Learning Game Development音视频研发Unity shader


2019-01-21  本文已影响226人  阿知賀




描边(Outline)或者叫做勾线,简单来说就是给模型加边,在卡通渲染中,给人一种手绘的效果。描边的原理其实是边缘检测(Edge Detection), 在图像处理(Image Processing)中,很多时候我们需要检测边缘。先看边缘检测的定义:

Edge detection includes a variety of mathematical methods that aim at identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities. The points at which image brightness changes sharply are typically organized into a set of curved line segments termededges.

边缘检测(英语:Edge detection)是图像处理计算机视觉中的基本问题,边缘检测的目的是标识数字图像亮度变化明显的点。

图像是由像素点组合成的集合,如果把它转换到频域(Frequency Domain)上来看,图像包含了不同频率的信号,边缘则是信号变化最剧烈的地方。所以实际上,边缘检测就是检测到信号变化超过一定阈值的像素点,将其标记为边缘。

现在有很多的信号检测的算法,比较常用的有Sobel, Laplacian, Canny filter等。本人主要研究了前两种,关于它们的具体算法,网上有很多的介绍,这里给两篇本人看过的介绍(边缘检测的三种算法介绍The Sobel and Laplacian Edge Detectors)。本文不会介绍太多的算法推导和细节,总结起来,边缘检测其实是信号系统的滤波器的那一套理论。在时域上(Spatial Domain)对信号相乘,相对于在频域上对信号做卷积convolution)。如果对卷积和傅里叶变换(特别是快速傅里叶变换FFT- Fast Fourier Transform离散傅里叶变换DFT- Discrete Fourier Transform)感兴趣,可以自行百度谷歌。

上述几个边缘检测算法,其核心在于卷积核(Convolution Kernel), Sobel Kernel通常采用两个3x3的矩阵来表示。由于Sobel滤波是检测一个方向上(一阶)的色彩或者亮度的梯度变化,所以需要在水平和垂直方向进行两次卷积。其两个卷积核(Sobel算子 - Sobel Operator)分别如下:





本人在Unreal Engine4(UE4)中尝试实现了这两个描边shader,不过蓝图颇为复杂,不如代码适合学习和展示。所以这次的实现使用Unity Shader来展示。UE4中的结果如果有时间的话可能会在另一篇文章中放出来。

本人在具体实现时大量参考了Manifold GardenMy take on shaders: Edge detection image effectUnity-Chan日语原文)的实现方式。毕竟刚开始学习的最好方式就是模仿。

下面分三种方式实现描边Shader: 分别是基于Sobel和色彩(Sobel Color)的实现,基于Sobel和深度纹理的实现(Sobel Depth)和基于Laplacian的深度加上法线(Laplacian Depth and Normal)的实现。

因为边缘检测基本都是在Pixel(Fragment)Shader中实现,因此vertex shader中就不需要做什么处理,我们先把vertex shader的代码放出来。

        _MainTex("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
        _TestColor("Test color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) // For Testing, Mask the background color


    uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
    uniform sampler2D _MainTex_ST;
    uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
    sampler2D_float _CameraDepthTexture;
    sampler2D _CameraDepthNormalsTexture;

    uniform float4 _EdgeColor;
    uniform float _Exponent;
    uniform float _SampleDistance; // To control the edge width
    uniform float _FilterPower;
    uniform float _Threshold;
    uniform float4 _TestColor;
    uniform float _BgFade;
    uniform float3 _LightDir; // For toon shading
    uniform int _bToonShader;

    struct appdata
        float4 vertex: POSITION;
        float4 normal: NORMAL;
        float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;

    struct v2f
        float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;
        float4 vertex: SV_POSITION;

    v2f vert(appdata v)
        v2f o;
        o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
        o.uv = v.uv;
        return o;

Sobel Color


    float4 fragColor(v2f i) : COLOR
                // Sample surrounding 9 pixels
        float2 offsets[9] = {
            float2(-1, 1),
            float2(0, 1),
            float2(1, 1),
            float2(-1, 0),
            float2(0, 0),
            float2(1, 0),
            float2(-1, -1),
            float2(0, -1),
            float2(1, -1)

        float3x3 sobelHorizontal = float3x3(
            -1, 0, 1,
            -2, 0, 2,
            -1, 0, 1
        float3x3 sobelVertical = float3x3(
            -1, -2, -1,
            0, 0, 0,
            1, 2, 1
        float4 sobelH = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        float4 sobelV = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        float2 adjacentPixel = _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * _SampleDistance;
        for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
            for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                sobelH += tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + offsets[m * 3 + n] * adjacentPixel) * sobelHorizontal[m][n];
                sobelV += tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + offsets[m * 3 + n] * adjacentPixel) * sobelVertical[m][n];

        float sobel = sqrt(sobelH * sobelH + sobelV * sobelV);
                // Above steps calculate sobel result of color

        float4 sceneColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
        // Get edge value based on sobel value and threshold
        float edgeMask = saturate(lerp(0.0f, sobel, _Threshold));
        float3 EdgeMaskColor = float3(edgeMask, edgeMask, edgeMask);
        sceneColor = lerp(sceneColor, _TestColor, _BgFade);

        float3 finalColor = saturate((EdgeMaskColor * _EdgeColor.rgb) + (sceneColor.rgb - EdgeMaskColor));
        return float4(finalColor, 1);




float3 finalColor = saturate((EdgeMaskColor * _EdgeColor.rgb) + (sceneColor.rgb - EdgeMaskColor));




