
The Last Guardian:最后的守护者(上)

2017-08-25  本文已影响0人  月亮艺世界

英音在线 —— The Last Guardian ——「相逢恨晚の游戏」



游戏的导演设计者:Fumito Ueda(上田文人)


The Last Guardianis an action-adventure video game developed by SIE Japan Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 in December 2016. InThe Last Guardian, players control a boy who befriends a giant half-bird-half-mammal creature, Trico……

翻译:《最后的守护者》是一部由索尼互动娱乐于2016年12月发布在 Playstation4 的由日本SIE工作室开发的动作冒险型的影视游戏。在《最后的守护者》这部游戏中,玩家作为主角(一个小男孩)与一只巨大的似鸟又似猫或者狗的动物建立了友情,它的名字叫:垂扣(Trico)……


Team Ico began developingThe Last Guardianin 2007. It was designed and directed by Fumito Ueda, and shares stylistic, thematic, and gameplay elements with his previous titlesICO(2001)andShadow of the Colossus(2005).

翻译:Ico团队于2007年开始研发游戏《最后的守护者》。由 Fumito Ueda(上田文人)设计和指导,为他之前的作品 ICO(2001)和“巨人之影”(2005)类似的主题、元素、风格,《最后的守护者》是他们的姊妹篇。


英文原作:Ross Foubister(罗斯)

Ross 是 Nintendō 杂志英国(任天堂杂志英国版)特邀邀请的作家、点评家。他同时也是2017年夏在英国 Glasgow 举办的国际游戏展中的 Organizer 组织者之一……


Luna 是我们英文文献翻译的编撰者和志愿者。英国北境苏格兰5年的深入当地的学习生活工作令她对世界文化富有极浓厚的兴趣。她极热忱和专注地投入使她逐渐架起了一座东西文明和文化的桥梁……

Luna's report after UK Scotland (月亮在英国苏格兰的采访感言):


其实这部 RPG 早在2016年12月就正版发布了,Ross 是在发布的那天拿到了这部游戏,也就是去年年底。而那时我正在忙于中国北京的英语教学工作,工作特别繁多,也许我这个人就是有点喜欢把工作“磨成灰烬,自找麻烦”罢,我那时候辛苦的每天只有几个小时的睡眠还不够用,所以无暇旁骛。

Anyway,《最后的守护者》的英文名叫The Last Guardian!而直到我通关整个游戏时,这段情节才真正展现在我的眼前,我尽量避免剧透。游戏中,每一点每一滴与它的相伴之路都让我无法忘记这个朋友 Trico!我玩的正是 Ross 的英文版的正版游戏。一提到这个,稍等……



在与 Ross 谈话中,我了解到他们大多数的年轻人即使很穷困的时候,也仍然会想办法比如节衣缩食省下钱来(要知道他们的文化中还没人教育过他们做人要“勤俭节约”),然后去购买官方正版的游戏……我问他,这样做的“动机”或者说“原因”是什么呢?他说这是对(游戏)的创造者(或)制作者的 Respect(尊重)和对他们的辛勤劳动的支持。






Anyway,回过头,继续游戏,当我快走完《最后的守护者》异世界中与它的全部生活后的我,旋转着手中的 controller(游戏手柄),“我”与 Trico 之间“忠贞的友情”。看得出在 Trico 的设计和缔造上,Artists 们是经过了相当的体验和生活实践才设计出的这只 monster!而养过宠物或者喜爱动物的朋友们也许会对这游戏尤其有感觉。真是十年磨一剑!游戏设计者Fumito Ueda 用了整整十年的时间才发布了这个作品。我不得不敬佩他的天分和敬业,这样有感情和深度的 RPG,没愧对那十年。

关于游戏影评,以前玩过《ICO》和《旺达与巨像》的朋友们可能会感到轻松很多,因为 Ross 在这篇《最后的守护者》中,纵向的提及了那两个游戏。好了, 我们现在来看一看这个视频!我把原文视频先放上来,同时把视频中所说的英文也写出来了。

好啦,给大家一个学习英文的挑战!本期呢,就先用我们以往学过的英语并用语感尝试看一遍这篇英文原视频,看你能看懂多少啦?(虽然难度比较大,但不要担心,学英语,最难得也是最有效的方法是就“模仿”和“重复”!亲爱的宝贝们,加油!)在下一期中我会把Luna 先生的翻译放上来的。🙂

