunction. Magnesium is a cofactor for some 375 enzymes, including those involved in glucose and insulin regulation. It also plays a role in modulating blood pressure by supporting smooth muscle relaxation.4' Magnesium is frequently found to be low in diabetics. Multiple essential element deficiencies also suggest compromised digestion and absorption in addition to poor dietary intake.
The elevated lipid peroxides were indicative of oxidative damage to cell membranes, which occurs with greater frequency in diabetic individuals. An association between glycemic control, A1C and lipid peroxides has been demonstrated in individuals with type 2 diabetes.`" Mitochondropathy has also been associated with increased reactive oxidative species and CoQ10 deficiency.
As discussed above, the plan for CK was based on the laboratory findings and included aggressive nutrient intervention with attention to glucose metabolism, oxidative stress, lipid abnormalities, nutrient deficiencies, and subclinical mitochondropathy Diet and exercise were important components of the plan.
On follow-up, CK presented with improved energy, reduced sugar cravings, decreased blood pressure, and a 20-pound weight-loss. She was inspired by her progress to continue exercising consistently and to focus on a healthy diet. Her follow-up laboratory data inflected her commitment: glucose and A1C were both significantly improved. Though not yet in the normal range, A1C did meet guidelines for those with type 2 diabetes. Her follow-up plan included stopping glyburide, metoprolol (which has been contribute to dysglycemia) and reducing metformin.
At her nine-month follow-up visit, CK reported her average blood sugar to be 91 and total weight loss of 30 pounds. Her sleep apnea was resolved. She was pleased with her progress, and inspired to lose 15 additional pounds, which she intended to do by increasing her routine with a personal trainer. She would continue to work with the clinician to her goals.
It is important to note that CK's weight loss may have been assisted by the resolution of her sleep apnea, as poor sleep quality is associated with weight gain or difficulty in losing weight. Also, the relatively slow rate of weight loss (30 pounds over nine months) by CK may have minimized exposure to stored organotoxins liberated from adipose tissue, making the process of weight reduction safer. Recent research has demonstrated a highly significant increase in the blood level of key fat-soluble toxins during weight loss.suggesting that a slower pace of weight loss may reduce toxic exposure."These toxins, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) hexachlorobenzene(HCB), and p,p'-dichlorophenyldichloro ethylene (DDE) are ubiquitous microcontaminants that are lipid soluble and accumulate in stored fat. Assessment of organotoxin status may be indicated prior to and during weight reduction programs.
CK ‘s nine-month follow-up laboratory data continued to reflect improvement Blood sugar was at 111, down from an original 312. Liver enzymes were at normal levels and her TSH was also improved at 1.6,It showed significant improvement with HDL at a robust 68. While still elevated at 288, Lp(a) had dropped considerably from the original measurement of 423. Vitamin D was sufficient,Urinary organic acids also showed improvement, although beta-Hydroxyisovalerate continued to be elevated, despite aggressive supplementation. Biotin is primarily produced by bacteria in the GI tract. Ongoing deficiency despite supplementation suggested possible GI imbalance. Lactate and B hydroxybutyrate were both within normal ranges, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function.
It is difficult to overstate the diabetes epidemic and its associated ramifications. Diabetes is one of the top seven causes of death in the United States, and is associated with six of the top ten causes of death. In 2007, one of every five U.S. healthcare dollars was spent caring for someone diagnosed with diabetes. According to the world Health Organization, over 220 million people worldwide now have diabetes, and deaths from diabetes are expected to double by the year 2030. However, 90% of DMII is likely preventable through lifestyle changes alone.
Excess body weight is a strong independent risk factor in diabetes, and some one in three Americans (including children) is obese or overweight.' Obesity and DMII have been closely linked to organotoxins , exposure to which is greatly increased in those who follow the typical standard American diet.z' Successful pharmacological control of DMII is achieved in fewer than 50% of all patients.' Alternatives in combating this disease are therefore urgently needed.
It is well-established that lifestyle intervention can significantly reduce the incidence of DMII. As evidenced by the above statistics, however, these interventions are infrequently used. DMII might be considered a socio-political disease, since the advent of government-subsidized foods such as wheat, soy, and high-fructose. corn syrup has led to increased consumption of processed foods and simple carbohydrates, resulting in the twin epidemics of obesity and DM2. This suggests that the solution to involvement not dissimilar to that which occurred the epidemic will require government involvement not dissimilar to that which occurred with the tobacco industry. Moreover, the technological revolution has contributed to the onset of a more sedentary lifestyle, also contributing to the disease incidence.
As in the case of CK, patient education, inspiration and self-awareness are essential factors needed to alter the diabetes epidemic. Laboratory assessment of disease risk and nutrient status guided the development of safe interventions that involved individualized diet, nutrient and lifestyle changes. Individualized therapies and education may be the key inspirational tools required to turn around the epidemic of DMII. Innovations in group treatment and sustainable behavior change are critical to help stem the rising tide of cost and suffering attributable to type 2 diabetes.