Cheesy 俗气
Cheesy food 奶酪制品
Something too superficial and too simple. No deep and sophisticated.
Eg1: Cheesy? Of course. Maybe that's why the pub is called ' The Cheshire Cheese'.
Tough times don't last. Tough people do.
A worthy, if not iconic, addition to the Marvel canon
The release of “Captain Marvel”, the 21st film in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe(奇迹电影宇宙)”, has been good for Marvel’s owners Disney, who made $550m from it over its first week, for fans of Brie Larson(布里拉森), the Oscar-winning actress who gives a wonderful performance as the film’s titular hero(名义英雄), for people nostalgic(怀旧的) for 1980s and 90s pop culture, and for old actors who wish to appear young on screen. But has it been good for women?
“Wonder Woman”, a film from Marvel’s rival(竞争对手) comic-book pantheon(漫画书万神殿), DC, was rapturously(欢天喜地的) received in 2017 not just because of the pent-up longing(被压抑的渴望) for a superhero film with a strong female lead, but because the director, Patty Jenkins, and her star, Gal Gadot, imbued their Diana with the classic characteristics of heroism(英雄主义经典特征): nobility(高贵), martial skill(军事武功技能), trustworthiness(可依赖的), compassion(同情心), and courage(有勇气). That is not an unheard(闻所未闻) of a set of characteristics for the female lead in a Hollywood film—Charlize Theron’s Imperator Furiosa in George Miller’s “Mad Max: Fury Road” had the full set, too—but it is rare. “Wonder Woman” also showed Diana (like Furiosa) to be the product of a matriarchy(母权制)—an Amazon trying to rid the world of oppressive patriarchal violence, mortal or divine(摆脱压迫性的父权暴力,凡人或神圣的世界). It wasn’t deep, and some of it was rather silly(愚蠢), but chunks of it were satisfying at a level that went beyond spectacle(场面) and charm.