The Gay Genius Chapter2

2017-12-05  本文已影响0人  夕夜Silence

I. The central question

This chapter is about the growth enviorment of Su Tungpo. Lin Yutang used several paragraphes to describe the geographical location that has vital influence on the Sus family. Su Tungpo's father had great hopes for him before he was born. As the eldly child in his family, Su Tungpo's personality and character were both affected by his grandfather and father. What's more, the historical tradition of Szechuen was part of Su Tungpo's article style. From this chapter, we can have a closer look at what  Su Tungpo's life was like and what made him a great genius. 

II. The sentences

1. The Min River, coming down from the northwestern mountains of the western aborigines, rushes down in a big and deep torrent and, joining another river coming down from the Omei, makes a straight dash for the Giant Stone Buddha of Loshan, where the river then turns gradually southeast and then east to flow directly into the China Sea.

很长的句子,动词的运用十分巧妙,coming down, rushes down, joining, makes a straight dash 详细的勾勒了岷江沿岸的地理环境

2. The cultivation of the lotus flower had grown into an industry, for dealers form the neighboring cities obtained their lotus flowers from this place.

grow into an industry  兴旺发展,发展成为产业化

3. It was a fairly well-to-do family, owning lands and perhaps richer than the average middle-class family.

a fairly well-to-do family  “小康之家”,这一处的翻译非常恰到好处

III. Thoughts



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