1. IFA SmartBrief
🧡 Franchises must stay nimble in challenging times
Franchise: ---> review 20200519
nimble: adj. quick and light in movement or action; agile.
🧡 Home care sector poised for growth
poise: ---> review 20200521
poised for: ready for something; in the right position and waiting for something.
eg. The cat stared at the mouse, poised for action.
poised for growth: 蓄势待发
🧡 See the webinar schedule
webinar: a seminar conducted over the Internet
🧡 Opinion: Calif. labor law creates confusion for franchises
confusion: n. <--- confuse: v.
2. Airlines for America SmartBrief
🧡 Southwest CEO pledges to limit bookings through July
pledge: v. commit (a person or organization) by a solemn (庄重的, formal and dignified) promise.
n. a solemn promise or undertaking.
🧡 Alaska Airlines lauded for diversity commitment
laud: praise (a person or their achievements) highly, especially in a public context.
赞美, 特别是公开赞美
3. SmartBrief on Leadership
🧡 How does your strategy hold up to the competition
hold up: phrasal verb. to remain strong or success. 保持,稳住
hold-up: a delay or a crime, 延迟耽误/ 暴力