我们可以看到不仅人物的内部也能画出轮廓,背景甚至是影子都被描边了。毕竟这个方法是检测颜色的变化,如果不希望其他内容被描边的话,就需要更多地处理了(可能是stencil buffer之类的),这里暂且不提。总体上来看,Sobel color的方法效果相当不错,如果模型比较配合的话(颜色变化明显等),可以带来很棒的视觉效果。

Sobel Depth

我们再看看Sobel Depth,这里我们需要Unity把DepthTexture的模式打开,这样才能在Shader中访问到Depth值。

 Camera.main.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.Depth;

再看看Fragment Shader

float4 fragDepthSobel(v2f i) : SV_Target
        float2 offsets[9] = {
            float2(-1, 1),
            float2(0, 1),
            float2(1, 1),
            float2(-1, 0),
            float2(0, 0),
            float2(1, 0),
            float2(-1, -1),
            float2(0, -1),
            float2(1, -1)

        const float4 horizontalDiagCoef = float4(-1, -1, 1, 1);
        const float4 horizontalAxialCoef = float4(0, -1, 0, 1);
        const float4 verticalDiagCoeff = float4(1, 1, -1, -1);
        const float verticalAxialCoef = float4(1, 0, -1, 0);
        // boardlands implementation of sobel filter
        // diagonal / axial values
        float4 depthDiag;
        float4 depthAxial;

        float2 distance = _SampleDistance * _MainTex_TexelSize.xy;

        depthDiag.x = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[6] * distance)); // (-1, -1)
        depthDiag.y = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[0] * distance)); // (-1, 1)
        depthDiag.z = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[2] * distance));// (1, 1)
        depthDiag.w = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[8] * distance)); // (1, -1)

        depthAxial.x = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[3] * distance)); // (-1, 0)
        depthAxial.y = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[1] * distance)); // (0, 1)
        depthAxial.z = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[5] * distance)); // (1, 0)
        depthAxial.w = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[7] * distance)); // (0, -1)

        float centerDepth = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv));

        depthDiag /= centerDepth;
        depthAxial -= centerDepth;

        float4 sobelHorizontal = horizontalDiagCoef * depthDiag + horizontalAxialCoef * depthAxial;
        float4 sobelVertical = verticalDiagCoeff * depthDiag + verticalAxialCoef * depthAxial;

        float sobelH = dot(sobelHorizontal, float4(1, 1, 1, 1));
        float sobelV = dot(sobelVertical, float4(1, 1, 1, 1));

        float sobel = sqrt(sobelH * sobelH + sobelV * sobelV);
        sobel = 1.0 - pow(saturate(sobel), _Exponent);
        float4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv.xy);
        color = _EdgeColor * color * (1 - sobel) + sobel;
        color = color * lerp(tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv.xy), _TestColor, _BgFade);

        return color;



depthDiag.x = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[6] * distance)); // (-1, -1)
        depthDiag.y = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[0] * distance)); // (-1, 1)
        depthDiag.z = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[2] * distance));// (1, 1)
        depthDiag.w = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[8] * distance)); // (1, -1)

        depthAxial.x = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[3] * distance)); // (-1, 0)
        depthAxial.y = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[1] * distance)); // (0, 1)
        depthAxial.z = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[5] * distance)); // (1, 0)
        depthAxial.w = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv + offsets[7] * distance)); // (0, -1)


        float centerDepth = Linear01Depth(SAMPLE_DEPTH_TEXTURE(_CameraDepthTexture, i.uv));

        depthDiag /= centerDepth;
        depthAxial -= centerDepth;



很显然,Sobel Depth只能检测到外边缘,只用Depth texture很难检测到内边缘,这样描边比较复杂的模型会失去比较多的细节,需要依据具体场景取舍。本人不是很喜欢用它来描边角色模型,不过如果用它来描边物体的话还是挺不错的。

Laplacian Depth and Normal



 Camera.main.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;

Fragment shader 代码如下

    float4 fragDepthNormalLaplacian(v2f i) : SV_Target
        float4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
        float4 orValue = GetPixelValue(i.uv);
        float2 offsets[9] = {
                float2(-1, 1),
                float2(0, 1),
                float2(1, 1),
                float2(-1, 0),
                float2(0, 0),
                float2(1, 0),
                float2(-1, -1),
                float2(0, -1),
                float2(1, -1)

        float4 sampledValue = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        float3x3 laplacianOperator = float3x3(
            0, 1, 0,
            1, -4, 1,
            0, 1, 0
        float2 sampleDist = _MainTex_TexelSize * _SampleDistance;
        for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
            for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                sampledValue += GetPixelValue(i.uv + offsets[m * 3 + n] * sampleDist) * laplacianOperator[m][n];
        col = lerp(float4(1, 1, 1, 1), _EdgeColor, 1.0f - saturate(_Threshold - length(orValue - sampledValue)));
        col = col * lerp(tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv), _TestColor, _BgFade);

        return col;


    float4 GetPixelValue(in float2 uv)
        half3 normal;
        float depth;
        DecodeDepthNormal(tex2D(_CameraDepthNormalsTexture, uv), depth, normal);
        return fixed4(normal, depth);

使用了UnityCG.cginc里面的api DecodeDepthNormal




调低阈值的话,妮可的模型上噪点越多,unitychan倒是效果相当好,甚至超过了Sobel Color的方法。






  1. 3D animation expression using Unity toon shading
  2. Unityでのアニメ風表現設定ノウハウ
  3. 边缘检测的三种算法介绍
  4. The Sobel and Laplacian Edge Detectors
  5. Edge Detection Shader Deep Dive! Part 1 - Even or Thinner Edges?
  6. My take on shaders: Edge detection image effect
  7. Unity-Chan!

