
PostgreSQL 源码解读(9)- 插入数据#8(Execu

2018-08-08  本文已影响21人  EthanHe




 /* ----------------
  *      query descriptor:
  *  a QueryDesc encapsulates everything that the executor
  *  needs to execute the query.
  *  For the convenience of SQL-language functions, we also support QueryDescs
  *  containing utility statements; these must not be passed to the executor
  *  however.
  * ---------------------
 typedef struct QueryDesc
     /* These fields are provided by CreateQueryDesc */
     CmdType     operation;      /* CMD_SELECT, CMD_UPDATE, etc. */
     PlannedStmt *plannedstmt;   /* planner's output (could be utility, too) */
     const char *sourceText;     /* source text of the query */
     Snapshot    snapshot;       /* snapshot to use for query */
     Snapshot    crosscheck_snapshot;    /* crosscheck for RI update/delete */
     DestReceiver *dest;         /* the destination for tuple output */
     ParamListInfo params;       /* param values being passed in */
     QueryEnvironment *queryEnv; /* query environment passed in */
     int         instrument_options; /* OR of InstrumentOption flags */
     /* These fields are set by ExecutorStart */
     TupleDesc   tupDesc;        /* descriptor for result tuples */
     EState     *estate;         /* executor's query-wide state */
     PlanState  *planstate;      /* tree of per-plan-node state */
     /* This field is set by ExecutorRun */
     bool        already_executed;   /* true if previously executed */
     /* This is always set NULL by the core system, but plugins can change it */
     struct Instrumentation *totaltime;  /* total time spent in ExecutorRun */
 } QueryDesc;
typedef struct SnapshotData *Snapshot;
 #define InvalidSnapshot     ((Snapshot) NULL)
  * We use SnapshotData structures to represent both "regular" (MVCC)
  * snapshots and "special" snapshots that have non-MVCC semantics.
  * The specific semantics of a snapshot are encoded by the "satisfies"
  * function.
 typedef bool (*SnapshotSatisfiesFunc) (HeapTuple htup,
                                        Snapshot snapshot, Buffer buffer);
  * Struct representing all kind of possible snapshots.
  * There are several different kinds of snapshots:
  * * Normal MVCC snapshots
  * * MVCC snapshots taken during recovery (in Hot-Standby mode)
  * * Historic MVCC snapshots used during logical decoding
  * * snapshots passed to HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty()
  * * snapshots passed to HeapTupleSatisfiesNonVacuumable()
  * * snapshots used for SatisfiesAny, Toast, Self where no members are
  *   accessed.
  * TODO: It's probably a good idea to split this struct using a NodeTag
  * similar to how parser and executor nodes are handled, with one type for
  * each different kind of snapshot to avoid overloading the meaning of
  * individual fields.
 typedef struct SnapshotData
     SnapshotSatisfiesFunc satisfies;    /* tuple test function */
      * The remaining fields are used only for MVCC snapshots, and are normally
      * just zeroes in special snapshots.  (But xmin and xmax are used
      * specially by HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty, and xmin is used specially by
      * HeapTupleSatisfiesNonVacuumable.)
      * An MVCC snapshot can never see the effects of XIDs >= xmax. It can see
      * the effects of all older XIDs except those listed in the snapshot. xmin
      * is stored as an optimization to avoid needing to search the XID arrays
      * for most tuples.
     TransactionId xmin;         /* all XID < xmin are visible to me */
     TransactionId xmax;         /* all XID >= xmax are invisible to me */
      * For normal MVCC snapshot this contains the all xact IDs that are in
      * progress, unless the snapshot was taken during recovery in which case
      * it's empty. For historic MVCC snapshots, the meaning is inverted, i.e.
      * it contains *committed* transactions between xmin and xmax.
      * note: all ids in xip[] satisfy xmin <= xip[i] < xmax
     TransactionId *xip;
     uint32      xcnt;           /* # of xact ids in xip[] */
      * For non-historic MVCC snapshots, this contains subxact IDs that are in
      * progress (and other transactions that are in progress if taken during
      * recovery). For historic snapshot it contains *all* xids assigned to the
      * replayed transaction, including the toplevel xid.
      * note: all ids in subxip[] are >= xmin, but we don't bother filtering
      * out any that are >= xmax
     TransactionId *subxip;
     int32       subxcnt;        /* # of xact ids in subxip[] */
     bool        suboverflowed;  /* has the subxip array overflowed? */
     bool        takenDuringRecovery;    /* recovery-shaped snapshot? */
     bool        copied;         /* false if it's a static snapshot */
     CommandId   curcid;         /* in my xact, CID < curcid are visible */
      * An extra return value for HeapTupleSatisfiesDirty, not used in MVCC
      * snapshots.
     uint32      speculativeToken;
      * Book-keeping information, used by the snapshot manager
     uint32      active_count;   /* refcount on ActiveSnapshot stack */
     uint32      regd_count;     /* refcount on RegisteredSnapshots */
     pairingheap_node ph_node;   /* link in the RegisteredSnapshots heap */
     TimestampTz whenTaken;      /* timestamp when snapshot was taken */
     XLogRecPtr  lsn;            /* position in the WAL stream when taken */
 } SnapshotData;//存储快照的数据结构

