[Economist] 流媒体碎片(完)

2017-12-10  本文已影响10人  Prongs

Stream slip


Such information can reveal a lot about a viewer’s personality, preferences, politics and so forth. As Dr Tromer notes, by being able to monitor this, “I can show personalised ads based on your viewing habits, adjust your insurance premiums or send in the Spanish Inquisition.” That last suggestion, tongue-in-cheek though it may be, is the most troubling. Censors using his technique could spot and block the viewing of things they disapproved of, no matter how highly encrypted those things were.

这些信息揭露了大量关于观看者的个性、爱好、政治倾向等等。正如 Dr Tromer 所说,通过检测这些数据,“我可以基于你的喜好向你投送广告,调整你的保险费或者把你送到西班牙宗教裁判所。”最后的一个选择或许听起来有点可笑,但确实最麻烦的。

At the moment, there is no practical way to derail such attacks. Eliminating VBR would increase network congestion, bringing data-buffers into play to deal with information overflow and underflow. That would translate, for viewers, into the resurrection of buffering messages, now largely
a thing of the past.

现今并没有什么切实的办法来阻挡这类攻击。根绝 VBR 技术会带来网络拥堵,使得在观看中出现数据缓冲来应对数据的溢出和不足。对于用户而言这就意味着往日数据缓冲的日子再现。

In most countries, placing this sort of spyware on a machine without permission would be illegal. But its ability to spy remotely might get around that. Also, blanket permissions associated with installing
new software, carelessly agreed to, might see it arrive on clueless users’ machines within the letter, if not the spirit of the law. Mind how you go, then. And watch what you watch.


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