

2019-01-09  本文已影响0人  北美江湖



看到Cathy的样子,白发老者皱了皱眉,他在烟灰缸里按灭了雪茄,对Boss说道:“I told you guys to invite my guest here but not in this way.(我告诉你们请我的客人到这里来,但是不是这样的。)Boss从腰后拔出那把刘风留给Cathy的CZ75 SP01手枪扔到了办公桌上,瓮声瓮气地说道:“Your lovely

guest almost killed one of my guys with this piece of shit.”(你可爱的客人差点用这个垃圾杀了我的一个手下。)白发老者用手指了指Cathy被铐在身后的双手,说道:“ Could you please?”(你能否?)

Boss给Cathy打开了手铐,领着另外一个黑衣人走出了办公室。 白发老者微笑着对Cathy说道:“I am sorry ,Cathy.I did not expect we will meet in this way.What do you want for

drink?”(对不起,凯斯。我没想到我们会以这种方式见面。你想喝点什么吗?)Cathy揉着被手铐硌疼的手腕,恼怒地说道:“Who are you? Where are my husband and my son?”(你是谁?我丈夫和儿子在哪里?)白发老者依旧微笑着说道:“My name is Stanley,I am the special advisor to the Prime

Minister.Your family are being taken a very good care of somewhere in this

building now.What can I get for you to drink? Coffee or tea?”(我叫斯坦利,我是总理的特别顾问。你的家人在这处大楼的某个地方,被很好的照看着。你需要喝什么?咖啡还是茶?)Cathy依旧警惕地看着他,说道:“How did you know my name? What

do you want to do with me and my family?”(你怎么知道我的名字的?你想从我和我的家人这里得到什么?)Stanley没有回答她的问题,自言自语地说道:“I believe Chinese

people like tea more than coffee ,right?”(我相信中国人喜欢茶多过咖啡,对吧?)

Stanley走到放在办公室角落里的小桌旁,用一个精致的茶杯泡了一杯茶水,又慢慢走回Cathy身旁,把茶杯递给了她,说道:“I hope this can help you relax a little bit.”(我希望这能帮你放松一点。)Cathy接过杯子捧在手里,并没有喝,然而也不再说话,只是看着Stanley。Stanley靠着办公桌弯腰站在Cathy面前,像一位老父亲一样慈祥地看着她,说道:“You are the same age as my daughter.Do not be afraid.We won’t hurt

you and your family at all.Your husband needs a surgery and he is in the

medical department now.Your son is playing with some other little kids.I just

need to have a talk with you.We need your help.Actully,can I ask you to do me a

favor?”(你和我的女儿一样大。别害怕。我们绝不会伤害你和你的家人。你的丈夫需要做手术,他现在在医疗部。你的儿子在和其他孩子一起玩耍。我只需要和你聊一聊。我们需要你的帮助。事实上,我能请你帮我个小忙吗?)Cathy疑惑地看着他,说道:“What are you talking

about?You want me to help you terrorists?”(你在说些什么?你想让我帮助你们这些恐怖分子?)Stanley呵呵一笑,说道:“No,no ,Honey.We are not

terrorists.We are working for our government.”(不,不,亲爱的。我们不是恐怖分子。我们是在为我们的政府工作。)Cathy冷笑着说道:“I am young but I am not

stupid.Thoses guys in black are killing people on the street and they caused

this biggest unrest of Canada.How dare you say you are working for our

government?”(我年轻,但是我并不傻。那些穿黑衣服的人正在大街上杀害人们,是他们导致了这场加拿大最大的动乱。你怎么敢说你是在为我们的政府工作?)Stanley说道:“The politics is not so simple as

you thought ,Honey.You will understand it in the future.And you will accept

what we have said and what we have done.But now ,I need your cooperation.”(政治不是你所想的那么简单的,亲爱的。你在将来会理解的。你也会接受我们所说的和所做的一切。但是现在,我需要你的配合。)Cathy“哼”了一声,说道:“I am not interested in

politics at all.I am afraid I can do nothing for you.Sorry.”(我对政治一点都不感兴趣。恐怕我不能为你做什么,抱歉。)Stanley说道:“No ,you are not.But it looks your

husband is interested in politics very much.He is one of the biggest sponsers

of the opposition party.”(是,你做不了。但是你的丈夫似乎对政治非常感兴趣。他是反对党的最大的一位赞助人。)Cathy耸了一下肩,说道:“This is a democratic

country.He has his right to choose the party he likes.”(这是一个民主国家。他有他的权利来选择他喜欢的政党。)Stanley轻轻一点手指,说道:“That is why we ask for your help. We need you to help him change his

mind.”(这就是为什我们寻求你的帮助。我们需要你帮他改一下主意。)Cathy断然地说道:No, I can not! I respect his choice and I will follow him.(不,我不能!我尊重他的选择,而且我也会跟从他。)Stanley站直了身体,抱着双臂说道:“Well, that is not a

good way to cooperate, my darling. You should think about it carefully before

you make a decision. I know you love your husband and your son very much. You

do not want to lose them, do you?”(好吧,这可不是一个合作的好方式,亲爱的。你应该在做决定之前慎重的思考一下。我知道你非常爱你的丈夫和儿子。你并不想失去他们,对吧?)Cathy瞪圆了眼睛看着Stanley,说道:“Are you threatening me? ”(你在威胁我吗?)Stanley依旧微笑着说道:“No, no. I am just helping you to make a correct decision. Let me

show you something first.”(不,不。我正在帮你做一个正确的决定。让我先给你看样东西。)