 /* ----------------
  *      PlannedStmt node
  * The output of the planner is a Plan tree headed by a PlannedStmt node.
  * PlannedStmt holds the "one time" information needed by the executor.
  * For simplicity in APIs, we also wrap utility statements in PlannedStmt
  * nodes; in such cases, commandType == CMD_UTILITY, the statement itself
  * is in the utilityStmt field, and the rest of the struct is mostly dummy.
  * (We do use canSetTag, stmt_location, stmt_len, and possibly queryId.)
  * ----------------
 typedef struct PlannedStmt
     NodeTag     type;
     CmdType     commandType;    /* select|insert|update|delete|utility */
     uint64      queryId;        /* query identifier (copied from Query) */
     bool        hasReturning;   /* is it insert|update|delete RETURNING? */
     bool        hasModifyingCTE;    /* has insert|update|delete in WITH? */
     bool        canSetTag;      /* do I set the command result tag? */
     bool        transientPlan;  /* redo plan when TransactionXmin changes? */
     bool        dependsOnRole;  /* is plan specific to current role? */
     bool        parallelModeNeeded; /* parallel mode required to execute? */
     int         jitFlags;       /* which forms of JIT should be performed */
     struct Plan *planTree;      /* tree of Plan nodes */
     List       *rtable;         /* list of RangeTblEntry nodes */
     /* rtable indexes of target relations for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE */
     List       *resultRelations;    /* integer list of RT indexes, or NIL */
      * rtable indexes of non-leaf target relations for UPDATE/DELETE on all
      * the partitioned tables mentioned in the query.
     List       *nonleafResultRelations;
      * rtable indexes of root target relations for UPDATE/DELETE; this list
      * maintains a subset of the RT indexes in nonleafResultRelations,
      * indicating the roots of the respective partition hierarchies.
     List       *rootResultRelations;
     List       *subplans;       /* Plan trees for SubPlan expressions; note
                                  * that some could be NULL */
     Bitmapset  *rewindPlanIDs;  /* indices of subplans that require REWIND */
     List       *rowMarks;       /* a list of PlanRowMark's */
     List       *relationOids;   /* OIDs of relations the plan depends on */
     List       *invalItems;     /* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
     List       *paramExecTypes; /* type OIDs for PARAM_EXEC Params */
     Node       *utilityStmt;    /* non-null if this is utility stmt */
     /* statement location in source string (copied from Query) */
     int         stmt_location;  /* start location, or -1 if unknown */
     int         stmt_len;       /* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
 } PlannedStmt;
 typedef struct ParamListInfoData
     ParamFetchHook paramFetch;  /* parameter fetch hook */
     void       *paramFetchArg;
     ParamCompileHook paramCompile;  /* parameter compile hook */
     void       *paramCompileArg;
     ParserSetupHook parserSetup;    /* parser setup hook */
     void       *parserSetupArg;
     int         numParams;      /* nominal/maximum # of Params represented */
      * params[] may be of length zero if paramFetch is supplied; otherwise it
      * must be of length numParams.
     ParamExternData params[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
 }           ParamListInfoData;
typedef struct ParamListInfoData *ParamListInfo;

  * Private state of a query environment.
 struct QueryEnvironment
     List       *namedRelList;
 typedef struct Instrumentation
     /* Parameters set at node creation: */
     bool        need_timer;     /* true if we need timer data */
     bool        need_bufusage;  /* true if we need buffer usage data */
     /* Info about current plan cycle: */
     bool        running;        /* true if we've completed first tuple */
     instr_time  starttime;      /* Start time of current iteration of node */
     instr_time  counter;        /* Accumulated runtime for this node */
     double      firsttuple;     /* Time for first tuple of this cycle */
     double      tuplecount;     /* Tuples emitted so far this cycle */
     BufferUsage bufusage_start; /* Buffer usage at start */
     /* Accumulated statistics across all completed cycles: */
     double      startup;        /* Total startup time (in seconds) */
     double      total;          /* Total total time (in seconds) */
     double      ntuples;        /* Total tuples produced */
     double      ntuples2;       /* Secondary node-specific tuple counter */
     double      nloops;         /* # of run cycles for this node */
     double      nfiltered1;     /* # tuples removed by scanqual or joinqual */
     double      nfiltered2;     /* # tuples removed by "other" quals */
     BufferUsage bufusage;       /* Total buffer usage */
 } Instrumentation;


