English Translation-英语翻译学习JTrans

[原著:晨曦 Dawn]Chapter 7 - 8

2017-04-23  本文已影响3人  津渡坞


Chen Su didn't die and has escaped from the dangerous people. He didn't turn to police for help. What he wants is to forget it and live peacefully.

Chapter 7

‘I’m aware that you would speak nothing out. Actually, it really never minds for us if you has said something.’ The person with yellow hair smiles like a rascal, looks even worse than the bad guys in TV series, ‘We find you in order to talk about one thing. You needn’t being nervous. Now then give you a choice, I drag you out or you go out on your own? "

Chen Su thinks about it, the man putsChen Su down from the trunk Chen hugging with, ansgoesoutside the school.Chen Su, as tall as 172 centimeters, is not short comparedto students in the same school , but shorter than these men in front. And considering strength, it is also clearly visible he doesn’t have the enough level to fight against these big men absolutely.

On the road opposite the school back gate, stop two black cars. Chen Su would be pale immediately once seeing black car. Chen Su is simply being carried into the car, the car seats the mild man - the driver that night, Chen Sui feels a little bit peace of mind.

‘You areconvinced that he is the man?’There is one more person in front of the car, the manwith glum face frowns andglances atChen Su like seeing the roadside garbage. Chen Su could not help squeezingto the window. Judging from the appearance, this person is more like a bad man than the yellow hair.

No sooner Chen gets in the car than the car launches. It’s too late to react that Chen Su must clutch the handle. His face turns blue not only for the car sickness but for the fear.

‘Don’t be nervous~ Just one thing need to confirm with you.’says the friendly man, My name is Gao Yuan. He, Liu Chendong and in front is Song Wei. His temper is not good so take care not to rile him.’

‘I don’t call the police! I swear!’

‘Tut-tut,’the scorn almost spillsfrom Liu Zhendong’s mouth, thetalkeris the one with yellow hair. He rubs Chen’s head forcefully, ‘Who cares! No one would believe you, such a bumpkin. Take easy, we won’t hurt you justdo a confirmation. Relax!’

Car stops at a luxuriant location. Looking up is a high building with dozens floors, where Chen Sucanhardly enterit, just struggling by himself. It is a five-star hotel.

During his lifetime, he firstly goes into luxury place, the crystal chandeliers are as high as several floors and the light is brilliant and awe-inspiring. While being pushed into lift, Chen Su is absorbed in thinking: how expensive each light’s electric charge is in a day ? In TV show, the extravagant behaviors only appear in capitalist countries. Astonishingly, China hasthe same.The state is not promoting cutting cost? How wastefulit is opening such amounts of lamps in the daytime!

Weightlessness inthe lift letshim feel disgusting so he has no memory about how to get in the extravagant suite, he could do nothing but to vomit grisly in toilet. After getting a little relief andtrying his besttoconstrain nausea , he starts to glance the restroom - bright ceramic tile and golden water-tap, all these high-level things make it like in a dream.

The sudden door creaky really frightens Chen and Liu delivers some clean clothes, ’Woooh, have a bath, so wired smell. Be quick to change and cast away the dirty clothes.’says Liu Zhen dong, obliquely letsa waiter to help then leave.

Shower? The truth is he hasn’t had a shower after that nightmare, the shoulder with medical wine is unsuitable to bathe.

The hotel staff worker speaks nothing useless but to introduce these different exquisite bottles for shower skillfully , meanwhile watering softly, the aspect attitude has Chen Su feel chills.

After pleasing him go outwhich is not easily, Chen Su locks the door, not for shame but the big fear.

The huge bathtub’s surrounding is decorated with aureate embossment . Feeling the water floatage, it is a totally new experience for him to bathe pleasantly and alone. In his memory, thanksto the living condition, every several months, always the elder bother washed firstlythen him in turns not changing toclean water.Afterwards in school, public washroom was never empty. To be frank, it was a battle to have a shower! Therefore this monopoly is the first time in hislife,however, Chen knows his current position, hence he just washes head, rubs the soapandwashers quickly,then walks out the restroom.

The old suits are taken away by hotel waiter, remaining the new. Chen Su has to put on unless he wants to be naked.

Door opens then shows the four, yellow hair andalwaysspeaking menacing words - Liu Zhendong, smiling is Gao Yuan, face clouding is Song Wei, and the one saying none word, once throwing him down on the ground that night - Chen Su hasn’t know what his nameis, whom he is mostly afraid of.

Chen walks out gingerly. The four seem talking about some thing, only Gao Yuan smiles at him and gives a eye hint he can seat himself aside.

Chen has no idea about what is the confirmation them mentioned before. They don’t talk about it and Chen is also not dare to ask. Alas, no way to erase the disturbance in heart, he sighs.

