by 中国高翻团队
1. 黑名单制度 blacklist system
社保制度(social insurance system)
五种强制保险计划(five mandatory insurance plans)
养老保险(endowment insurance)
医疗保险(medical insurance)
失业保险(unemployment insurance)
工伤保险(employment injury insurance)
生育保险(maternity insurance)
住房公积金(housing provident fund)
请生产许可(production license)
融资贷款(financing loans)
市场许可(market access)
税收优惠(tax preference)
保证公平公正(ensure fairness and justice)
按时足额缴费(pay in full and on time)
减税降负(ease burden of taxes and fees)
相互保险 mutual insurance
人寿保险 life insurance
社会保险法 Social Insurance Law
医疗支付系统 medical payment system
养老金投资 pension funds investment
行政处罚 administrative punishment
2. 武侠小说泰斗 grandmaster of wuxia novels
武侠小说(martial arts and chivalry novels)
华语世界(Chinese-speaking world)
《书剑恩仇录》(The Book and the Sword)
《鹿鼎记》(The Deer and the Cauldron)
致以深切慰问(express deep condolences)
中国编剧界的"泰斗"(the "grandmaster" of Chinese screenwriters)
中国的莎士比亚(China's Shakespeare)
集体回忆 collective memories
侠骨柔情 chivalrous tenderness
武林 the overall world of the martial artists
侠义 chivalric code and righteousness
3. 过劳状态 overwork
过劳死(overwork deaths, karoshi)
改善用工方式(improve modes of employment)
劳动强度(work intensity)
过劳肥 obesity due to overwork
久坐 excessive sitting
睡眠不足 insufficient sleep
慢性疲劳 chronic fatigue
职业危害 occupational hazards
职业病 occupational disease
4. 数字服务税 digital services tax
税率(tax rate)
对企业利润的双重征税(double taxation of corporate profits)
公司所得税 corporate income tax
纳税申报单 tax returns
税单 tax bill
退税 tax rebate
减税 tax break
5. 声音商标 sound trademark
高知名度(high popularity)
即时通讯软件(instant messaging app)
音符的重复 a repetition of notes
上线提示音 online notification sound
下线提示音 offline notification sound
商标申请 trademark application
商标注册 trademark registration
终审判决(final ruling)
维持原判(uphold the conviction)