 /* Entry to a plan node */
 InstrStartNode(Instrumentation *instr)
     if (instr->need_timer)
         if (INSTR_TIME_IS_ZERO(instr->starttime))
             elog(ERROR, "InstrStartNode called twice in a row");
     /* save buffer usage totals at node entry, if needed */
     if (instr->need_bufusage)
         instr->bufusage_start = pgBufferUsage;


  * ScanDirectionIsNoMovement
  *      True iff scan direction indicates no movement.
 #define ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction) \
     ((bool) ((direction) == NoMovementScanDirection))



//TODO Instrumentation 的理解

 /* Exit from a plan node */
 InstrStopNode(Instrumentation *instr, double nTuples)
     instr_time  endtime;
     /* count the returned tuples */
     instr->tuplecount += nTuples;
     /* let's update the time only if the timer was requested */
     if (instr->need_timer)
         if (INSTR_TIME_IS_ZERO(instr->starttime))
             elog(ERROR, "InstrStopNode called without start");
         INSTR_TIME_ACCUM_DIFF(instr->counter, endtime, instr->starttime);
     /* Add delta of buffer usage since entry to node's totals */
     if (instr->need_bufusage)
                              &pgBufferUsage, &instr->bufusage_start);
     /* Is this the first tuple of this cycle? */
     if (!instr->running)
         instr->running = true;
         instr->firsttuple = INSTR_TIME_GET_DOUBLE(instr->counter);


  * Although this header file is nominally backend-only, certain frontend
  * programs like pg_controldata include it via postgres.h.  For some compilers
  * it's necessary to hide the inline definition of MemoryContextSwitchTo in
  * this scenario; hence the #ifndef FRONTEND.
 #ifndef FRONTEND
 static inline MemoryContext
 MemoryContextSwitchTo(MemoryContext context)
     MemoryContext old = CurrentMemoryContext;
     CurrentMemoryContext = context;
     return old;
 #endif                          /* FRONTEND */


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *      ExecutorRun
 *      This is the main routine of the executor module. It accepts
 *      the query descriptor from the traffic cop and executes the
 *      query plan.
 *      ExecutorStart must have been called already.
 *      If direction is NoMovementScanDirection then nothing is done
 *      except to start up/shut down the destination.  Otherwise,
 *      we retrieve up to 'count' tuples in the specified direction.
 *      Note: count = 0 is interpreted as no portal limit, i.e., run to
 *      completion.  Also note that the count limit is only applied to
 *      retrieved tuples, not for instance to those inserted/updated/deleted
 *      by a ModifyTable plan node.
 *      There is no return value, but output tuples (if any) are sent to
 *      the destination receiver specified in the QueryDesc; and the number
 *      of tuples processed at the top level can be found in
 *      estate->es_processed.
 *      We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins
 *      get control when ExecutorRun is called.  Such a plugin would
 *      normally call standard_ExecutorRun().
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
            ScanDirection direction, uint64 count,
            bool execute_once)
    if (ExecutorRun_hook)//如果有钩子函数,则执行钩子函数
        (*ExecutorRun_hook) (queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);
        standard_ExecutorRun(queryDesc, direction, count, execute_once);

standard_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
                     ScanDirection direction, uint64 count, bool execute_once)
    EState     *estate;//执行器状态信息
    CmdType     operation;//命令类型,这里是INSERT
    DestReceiver *dest;//目标接收器
    bool        sendTuples;//是否需要传输Tuples
    MemoryContext oldcontext;//原内存上下文(PG自己的内存管理器)

    /* sanity checks */
    Assert(queryDesc != NULL);

    estate = queryDesc->estate;//获取执行器状态

    Assert(estate != NULL);
    Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));

     * Switch into per-query memory context
    oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);//切换至当前查询上下文,切换前保存原上下文

    /* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */
    if (queryDesc->totaltime)//需要计时?如Oracle在sqlplus中设置set timing on的计时

     * extract information from the query descriptor and the query feature.
    operation = queryDesc->operation;//操作类型
    dest = queryDesc->dest;//目标端

