【看美剧学英语】生活大爆炸1103 Sheldon为婚礼纠结 &
Too bad you didn't get your ducks in a row. 可惜你们没把事情都安排好

Hey, just a reminder-- I'm going out for drinks after work. 提醒你一下 今天下班后我要去喝酒

I'm not setting her up with Raj. 我才不要撮合她跟Raj

Why don't I wait a little and get to know her? 何不稍微等到我更了解她之后呢

What are the odds? 有缘分啊

Hi. Ruchi. 我叫Ruchi

What's wrong? 怎么啦

That's terrific. 那太棒了

I'm just trying to make a point. 我只是举个例子嘛

If you and Bernadette want to talk about America, that's cool with us. 如果你跟B想聊美国的事 我们没意见的

Let me get you started. 我来帮你们起个头吧

Stuart's struggling financially. But he doesn't let that get him down. 他经济上有些困难 但他并没有因此被击垮

They both sound awesome. 听起来都超赞

I'm up for anything, as long as I'm with you. 做什么都可以 只要在你身边就行

So just 'cause she's brown, you get to date her? 就因为她是棕色人种 你就可以和她约会吗

How about we flip a coin? 我们掷硬币决定怎么样

Doesn't this girl get a word in all of this? 那女生对此事不该有发言权吗

Why is this sleep-talking thing bothering you anyway? 你为什么对说梦话这事耿耿于怀

You name one little change I was upset with. 举个我对小改变不开心的例子

All right, let's start over. 好吧 重新来过

Here you go. 给你

It's too bad Stuart couldn't make it. 他来不了真可惜

Not to say that I don't worry about him. 倒不是说我不担心他

Speaking of which, he's allowed to live near them now. 说起这个 他又能合法地住在学校附近了

I didn't think you were gonna make it. 我都没想到你能来呢

Ruchi and I are really hitting it off. 我们真的很有火花

So what's going on? 你们在聊什么呢

Why don't we please save your questions till the end? 不如把问题留到最后再问吧

Is there anything I can do to help? 我能帮你做点什么吗