
2018-10-07  本文已影响0人  撒哈拉女巫






Learning provides the basis for independent thought.

Active engagement in a field  of thought of knowledge becomes critical at that stage when teachers realize that their engagement arises from the possession of enough knowledge to be confident in thinking about the field independently. Recognition of oneself as a thinker  as well as a teacher ----as someone who is part of a larger community of learning, as capable as anyone else of engaging the intellectual play of knowledge---- maybe among the most difficult transitions in teachers professional life. Yet when that transition occurs, a new world opens,  new authority is gained, and a new teacher is born---one who determines independently what is best for students and what they should know  At this stage, too , The teacher recognizes that learning is en end in itself, that not everything needs to be related to instruction, that thinking is a world without end, without known outcome.

(翻译:The elements of teaching ,James M。Banner,Jr.,Harold C.Cannon. )

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