The Video Maker:The Last Guardian —— by Ross Foubister

游戏 The Last Guardian:Ross 英文原版_腾讯视频

这是游戏“最后的守护者”影评的视频中的英文原文,如下是我把 Ross 所说的英文写了下来 —— 英文字幕:

The core of Fumito Ueda’s appeal is his ability to convey emotions and abstract ideas. Not through music or cinematics, but through direct gameplay. Gameplay can make you feel excited or scared – That’s easy – but moments of gameplay in Ueda’s games can make you feel sadness, regret, relief, loneliness, hope or dread. Ueda’s games make you take part in stories in very real, very physical ways. You’re not completing objectives and triggering cutscenes, you’re actively taking part in the plot twists and reacting to the characters in a way that’s unique to video games. The developers go out of their way to avoid scripted sequences. They’re games about the actions you take in these situations, and the real risks you overcame.

Judged as action games, this spiritual series doesn’t hold up. The controls are awkward, there’s weird collision issues, and quite often, they’re not fun. Ico’s combat is chore and a struggle, but intentionally so. If you were enjoying it, that would take you out of the emotion of the scene. If killing colossi felt like killing straightforward, fun video game bosses, the story would have no weight or impact.

I think The Last Guardian does the best job of this out of the three.

In The Last Guardian, there’s emotional intention behind everything. It starts incredibly subtly with a prompt to move the character during what looked like a cutscene. This is a terrific way to start the game that follows. A game that often makes you feel powerless to act in a meaningful way is urging to interact in a moment you assumed you had no active role in. Maybe that sounds wanky, but I insist that by the time The Last Guardian is over, there will be moments where you are hammering the buttons, trying to take control of the situation, unsure whether or not you can do anything.

Trico is the key to all of the game’s emotion. You’re always trying to figure out how he’s feeling, and why he’s feeling that way, because understanding him is how you’ll move forward. He’s huge and powerful, but also wounded, timid and vulnerable. When you first encounter him, he’s very defensive and hostile towards you, but throughout the game, you’ll earn his trust, and he’ll do more and more incredible things for you. Trico’s design is perfect for the role he plays in the game. The design team must have put in a lot of work to make him seem strange and intimidating, but also entirely convincing and natural. He has characteristics of dogs, cats, birds and rodents. If you’ve ever owned a pet, you’ll likely see little quirks in Trico that remind you of them. Not only is it deeply endearing, but it’ll help you understand how he’s feeling, and maybe what you can do to encourage him. Trico can be difficult to work with, but it’s key to the idea of the game that he has a mind of his own, and he’s not always completely focused on what you want to do. This is a wild animal you found, and now it’s following you, curiously, but it doesn’t really know why you’re doing what you’re doing. You just have to get him to trust you, and that’s what the game is all about. Trico isn’t a component in a piece of software, he’s an active entity existing within the rigid stone structures of the game.

I love the relationship between this lost rural village boy and this strange monster. I like the idea that he’s likely seen how his community works with and relies on animals, but he’s also got this childish faith in that Trico could do anything. It feeds into the game. Seeing him stubbornly instruct Trico, stamping his feet and making grand gestures all builds into who the boy is, and how he thinks of Trico. Seeing the futility of his support when Trico is in peril lends the game a terrific pathos, and urges your investment.

I haven’t spent much time discussing The Last Guardian in its fundamental gamey qualities, because it feels almost like you’re missing the point if you focus on that stuff. I mean, the puzzles here are of the same high standard you’d expect from this team, but that’s not why you’re in this. The Last Guardian is all about these two characters, their dependence on each other and their struggle for freedom. Every new section brings adds something to your understanding of them, the world, and their situation. These don’t feel like levels in a video game, but valuable parts of a story, and that’s the game’s greatest achievement. Any great game you can think of can’t help but rely on gamey structure and challenges every now and then to help pad out the experience or keep the player interested, but making Trico such an active, unpredictable element within The Last Guardian keeps you focused. If he’s not helping, you feel a duty to get him back on board. Sometimes the story doesn’t feel important. It’s enough just to be in these places with this terrific creature.

There are moments in The Last Guardian I could pick apart and really discuss, second by second, discussing what they tell the player, both as an active participant, and as an audience member. I wouldn’t want to spoil them for anybody. All I can do is encourage you to play the game and have a good old think about the big moments.

The Last Guardian is my favourite game of 2016. It’s a hundred new reasons why I love video games. It’s one of my favourite games of all time. Nonomori.

(Songs in the video are “Castle in the Mist” and “You Were There” by Michiru Oshima)



