
2018-09-17  本文已影响0人  活性炭GBS

文章背景是英国新首相 Theresa May 访问印度,希望能和印度建立更加密切的合作。但由于两国目前仍存在不少利益分歧,所以这次访问效果并不理想。为了表现两国合作前景的渺茫,作者借用了笼罩印度首都德里的大雾作为意象,并在文中多次体现。


And it is now Delhi, India’s capital, that cooks up the thickest and smokiest of those fogs that London once made.


So Theresa May discovered as she arrived on November 6th, into a haze unusually acrid even for the world’s most polluted big city ...  But even Delhi’s smog could not obscure some hard truths.


The air cleared as Mrs May headed to Bangalore, India’s tech capital, for visits to a factory and to a Hindu temple ... Yet the promises of future co-operation were just as thin.

通过 fog, haze, smog, obscure, air, thin 这一系列单词将全文连接起来,使文章形成一个整体。中间的两个动词 obscure 以及 thin 也用得极好,它们既写出了印度空气的特点,也隐喻了当前会谈的政治环境。

2.sea power


That long-awaited announcement will promote future marine-energy plans in Britain, says Jonathan Marshall of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, a think-tank. Later this year Edinburgh-based Atlantis Resources hopes to connect the world’s largest tidal power scheme to the grid for the first time. Who says British sea power is in decline?

文章的主题是英国近年来加大了对海洋能源的开发,一系列能源项目纷纷上马。作者在文章最后发出了这样的感慨:Who says British sea power is in decline?  这里一语双关,British sea power 本义是指英国海军实力(大不列颠帝国的海军实力曾经世界第一),这里巧妙化用为英国的海上能源开发实力,有理有据,让人会心一笑。


下面的段落选自文章 Charlemagne: When America sneezes ...

America’s circus-like primaries and gladiatorial presidential contests find few echoes in Europe, and Mr Trump, in all his preening, soufflé-haired glory, is surely a sui generis American phenomenon.


这个句子用了不少大词和拉丁语,这是经济学人作者常用的炫技手段。其中值得注意的是 find echoes in ... 这个表达。echo 作为名词有“回声”的意思,它的引申义是“十分相似的东西;共鸣”。

要表达“……在……产生了共鸣”,可以说 something finds echoes in ...,比如:

a) Martin Luther King's speech, I have a dream, found echoes in the hearts of many people around the world.

b) The book-sharing campaign launched by Harry Potter star Emma Watson found echoes in China, where a content production company, Xin Shixiang, placed more than 10,000 books around the underground, taxis and planes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


同样在 Charlemagne: When America sneezes ... 这篇文章中还有一个句子:

The tremors from America’s political earthquake were felt across the continent this week. But Europe’s edifice was already tottering.



Food may be one realm where people do not mind getting stuck with version 1.0.

Soylent 这家初创公司提供的可饮用食品很受程序员群体的欢迎,但公司因为这些食物中的藻类可能导致胃部不适而遭受挫折。作者因此在文末提出了一个很有意思的观点:比如用代码版本来代表食品的加工程度的话,人们不会介意停留在食用初始版本的食物环节(version 1.0),这个比喻也与文章讨论的IT主题相得益彰。



文章主题与水资源管理有关,开头采用 W.H. Auden 的名言自然引入:

“THOUSANDS have lived without love; not one without water,” observed W.H. Auden. He omitted to add that, as with love, many people have a strong moral aversion to paying for the life-sustaining liquid.

成千上万的人生活中缺少爱,但没有人缺少水。但 W.H. Auden 没有指出的一点是,很多人在道义上不愿意为水付款,正如他们不愿意花钱得到爱一样。这种认为水资源应该免费的观念导致了巨大的浪费,文章以此进行展开论述,说明制定合理水资源政策的重要性。


The alternative is to prove Mark Twain right when he said: “Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.”



