oracle高级实用sql(with as)
2018-06-22 本文已影响1人
with as 使用
with as使用在当需要提供多个字段数据时,避免重复性的使用union all或者使用decade函数加标签等方法,with as可以将多个字段的结果集分开查询作为一个结果集(即是看做一张新的表),之后再对该表操作,降低sql复杂度,也降低使用union all等可能带来的失误率,with as 与join结合可一次性得到你想要的多字段数据。
--with as 使用
with t_one as
(select 'Tom' testName, '1' testId
from dual
union all
select 'Jack' testName, '2' testId from dual),
t_two as
(select '7000' testSalary, '1' testId
from dual
union all
select '9000' testSalary, '2' testId from dual)
select t_one.testId, t_one.testName, t_two.testSalary
from t_one
left join t_two
on t_one.testId = t_two.testId;
the result of the example with as .png
--with as
with tt as
(select level as lv from dual connect by level < 20)
select lv
from tt
where lv > 10
and lv < 15;
--修改with as实例总结
with t_store_cold as
(select g.deptid, sum(g.netweight) netweightsum
from wmsdba.t_datagoods g
where g.deptid in (select t.deptid from testtable t)
and g.inserttime = trunc(sysdate - 1)
and g.kindname in ('冷轧')
group by g.deptid),
t_store_hot as
(select g.deptid, sum(g.netweight) netweightsum
from wmsdba.t_datagoods g
where g.deptid in (select t.deptid from testtable t)
and g.inserttime = trunc(sysdate - 1)
and g.kindname in ('热轧')
group by g.deptid),
t_store_screw as
(select g.deptid, sum(g.netweight) netweightsum
from wmsdba.t_datagoods g
where g.deptid in (select t.deptid from testtable t)
and g.inserttime = trunc(sysdate - 1)
and g.kindname in ('钢筋', '线材')
group by g.deptid),
t_store_total as
(select g.deptid, sum(g.netweight) netweightsum
from wmsdba.t_datagoods g
where g.deptid in (select t.deptid from testtable t)
and g.inserttime = trunc(sysdate - 1)
group by g.deptid)
select t.deptid,
round(nvl(co.netweightsum, 0), 2) coldWeight,
round(nvl(h.netweightsum, 0), 2) hotWeight,
round(nvl(co.netweightsum, 0) + nvl(h.netweightsum, 0), 2) coldhotWeight,
round(nvl(s.netweightsum, 0), 2) screwWeight,
round(nvl(tot.netweightsum, 0), 2) totalWeight
from testtable t
left join t_store_hot h
on t.deptid = h.deptid
left join t_store_screw s
on t.deptid = s.deptid
left join t_store_total tot
on t.deptid = tot.deptid
left join t_store_cold co
on t.deptid = co.deptid
where t.deptid in ('test4', 'test3', 'test2', 'test1');