
Transfer N./Vb
N. 1) Amy mode of disposing of or parting with an asset or an interest in an asset, including a gift, the payment of money, release, lease, or creation of a lien or other encumbrance. 转换;转移
The term embraces every method-- direct or indirect, absolute or conditional, voluntary or involuntary -- of disposing of or parting with property or with an interest in property, including retention[1] of title as a security interest[2] and foreclosure of the debtor's equity of redemption[3].
N. 2) Negotiation of an instrument according to the forms of law. 流通
The four methods of transfer are by indorsement[4], by delivery, by assignment[5], and by operation of law.
N. 3) A conveyance of property or title from one person to another. 指财产或所有权等的让与。
Vb. 1) To convey or remove from one place or one person to another; to pass or hand over from one to another, esp. to change over the possession or control of. 移转,尤指改变占有或支配
Vb. 2) To sell or give 卖给,赠给
constructive transfer 推定转让
A delivery of an item-- esp. a controlled substance -- by someone other than the owner but at the owner's direction.
incomplete transfer 不完全转让
Tax. A decedent[6]'s inter vivos[7] transfer that is not complete for federal estate-tax purpose because the decedent retain significant powers over the property's possession or enjoyment.
死者生前进行的财产转让,按照联邦死亡税(death tax)的规定,如转让人对转让财产仍拥有特定的控制或想用的权利,则这种转让是不完全的,由此转让的财产部分或全部将依其公平市场价值(fair market value)被计入转让人的总财产(gross estate) 之中,作为税基的一部分被征税。
testamentary transfer 遗嘱指定转让
A transfer made in a will.
transfer of a case 案件移送 =transfer of a cause
The removal of a case from the jurisdiction of one court or judge to another by lawful authority.
[1] retention n. 保留
[2] security interest 担保物权
[3] equity of redemption 赎回抵押品的权利
[4] indorsement n. 票据背书
[5] assignment n. 转让
[6] decedent n. 死者
[7] inter vivos 生前的
(来源:Black's Law Dictionary, 《元照英美法词典》,《英汉法律用语词典》)