
pod "VKVideoPlayer", "~> 0.1.1"
使用目标地址初始化播放器, VC
VKVideoPlayerViewController *viewController = [[VKVideoPlayerViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController playVideoWithStreamURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
self.player = [[VKVikiVideoPlayer alloc] initWithVideoPlayerView:[[VKVikiVideoPlayer alloc] init]];
self.player.delegate = self;
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view;
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view toView:(UIView*)parentView;
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view toView:(UIView*)parentView forOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientationMask)orientation;
// Display newButton when screen is landscape mode. [self.player.view addSubviewForControl:newButton toView:self.player.view forOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape]
To run the Demo project; clone the repo, and run pod install
from the VKVideoPlayer directory first.
After installed pod, open VKVideoPlayer.xcworkspace
in Xcode to run Demo Application.
VKVideoPlayer is available through CocoaPods, to install
it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "VKVideoPlayer", "~> 0.1.1"
Getting Start
Simple way to play Http Live Streaming contents.
VKVideoPlayerViewController *viewController = [[VKVideoPlayerViewController alloc] init];
[self presentModalViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController playVideoWithStreamURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
Video Player
It is able to use customized video player view.
self.player = [[VKVikiVideoPlayer alloc] initWithVideoPlayerView:[[VKVikiVideoPlayer alloc] init]];
self.player.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:self.player]
Also VKVideoPlayerView
has simple way for additional control.
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view;
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view toView:(UIView*)parentView;
- (void)addSubviewForControl:(UIView *)view toView:(UIView*)parentView forOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientationMask)orientation;
// Display newButton when screen is landscape mode.
[self.player.view addSubviewForControl:newButton toView:self.player.view forOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape]
To cofigure VKVideoPlayer, there are some properties.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL forceRotate;
This property can change behavior of orientation. If UIViewController has only Portrait mode, but it can rotate to Landscape when set it YES
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect portraitFrame;
This property is used when rotate to Portrait by forceRotate. Video player view will be this frame size.
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect landscapeFrame;
This property is used when rotate to Landscape by forceRotate. Video player view will be this frame size.
To customize subtitles, there are some way.
To change font size, use VKSharedUtility. There are 3 values.
// value accepts @0, @1, @2 or @3;
// @0 : Tiny
// @1 : Medium
// @2 : Large
// @3 : Huge
[VKSharedUtility setValue:@1 forKey:kVKSettingsSubtitleSizeKey];
Or you can override following method to customize caption style.
- (DTCSSStylesheet*)captionStyleSheet:(NSString*)color {
float fontSize = 1.3f;
float shadowSize = 1.0f;
switch ([[VKSharedUtility setting:kVKSettingsSubtitleSizeKey] integerValue]) {
case 1:
fontSize = 1.5f;
case 2:
fontSize = 2.0f;
shadowSize = 1.2f;
case 3:
fontSize = 3.5f;
shadowSize = 1.5f;
DTCSSStylesheet* stylesheet = [[DTCSSStylesheet alloc] initWithStyleBlock:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"body{\
text-align: center;\
font-size: %fem;\
font-family: Helvetica Neue;\
font-weight: bold;\
color: %@;\
text-shadow: -%fpx -%fpx %fpx #000, %fpx -%fpx %fpx #000, -%fpx %fpx %fpx #000, %fpx %fpx %fpx #000;\
vertical-align: bottom;\
}", fontSize, color, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize, shadowSize]];
return stylesheet;
Delegate methods
VKVideoPlayer has a delegate protocol VKVideoPlayerDelegate
You can use it for your application's logging or other controls.
There are all @optional
- (BOOL)shouldVideoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer changeStateTo:(VKVideoPlayerState)toState;
This method is called before changing state. You can prevent changing state of video player if you return NO
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer willChangeStateTo:(VKVideoPlayerState)toState;
This method is before changing state. also before -shouldVideoPlayer:changeStateTo:
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didChangeStateFrom:(VKVideoPlayerState)fromState;
This method is called after changing state.
- (BOOL)shouldVideoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer startVideo:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track;
This method is called before loading video. You can prevent before it makes traffic if video shouldn't play.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer willStartVideo:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track;
This method is called before starting video. You cannot stop video here.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didStartVideo:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track;
This method is called after starting video.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didPlayFrame:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track time:(NSTimeInterval)time lastTime:(NSTimeInterval)lastTime;
This method is called every second during playing video.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didPlayToEnd:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track;
This method is called finished to play video. You can start to play next video here.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didControlByEvent:(VKVideoPlayerControlEvent)event;
This method is called when user did some actions.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didChangeSubtitleFrom:(NSString*)fronLang to:(NSString*)toLang;
This method is called when user changed bottom caption language.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer willChangeOrientationTo:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation;
This method is called before rotating animation.
- (void)videoPlayer:(VKVideoPlayer*)videoPlayer didChangeOrientationFrom:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation;
This method is called after rotating animation.
- (void)handleErrorCode:(VKVideoPlayerErrorCode)errorCode track:(id<VKVideoPlayerTrackProtocol>)track customMessage:(NSString*)customMessage;
This method is called when ocurred an error.
Available Subtitle Formats
iOS 5.0 or later
VKVideoPlayer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.