
2020-03-02  本文已影响0人  果冻女士


Getting an MBA in the next five years is a realistic goal 在接下来的五年获得工商管理学硕士学位是个现实的目标。

You need more details in your goals. They have to be specific. 你的目标需要更详细。他们必须是具体的。

Getting an online certificate in project management within two years is an attainable goal. 两年内获得项目管理在线证书是个能达到的目标。

Studying computer programming is consistent with your goal of getting a job in a tech company. 学习电脑编程和你很想在科技公司找到工作的目标是一致的。

Your goal of becoming a CEO someday is great because it's ambitious. 你希望某天成为一名首席执行官的目标是了不起的,因为它是雄心勃勃的。


A: Where do you want to be or plan to be in five years? 将来的五年你想去哪或者打算要去哪?

  B: I plan to be a designer in a large corporation. 我计划在一家大公司里作一名设计师。

A: What are you going to do after college? 毕业后你打算做什么?

  B: I intend to work as an accountant. 我想做会计师工作。

A: Did you look at the questions I gave you? 你看我给你的问题了吗?

  B: Yes. They really helped me set my career goals. 是的。他们真的帮了我确立我的职业目标。

A: What is a next step for today or tomorrow for you to achieve your goals? 为了实现你的目标,下一步在今天或者明天做什么?

  B: I need to do an informational interview. 我需要做一个信息采访。

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