大约一年前开始公司聘请了香港赫赫有名的企业教练为Management Team做Group Coaching, 自此开始接触教练技术, 就好像打开了潘多拉的盒子般让我叹为观止. 惊喜的发现这种技能不管是工作还是生活, 都在潜移默化的帮助我发挥自己的潜能.
OSCAR模型是我在coaching中学习到的第一个反馈工具, 也是印象最深并被我在工作中反复练习使用的. 简单来说, 就是给予反馈时关注行为,不探究原因.遵循如下五步:
O – I observed…(我观察到...)
S – Be Specific(具体说出观察的内容,包括所有重要细节)
C – What is the consequence? ( 这样做的后果是什么?)
A – What action you can take to make it differently? (你还能采取些什么不同的行动呢?)
R – What is the result? (采取这些行动之后的结果会怎样?)
“Mary, I have observed that in the past week you have been 15 minutes late for project
meeting on Tuesday, and 20 minutes on Friday.” (O+S)
“I am really sorry about that.” (在细节面前无法否认)
“What would be the consequences of such behavior?” (C)
当然,对于这种open型的问题,下属可能会惜字如金,用几个字随意回答,比如"I don’t know". 这个时候不要任由负面情绪控制自己,火冒三丈的觉得这老外就是存心的,而是要明白我们控制不了对方的动机和情绪,猜测别人行为背后的想法很可能是无谓的消耗.仅关注于我们能做的部分,并把它最大化,那就是我们可以针对实际的行为表现给出力所能及的指引.
“Our project meeting involves cross functional teams, what would other department think about your being late? ” (把consequence拆分到更具体的层面,这样就无法用不知道来回答,同时让她明白这是一个认真的话题, 需要认真对待)
“Hmmm… they might don’t like it.”
“Whatelse they feel?” (仅仅说不喜欢,这样回答显然诚意不够)
“They feel our team is not taking this meeting seriously”
“Very good. Then what consequence it causes to our team?” (继续挖不同的consequence, 直到她真正明白迟到对别人造成的所有后果)
“I know it is unfair for those who came on time.”
“So they feel unfair. Then what consequence it will be if most of the team feel unfair?”
“It could jeopardize our positive attitude which has always been such a great asset to
us. We make a great team and our performance is always extraordinary, I never
meant to harm any of that” (集体荣誉感上升,此时真的有触动)
“Thank you for saying that. Could you name any other consequence?”
“As you are the project leader I understand it is a bit embarrassed for you if I came late.” (已经不需要引导就可以思考得出更多Consequence).
“I appreciate you thought about me. Then what action you could take to make a difference” (A)
“I will make sure not being late for future meetings”. (仅仅一句承诺无法保证真正落地,这一步需要展现有细节并且可执行可遵循的action)
“Thank you so much for that, do you want to set up a regular reminder on your calendar for
our meeting?” (在具体action方面可以使用之前的方法一步步引导下属自己说出如何做,也可直接给出建议)
“Will do, definitely.”
“Great! Then what result it brings?” (R)
“People never find me late, and everybody is happy!” (这是个玩笑式的结语,证明这次的coaching没有带来任何负面情绪)
迟到只是工作中最简单的例子,实际操作中需要反馈的场景一般都比这个复杂的多,也不可能几句话就结束,同时要借助很多的资源,比如管理者自身的素质,公司整体的组织架构和企业文化等等,还有很重要的一点是被coach的对象是coachable的。在上面的例子中,如果每一个问题Mary 都说不知道,那OSCAR模型也就无从谈起了。但我相信在一个正规的企业中,正常的员工都愿意在就事论事中一步步得到提高,同时愿意找到更高价值感的,uncoachable的情况很少见。
Coaching带来的行为模式和思维方式的提高已在越来越多的领域被证实, 我们HMUer在这条路上的探索不会停止.