
2022-02-01  本文已影响0人  JinW0201

Some new information about Oscar Wilde's book. Reputedly, you can't just picture a character without digging out more aspects of him and his life.

Sure, it's those most stinging and beautiful wordings from Oscar Wilde's book that attract me deeply at the beginning, and then I wanna know more about his love story. so I refer to another book which displaied this whole affair in another witness' perspective, the person who also lived it and be tortured almost half lifetime afterwards.  Bosie and his autobiographical book, Oscar Wilde and myself. here is some paragraph and sentences from it:


I suppose that my first meeting with Oscar Wilde was to me, at that time, a little thing. By this I do not mean that I was other than glad to meet a man of Wilde's culture and attainments, but I was not particularly impressed by him at first, and, if I had never set eyes on him, I should certainly have lost nothing.第一次见面的描述,波西本人无疑是只高傲的孔雀,口嫌体直。

He was attracted by my youth, my guilelessness, and — to be perfectly frank — by what he considered my social importance, and he laid himself out to captivate me and to fascinate me.这个真的直白,王尔德就是因为小爷年轻貌美家世好才凑过来的。不是一家人不进一家门,波西毒舌跟老王有的一拼。

That Wilde did not happen to be nobly born is certainly nothing to his discredit; that he should have persistently pretended to noble birth is, on the other hand, fairly contemptible, especially as in his efforts to live up to the part he had allotted to himself he invariably succeeded in behaving in an eminently unaristocratic manner. He lacked a kind heart just as surely as he lacked a coronet , and Norman blood was as alien to him as simple faith.波西一直自持贵族身份,有点瞧不上老王的出身,两人真不是门当户对。

I was well over thirty years of age before it dawned upon me that money did not grow on the trees on the family estate.完全被打败了,真是富家少男不更事,钱能从自家院里的树上长出来。。。

I have always known that there was nothing in our friendship of which I need be ashamed and, although the tongue of malice and slander has been busy with my name almost without ceasing since the day of Wilde's downfall, I looked to time and the facts to set me right. 对比老王在法庭上跟一众审判员的宣言(叫嚣),两人实在勇气超凡,分析前因后果,其实老王会入狱都是2个人太作了。但从根本来讲,是他们心存信仰。

My opinion:

They  experence love as they accept it in all of its ecstacy and broken-ness with a kind of trust that the heart is strong and that a justice prevails in all things.

所以他们硬到可以跟全世界say no。而在信仰缺失的年代,利益是驱动人类行为的唯一动力。



