Day 02 Clutter & style
testimony: a fact or situation that shows or prove very clearly that something exists or is true
summoned, to order someone to come to a place
prematurely, happening before the natural or proper time
camouflage a way of hiding something, especially soldiers and military equipment, by using paint, leaves etc to make it look like the things around it
superfluous more than is needed or wanted SYN unnecessary
murkiness complicated and difficult to understand.
Clutter, 有点不明白,少用点personal可行,因为它后面的名词已经包含了同样的意思。但是其它的词如 numerous, facilitate, individual, sufficient, attempt, refer to 这些常用的词也并非大词,为什么不能用呢?若是在一些学术的场合也不能用吗?
Style, 类似中文的“我手写我口,古岂能拘牵”,真实地表达自己的观点很重要。可以用“I”。表达自己的想法也可以让自己更有动力继续下去。
在刚结束的考试中,要写一段students benefit from "gap year".
刚开始我的观点是:学生们经过一年的工作,就会更加珍惜大学的学习时间而努力学习。 然后一想,这句话有跳跃。1)并不是所有的学生都会去工作,也有人选择旅行,所以要特指;2)使学生这样做的原因没表达清楚。应该是“他们打工是所经历的苦难”, 而为什么会经受苦难,是因为“没有相关的资质及工作经历,而只能从事低技术含理的工作”。所以这样的话,上面这个观点就成立了。
Those students who choose to work during gap year are more likely to end up low-skilled jobs and suffer a lot because they lack qualifications and relevant job experience. This journey may make them realise the importance of qualifications so that they will treasure the college time and study hard for their future jobs.