A friend who writed poems and blowd fans together
原创:斧子 中译英:斧子的二当家
I graduated to work in 1984 and entered Hengyang city.
那时候的条件很艰苦,十多个人睡在中山北路的一个二楼的大房间里,热天来了,就让人受不了。同学大胖子进了当时的衡阳地区医院上班,现在是南华大学附一医院。他还算走 运,专业对口,分配在财务科,晚上办公室里没人。
The conditions were harsh at that time, and more than ten people slept in a large room on the second floor of Zhongshan North Road. When the heat came, it turned to be unbearable. One of my classmates, the big fatty, went to work in the Hengyang Regional Hospital at that time(now called First Hospital of Nanhua University). He was lucky as his assignment to the finance section matched his specialized field and there was no one in the office at night.
晚上闷热的受不了,我就骑着单车,跑到他的办公室吹电风扇。那时候,能够有电风扇吹,也是很奢侈的享受。两个人穿着短裤躺在光溜溜的水泥地上,一边看照片,一边写诗。 诗写的很幼稚,实际上就是在照片旁边写几句很文艺的话,青涩、笨拙,带着青春的梦幻,还有一点自我感觉良好的得意和小聪明。
I couldn't stand the sultry at night, so I rode my bike and ran to his office to blow the electric fan. At that time, it was also a luxury to have an electric fan. Two people in shorts lying on a bare concrete floor, reading pictures and writing poems. The poem was very childish, in fact, was to write a few very literary words beside the photo, green, clumsy, with the dream of youth, and a little sense of self-satisfied pride and cleverness.
我不得不承认,他对人物情绪的敏感犀利,他对文字表达的细腻传神,都远远在我之上。所以,我总在欣赏他写的那些短短的诗句,琢磨着其中流淌的欢乐和幸福。用现在流行的 话来说:他忒有才了!
I have to admit that he has a sharp sensitivity to the emotions of characters, his exquisite expression of words is far above me. Therefore, I was always appreciating his short poems, pondering the flow of joy and happiness. In the current fashion: he is so talented!
他上班很轻松,津贴补助很多,钱花不完还往银行存款,后来找了个称心如意的女朋友,所以日子越过越顺利开心。而我,天天在单位里埋头苦干,连续几年年底评上了优秀工作 者,但是,身边的人一个个升了官,却没有我的份。拿几十块钱一个月的死工资,没有任何外块和补助,日子越过越艰难。我天天苦大仇深,一肚子烦恼,就不停地写诗来发泄不 满的情绪。所谓苦难出诗人吧,所以我后来还真的出版了一本散文诗集,成了半吊子“著名诗人”。
His work duties were light and the allowance was generous, the money was too much for him so he even made some deposit. Later he found a satisfactory girlfriend, so the day went on more and more prosperous. But i worked hard every day in the national unit, rated as a good worker for several years, but the people around me all got promoted officials without a share of mine.It got harder and harder with a few dozen yuan a month as dead wages, and no extra cash and subsidies. Every day I had a deep hatred and a belly of vexation, I kept writing poems to vent discontent. The so-called suffering brings out the poet, so later I actually published a collection of prose poems and became a semi-suspended "famous poet" .
大胖子夫妻两个都在同一个单位,几十年雷打不动,风调雨顺,日子过的美好,生活很幸福。而我们当初全班的五十五个同学,其他人都经历了换单位换岗位甚至于有的还遭遇了 下岗失业的痛苦。
The big fatty couple were both in the same unit. They hadn't moved in decades, the weather had been favorable, the days had been good, and their life had been happy. But the fifty-five classmates in our class all went through shifts, and some of them suffered from layoffs except him.
大家都像浮尘里的树叶,飘来飘去,而大胖子却像风雨中的一棵大树,永远屹立在原地不动。所以,他成了我们同学中最稳靠的交通站,成了我们当中最靠谱的联络员。通过他, 我们可以随时知道其他人的状况。也通过他,才能让别人明白我们自己的处境。
Everyone was floating around like leaves in the dust, and the big fatty was like a big tree in the rain, always standing still. As a result, he had become the most reliable transportation station among our classmates and the most reliable liaison among us. Through him, we could keep track of everyone else's situation. And through him, we could make ourselves clear to others.
随着年龄越来越大,身体状况也每况愈下,医院不自觉地成了我们无法回避的所在。而身边的亲人们也离不开医院的救死扶伤,总需要往医院里花钱花时间,跟医院交朋友。这个 时候,大胖子的地位就直线上升。找他的人,一天比一天多起来。
As we got elder and our health deteriorated, the hospital became something we can't avoid. And the relatives also could not leave the help of hospital, we always needed to spend money and time in the hospital, to make friends with the hospital. Well, that's when the fatty's position went straight up. More and more people got looking for him.
去一个陌生的医院看病住院,不如去有熟人的医院放心。事先可以咨询了解,进去了可以开口求援,事后还能想办法保证不吃大亏。大胖子成了我们不可或缺的朋友,感情越来越 深,地位越来越重要。
It is better to go to a hospital with acquaintances than to strange hospitals. We can consult and understand in advance, we can ask for help when we get in, and we can find a way to ensure that we do not suffer a great loss afterwards.Thus the big fatty became our indispensable friend, the affection deepened, his position got more and more important.
二十年同学聚会。三十年同学聚会。马上就是毕业三十五年的同学聚会了。五十五个同学,已经有一个永远地离开了这个世界。很多男人都头发花白,很多女人都徐娘半老。但是 ,只要大胖子喊一声,发一个短信,或者在微信群里发个消息,大家就可以聚集起来,一起回忆我们那些青春年华,一起喝茶聊天谈家长里短......
Twenty-year reunion.Thirty-year reunion. It's gonna be a thirty-five-year reunion. Fifty-five classmates, one of whom has left the world forever. A lot of men have white hair, and a lot of women are half old. But as soon as the big fatty yells, sends a text, or a message in the wechat group, we can all get together and reminisce about our youth, and we'll have tea and talk about our parents...
Most of the time, I would call him "big fatty" in a affectionate way. This is a name full of cordial and friendly feelings, also a the rich color of youth, there is our simple friendship and absolute trust. In front of the children, I would call him "Yisheng" intimately.
The children all shout to him in a respectful voice, "uncle He".
有的朋友就像水,就像空气,是我们生活中不能短缺的存在,是我们危难中那根坚实的救命稻草。大胖子就是这样的人。我很庆幸,我能够有他这样的一个同学,有他这样的一个 永不言弃的朋友。
Some friends are like water, like air, the existence that can't be short of, the solid straw in our distress. That's what the big fatty are like. I am glad that I can have a classmate like him, and a friend who never gives me up.
作者简介(Author's introduction):
Axe, graduate student from Chinese People's Public Security University, member of the Hunan Writers'Association and a special commentator of the Red Net fiction section, published:
Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House;
Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt", The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC);
A short and medium story collection, "The last edition of love between the swan under the month and Zhu Tang", United publishing house;
A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house;
A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...