Chen sits on the sofa at the direction Gao Yuan signs, on the front deskislaying delicious pastry which he saw in magazine before. Hunger captureshim. They are speaking things which Chen cannot understand, no method to know the time, also the anxiety, all these make him more and more worried and hungry. Everything occurred hurriedly that he didn’thave lunch.His stomach’s so empty.The more he thinks, the more hungry he feels. Chen Su finds they don’t pay attention then eats a few sneak. Such a good taste!

Chapter 8

For soft sofa, warm stomach and cozy after bath, Chen Su perseveres to stay more than one hour and irresistibly falls in sleep.

A good relax. Bed under body is soft like he is floating in clouds, Chen Su thinks maybe it’s the mother’s hug hiddenin his deep memory.

Opening eyes, Chen Su watches the men closely, who is the only one says nothing with unknown name.He is lying against Su’s shoulder just like that dawn. And Su, himself completely nestles in his arms, their toes crossed. Chen Su freezes and finds, yes, the suite, here, it’s himself occupying the man’s bed. Chen Su has livedin school for many years, also has brothers. During the cold months, bothers or good roommates would also sleep together for warmness. It is not strange for Chen Su, he just feels embarrassed.

Chen Su moves slightly, the man wakes up immediately.

So quick mostly like he has not slept. The eyes are cold, he sees the close Chen Su then seesthe clock beside the bed. It is half past six. Long school life forms Chen Su’s strict internal clock.

There is private bathroom in the suite, he is brushing teeth and shaving. Only a night it grows a layer of azury mustache. At that time, Chen Su finds his glasses on the bedside table then cannot resist touching his smooth chin. Maybe because he is from south, he has very little chaetae. In the past, he tried with brother’s shaver, but it looked like no difference before shaving and after. And mostly his mates had same condition so he really didn’t care it. Until he comes tothe north, he finds so many differences between northern and southern.

He walks out the bathroom. To be frank, Chen Su hasn’t heard he speaks anything. Yesterday, there are manymen discussing excitedly, but he was still silent. Now he is phoning to ask some breakfast,voice is as cold as metal.

Chen Su washes up hurriedly due to that today is the first day of a new term to enter school. He has lessons this afternoon. The mirror shows the new clothes he wearing, however, his own clothes is gone.

Chen finds clothes carefully but in vain. He opens the door slightly, the cool man is having meal, with a quite fashion way.

‘Excuse me -- May I know where my clothes is?’Asks discreetly.

He shoots a glance at Chen then the opposite chair, the authoritative expression in his eyes forces Chen to sit on the chair. There are two breakfast on the table. In the silence, Chen Su has his first western breakfast, milk, break, egg and others he doesn’t know.

The cold man eats four times as much as Chen then puts the knife and fork down, Chen Su sits seriously, the man is going to speak.

‘My name, Wang Jun.’

Chen nods as he has got it.

‘I don’t like to be roundabout. I am always suffering in insomnia for years. Generally, I can’t go asleep but to hug you. Thus, from now, you live here with me.’

Chen Su finds it not logical, quickly replies,’But I need going to school. Moreover I’m not a doctor...’

‘You have no choice.’Wang Jun interrupts him indifferently, eyes expressing danger, ‘Don’t challenge my patience. It is so insignificant for me to coopyou here. I have no time to listen to your opinion, I won’t interfere your school life. The only thing you should do is to live here.’

Chen Su is frozen. Ifhedidn’texperience that night, he must not care this man coldly, he will suggest him to see a doctor or sneer his childishness. Nevertheless, the horrible night, almost close to death, he realizes the fact a life is really worthless for them! He isn’t threatening, but commanding. Chen never has the right to choose.

Chen is afraid of him, the man is as relentless as his name. (In Chinese, Jun is like ‘grim’)

Wang Jun hands over a dozen of cashes, ‘Move your luggage here rapidly.’Wang speaks in a tone of giving order.

Chen Su looks at the cashes, 1,000 RMB? No, it is 10,000! Chen hasn’t seen so much money and shakes his hand to express refusal. His family always educateshim, accepting undeserved gift is weak point to giver. Men can never get presents without payment, let alone money!

Chen rejects it, then Wang Junasks nothing.

Chen hasn’t found his clothes, maybe it has been thrown. Wang Jun gives him some clothesomnivorously. Chen has to put on. Though these days are becoming a little warmer, outside is still too cold to dress thinly.

Snow white sweater, light blue coat, ultramarine jeans which is too long to be rolled up, Chen Su goes back school with his car, a silvery white car , how could he own a car? He looks so young.

Chen’s motion sickness is severe. He vomits all the breakfast upon getting off. Exactly, he doesn’t have the courage to vomit in the car.

He returns dorm dizzily. His mate is asking where he went. Chen lies they are friends from hometown and there was a party. He doesn’t concern about if it is convinced enough.


Thank you for your appreciation.

It is so grateful, please correct me freely.(๑°3°๑)


