练习材料:Lesson 1 A private conversation原文:why did the writer complain to the people behind him?Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ‘It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'
[waɪ] [dɪd] [ðə] [ˈraɪtər] [kəmˈpleɪn] [tu] [ðə] [ˈpipəl] [bɪˈhaɪnd] [hɪm]? 5s
[læst] [wik] [aɪ] [wɛnt] [tu] [ðə] [ˈθiətər]. 3s
[aɪ] [hæd] [ə] [ˈvɛri] [gʊd] [sit]. 3s
[ðə] [pleɪ] [wʌz] [ˈvɛri] [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]. 3s
[aɪ] [dɪd] [nɑt] [ɛnˈʤɔɪ] [ɪt]. 2s
[ə] [jʌŋ] [mən] [ænd] [ə] [jʌŋ] [ˈwʊmən] [wɜr] [ˈsɪtɪŋ] [bɪˈhaɪnd] [mi]. 5s
[ðeɪ] [wɜr] [ˈtɔkɪŋ] [ˈlaʊdli]. [aɪ] [gɑt] [ˈvɛri] [ˈæŋgri]. 4s
[aɪ] [kʊd] [nɑt] [hir] [ði] [ˈæktərz]. [aɪ] [tɜrnd] [raʊnd]. 5s
[aɪ] [lʊkt] [æt] [ðə] [mən] [ænd] [ðə] [ˈwʊmən] [ˈæŋgrəli]. 4s
[ðeɪ] [dɪd] [nɑt] [peɪ] [ˈɛni] [əˈtɛnʃən]. 3s
[ɪn] [ði] [ɛnd], [aɪ] [kʊd] [nɑt] [bɛr] [ɪt]. 4s
[aɪ] [tɜrnd] [raʊnd] [əˈgɛn]. 3s
[aɪ] [kænt] [hir] [ə] [wɜrd]!' 3s
[aɪ] [sɛd] [ˈæŋgrəli]. 3s
[ɪts] [nʌn] [ʌv] [jʊər] [ˈbɪznəs],' [ðə] [jʌŋ] [mən] [sɛd] [ˈrudli]. 6s
[ðɪs] [ɪz] [ə] [ˈpraɪvət] [ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃən]!' 3s
本次音频时长:59S = 0.0163889H
知识笔记:今日专练n音发音/n/发音方法:1、发/n/音时,舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍。2、气流从鼻腔泄出发出声音。3、同时声带震动。4、当/n/出现在音节结尾处时要略微延长,以防止吞没末尾的/n/。文章中出现带n的单词:complain behind went interesting not man and woman turned round attention in again none business conversation
连读:I had a very ; went to; enjoy it; looked at; bear it.
短语:pay attention 注意; I could not bear it 我无法忍受; none of your business 不关你的事。
习题中的短语: Have a conversation with sb. 和某人谈话;Out of the question 不可能的;Beyond all question 毫无疑问;In black and white 白纸黑字;Play a role in 扮演角色;
点评我:XY- 武汉- 公路设计 听了3遍你教科书般的朗读 不过听你段中“I”的音发的有些重,感觉要是读轻一些会不会更有英语的味道呢
我点评:@[00]XY-武汉-公路设计 点评已收到last的a你读的是梅花音那个a和音频里的不一样; theatre的ie和音频里的不一样;very的v读成了w;enjoy it可以连读,后面的i弱度;talking的al听着不对;looked at可以连读look tat ;the acters 的the浊化;I Can't得can你读成了cang't;none读成了no;conversation的ei音没有读出来;你好像没有跟着音频读哦~
@【01:02】Joy Song- 第一条的very的e听着弱,有点怪;bear it读成了hear it ;
@小涵 六安 教育 went to第一个t可以弱读会更好听;第二个very的e多了r音;bear it的r读成了l音;angry angrily的ang读an的音,听音频里这样读的;conversation的tion读的不对。