

2015-11-19  本文已影响63人  米苏_Misu

15 Small Challenges That Add Color To Every Moment You Live

The business of our everyday lives often pushes us into stiff routines that lack excitement, fun, and happiness. The only way to climb out of this humdrum way of living is to consciously make an effort to add some color to your life. Here are 15 small challenges that will help you to do just that:


1.Wake Up Thankful


Do you know why today’s going to be an awesome day? Well, there are probably dozens of reasons, but consider the fact that you even woke up. You get to live another day, so choose to enjoy the small things. If you’re having a hard time remembering, take a minute and make a list of things you have to be thankful for so you can read it each morning.


2.Stop Holding Grudges


Whether we realize it or not, the grudges we hold against other people hurt us more than they hurt others. They make us bitter and angry. If you really want to enjoy happier moments, you must be willing to practice forgiveness.


3.Eliminate Stress


Nobody has time for stress. Whether you’re a landlord, student, nine-to-fiver, or anything in between, there are dozens of ways you can reduce stress and improve your focus each day. It’s amazing what a little less anxiety can do for you, both physically and emotionally. Try to eliminate the things that cause you stress. If you can’t, take up meditation to help ease the stress.


4.Slow Down


Take time today to think about the pace at which you’re moving. Chances are, you’re moving way too fast. Slow down and enjoy what you’re currently doing before moving on to the next thing.


5.Help Someone Else


Actively look for opportunities to help other people. Helping others is a win-win situation, because not only do they get something they need, but you also feel better afterwards.


6.Jam Out to Your Favorite Song


While there’s always time for silence, sometimes you just need to go a little crazy. Try jamming out to your favorite song at least once per day!


7. Write a Letter or Journal Entry


Actually sitting down and putting pen to paper is really powerful. It forces you to spend time with your thoughts and think about what you’re doing. Try writing a friend a letter or recording a journal entry.


8.Get Quick Exercise


While you may not have time to get an hour-long workout in during the middle of the day, a few minutes of physical activity can improve the way you feel. Check out this quick 10-minute cardio routine.


9.Take a Different Route


Do you always drive the same route to school or work? Even if it takes five minutes longer, taking a different route can open you up to new sights and sounds.


10.Wear Something New


Dig around in your closet for a few minutes and find an outfit you haven’t worn in a while. Throw it on and notice how it makes you feel. Something as simple as a change in fashion can brighten your day.


11.Try New Coffee


Do you drink the same coffee or tea every morning? Going out on a limb and trying a new brew can give your morning a new feel – or taste.


12.Got to Bed Earlier


Most people end up watching TV at night. What’s going to be more valuable in the morning – an extra hour of sleep, or an extra hour of sitcom reruns? Choose the extra hour of sleep.


13.Make a Checklist


There’s something really satisfying about making a list of things to do and checking them off one by one. Start writing down your daily goals and enjoy the liberation of marking them complete.


14.Eat Healthy


Did you know that certain foods in your diet might actually be holding you back from feeling well? Cut out some of the processed foods you eat and opt for fresh alternatives.


15. Be Intentional


Finally, it’s up to you to be intentional about everything you do. Don’t do anything half-hearted; every action you take should have a purpose.

We could all use a little more vibrancy in our lives. Using these 15 tips, you can enhance your routine – starting right now.



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