May2.I believe in making every experience educational .我相信,每一次经历都能让我成长。#《热舞甜心》
May3.You can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly know them.不要试图定义别人,除非你真正了解他。#《童洁镇》
May4..Hope comes to the young as naturally as spring rains.希望如春雨般倾洒在年轻人身上。#今日青年节
May5..There's nothing more precious than dreams.没有什么比梦想更珍贵的了。
May6.Summer's coming. I smelled it.夏天来了,我闻到了它的气息。#今日立夏
May7.Sometimes you have to go for it.有时就是得放手一搏。#《办公室》
May8.Chance favors the prepared mind.机遇青睐有准备的人。#《妮基塔》
May9.Home is where the heart is.心之所在即为家。#《完美音调3》
May10.I'm not leaving anything to chance.命运掌握在自己手中。#《幽灵与莫莉》
May11.It's not enough to say you love someone; you have to show it.爱不是说说而已,还要付出行动。#《九条命》
May12.There's so much in life to savour.人生需要细细品味。#《万物生灵》
May13.Fight for what you want.去争取想要的生活吧。#《妮基塔》
May14.Nobody loves you like a mother.母亲的爱是独一无二的.#今日母亲节
May15.There are no perfect men in this world.没有人是完美的.#《侠盗王子罗宾汉》
May16.Spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself.多花点时间与自己相处。
May17.The only life worth living is one that you're really passionate about.真正的生活,是爱你所爱。#《欢乐合唱团》
May18.Life is simple,You make choices and you don't look back.生活很简单:做出选择,并坚定向前。#《速度与激情10》
May19.We have nothing to fear but fear itself.我们要克服的,只有恐惧本身。#《三人行》
May20.Love is like the wind.I can't see it,but I can't feel it.爱就像风,看不见,但能感觉得到。#《初恋的回忆》
May21.Think before you act.三思而后行。#《狮子护卫队》
May22.Half a dream is better than nothing.尚未实现的梦想也好过碌碌无为。#《豪斯医生》
May23.Every family loves differently.Every love is unique.每个家庭的爱都是独一无二的。#《汉尼拔》
May24.Enjoy it while it lasts.享受眼前的快乐吧。《怪诞小镇》
May25.Trust breeds trust.You have to give it to get it.信任是相互的:只有信任他人,才能收获信任。#《吸血鬼日记》
May26.Knowledge is priceless.知识是无价的。#《恶搞之家》
May27.You cannot find peace by avoiding life.你不能靠逃避生活来获取安逸。#《时时刻刻》
May28.Let bygones be bygones.过去的事就让它过去吧。#《王冠》
May29.Trust your own judgment.相信自己的判断。#《记忆碎片》
May30.The steps you take don't need to be big;They just need to take you in the right direction.步伐不必太大,只要方向正确就好。#《神盾局特工》
May31.Without the dark night,we would never see the bright stars.没有黑夜,哪来的璀璨星光。#《姐妹》