教会必须同时变大和变小。 教会越大,越要意识到越小越好,小组是在更大的教会家庭内创建微型社区的理想方式。每个会众都是教会团契的成员,是协会,兴趣小组,支持者的组合。
上周,我与你分享了圣经团体十大基石的前五个。 在第二部分,我分享了其他五个。
这是关键,因为旁边的恐惧,骄傲破坏关系比任何其他的更快。这就是为什么彼得前书5:5对我们作为信徒如此重要。 “......彼此谦卑地彼此相爱......”(【彼前5:5】你们年幼的也要顺服年长的。就是你们众人也都要以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服,“因为神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”)谦卑意味着诚实地说我的弱点,因为我有弱点。谦卑是当我犯了一个错误,愿意承认错误,因为我们都会犯错。 谦卑使我们能够说出七个最困难的词“我需要你的帮助”。三个最难的词,“我错了”。三个最难的词,“原谅我”。
事实上,每一个团契都是由不完美的人组成的,所以人们会受到伤害。问题是,你如何处理伤害?它将决定团契是分裂还是保持在一起。你如何处理生活的诚实,生活的冲突?“你必须允许对方犯错误,并原谅你冒犯你的人。 记住,主赦免你,所以你必须原谅别人。“仁慈的动机? 上帝对我是仁慈的。 如果你称自己是一个基督徒,当他们请求宽恕时,你必须向人们表示仁慈。
这是第十和最高的基石。 合一是团契的最终巅峰。 我们在哪里得到合一?我们围绕神的目的发现合一,而不是围绕个性。 你可以有合一而不同样。 上帝希望我们大家都一样吗? 上帝希望我们合一?是。 使徒行传的前五章中有十次说:“他们是一致的。 他们是合一的...他们都在一起......他们是一心一意的...一个灵“。当我们在教会中有使徒行传的合一时,我们将在我们的教会中我们将有使徒行传中的能力。
Churches must grow larger and smaller at the same time. The larger a church gets, the more intentional it has to be about being smaller, and small groups are the ideal way to create micro-communities within the larger church family. Every congregation is a fellowship of fellowships, a combination of associations, interest groups, and constituencies.
Last week, I shared with you thefirst five of ten building blocks for biblical community. In this second part, I’m sharing the other five.
6. Humility
This is key because next to fear, pride destroys relationships more quickly than anything else. That’s why 1 Peter 5:5 is so important for us as believers.“…clothe yourself with humility towards one another…”Humility means being honest about my weaknesses because I have them. Humility is being willing to admit it when I’ve made a mistake because we all do. Humility enables us to say the four most difficult words, “I need your help.” The three most difficult words, “I was wrong.” The two most difficult words, “Forgive me.”
7. Honesty
Most people don’t have anyone in their lives who loves them enough to be honest with them, to be frank with them, to tell them the truth. The Bible says,“Speak the truth in love.”Being candid and being connected go together. Healthy relationships and healthy groups are built on honesty and not on flattery or on faking it.
8. Mercy
The fact is, every fellowship is composed of imperfect people so people are going to be hurt. The issue is, how do you handle the hurt? It’ll determine whether the fellowship splits up or stays together. How do you handle the honesty of life, the conflicts of life?“You must make allowances for each other’s faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you so you must forgive others.”The motivation for mercy? God’s been merciful to me. If you call yourself a Christian you have to show mercy to people when they ask forgiveness.
9. Confidentiality
Fellowship is built on confidentiality. You’ll never develop any close fellowship in your small group without confidentiality. In fact, the quickest way to destroy a small group is gossip. There are dozens of verses on gossip. God has a lot to say on gossip. He says,“No one who gossips can be trusted with a secret, but you can put confidence in someone who’s trustworthy.”The church and small groups ought to be the safest place in the world.
10. Unity
This is the tenth and the highest building block. Unity is the ultimate pinnacle of fellowship. Where do we get unity? We discover unity around God’s purposes, not around a personality. You can have unity without uniformity. Does God want us all to be alike? No. Does God want us to be unified? Yes. Ten times in the first five chapters of Acts it says,“They were of one accord. They were unified… They were all together… They were of one heart… of one spirit.”When we have the unity of the book of Acts in our church we will have the power of the book of Acts in our church.