about uniforms(调查结果)
Unlukaly,there are only 9 students who answeared our guestionnaire,and 5 of them are not girls in grade 5~8.so the data is not very usefull
The first question is:what do you think of wearing uniforms in winter?
50% of them said it's too cold,50%of them said it's fine,but non of them thought it's good or very good .So that means most of the girls think we need uniforns that is thicker in winter
The second question is:what do you thinka bout wearingu niforms in summer.2 5%.ft hem choose hot,and 75%.of themc. hoose fine,still, noo ne think that it is good.So having a shirt is not tooT nessasery ,but it is better.
he third question is the style of the unifors.All of them think the uniform'ss tyle needs improvement S.o we need toimprove the style of the uniform
Checking the data,most of the student's Prefer long Pants with long coats or short coats.
So that means the main problem is too cold,so we need to be warmer in winter.
The last question is:How often do youwear uniforms.75% of them ansrweade:once a mouth and on important days
So that mears they wear uniforms only to abey the rules
This is the end of our questionnaare.As you can see,all of the girls want the uniform to be better,and that means.the wniform can change until everyonewants to wear it every day