
2019-01-28  本文已影响1人  绿逸


①“大约”about, around, roughly, approximately, some, more or less, in the neighborhood of, or so, or thereabout, in the rough

②“少于”less than, fewer than, under, below, within

③ “多于”more than, over, above ,upwards of, and more


① 分数表示方法:分子—基数词,分母—序数词

Eg: 2/3 two thirds

② 复杂分数:over表示分数线

Eg: 20/75 twenty over seventy-five

③ 分母较大时

Eg: 4/123 four over one hundred and twenty-three

or four over one-two-three


① 百分数读法:读完数字后直接加Percent。

Eg: 5.08% five point 0 eight percent

② 百分比的表达方法

Eg: account for; constitute; make up; comprise; form

③ 百分点: percentage point


① 两倍twice (as much as; more than); double; increase by 100%

② 三倍three times; triple; increase by 200%

③ 四倍 four times; fourfold; quadruple; increase by 300%

④ 四倍以上8-fold; 10-fold


① “翻两番”= 四倍

Eg: 到2012年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到40,000亿美元左右

By 2012, China’s GDP will quadruple that of 2000 to approximately USD 4trillion.

② 一成=10%

Eg: 今年的粮食产量比去年增长2成3。

The output of grain this year has increased by 23% over last year.



上升: to rise a rise

增加: to increase an increase

提高: to climb a climb

暴涨: to jump a jump

高得多: a great deal( far/much/dramatically)higher



下降 to fall a fall

下跌 to drop a drop

下滑 to decline a decline

减少 to decrease a decrease

暴跌,跳水 a sharp drop

略微低于 fractionally ( marginally) lower

稍低于 slightly( a little) lower

远低于 considerably (substantially) lower

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