     * startup tuple receiver, if we will be emitting tuples
    estate->es_processed = 0;//进度
    estate->es_lastoid = InvalidOid;//最后一个Oid

    sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||

    if (sendTuples)
        dest->rStartup(dest, operation, queryDesc->tupDesc);//启动目标端的接收器

     * run plan
    if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))//需要扫描
        if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)
            elog(ERROR, "can't re-execute query flagged for single execution");
        queryDesc->already_executed = true;


     * shutdown tuple receiver, if we started it
    if (sendTuples)

    if (queryDesc->totaltime)
        InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, estate->es_processed);//完成计时




testdb=# -- #8 ExecutorRun&standard_ExecutorRun
testdb=# -- 获取pid
testdb=# select pg_backend_pid();
(1 row)
testdb=# -- 插入1行
testdb=# insert into t_insert values(16,'ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun');


[root@localhost ~]# gdb -p 3294
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-100.el7
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(gdb) b standard_ExecutorRun
Breakpoint 1 at 0x690d09: file execMain.c, line 322.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, standard_ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x2c2d4e0, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:322
322     estate = queryDesc->estate;
(gdb) p *queryDesc
$1 = {operation = CMD_INSERT, plannedstmt = 0x2cc1488, 
  sourceText = 0x2c09ef0 "insert into t_insert values(16,'ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun');", snapshot = 0x2c866e0, 
  crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, dest = 0x2cc15e8, params = 0x0, queryEnv = 0x0, instrument_options = 0, tupDesc = 0x2c309d0, estate = 0x2c2f900, planstate = 0x2c2fc50, already_executed = false, 
  totaltime = 0x0}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->plannedstmt)
$2 = {type = T_PlannedStmt, commandType = CMD_INSERT, queryId = 0, hasReturning = false, hasModifyingCTE = false, canSetTag = true, transientPlan = false, dependsOnRole = false, 
  parallelModeNeeded = false, jitFlags = 0, planTree = 0x2cc10f8, rtable = 0x2cc13b8, resultRelations = 0x2cc1458, nonleafResultRelations = 0x0, rootResultRelations = 0x0, subplans = 0x0, 
  rewindPlanIDs = 0x0, rowMarks = 0x0, relationOids = 0x2cc1408, invalItems = 0x0, paramExecTypes = 0x2c2f590, utilityStmt = 0x0, stmt_location = 0, stmt_len = 136}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->snapshot)
$3 = {satisfies = 0x9f73fc <HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC>, xmin = 1612874, xmax = 1612874, xip = 0x0, xcnt = 0, subxip = 0x0, subxcnt = 0, suboverflowed = false, takenDuringRecovery = false, copied = true, 
  curcid = 0, speculativeToken = 0, active_count = 1, regd_count = 2, ph_node = {first_child = 0x0, next_sibling = 0x0, prev_or_parent = 0x0}, whenTaken = 0, lsn = 0}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->dest)
$4 = {receiveSlot = 0x4857ad <printtup>, rStartup = 0x485196 <printtup_startup>, rShutdown = 0x485bad <printtup_shutdown>, rDestroy = 0x485c21 <printtup_destroy>, mydest = DestRemote}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->tupDesc)
$5 = {natts = 0, tdtypeid = 2249, tdtypmod = -1, tdhasoid = false, tdrefcount = -1, constr = 0x0, attrs = 0x2c309f0}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->estate)
$6 = {type = T_EState, es_direction = ForwardScanDirection, es_snapshot = 0x2c866e0, es_crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, es_range_table = 0x2cc13b8, es_plannedstmt = 0x2cc1488, 
  es_sourceText = 0x2c09ef0 "insert into t_insert values(16,'ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun','ExecutorRun/standard_ExecutorRun');", es_junkFilter = 0x0, 
  es_output_cid = 0, es_result_relations = 0x2c2fb40, es_num_result_relations = 1, es_result_relation_info = 0x0, es_root_result_relations = 0x0, es_num_root_result_relations = 0, 
  es_tuple_routing_result_relations = 0x0, es_trig_target_relations = 0x0, es_trig_tuple_slot = 0x2c30ab0, es_trig_oldtup_slot = 0x0, es_trig_newtup_slot = 0x0, es_param_list_info = 0x0, 
  es_param_exec_vals = 0x2c2fb10, es_queryEnv = 0x0, es_query_cxt = 0x2c2f7f0, es_tupleTable = 0x2c30500, es_rowMarks = 0x0, es_processed = 0, es_lastoid = 0, es_top_eflags = 0, es_instrument = 0, 
  es_finished = false, es_exprcontexts = 0x2c2feb0, es_subplanstates = 0x0, es_auxmodifytables = 0x0, es_per_tuple_exprcontext = 0x0, es_epqTuple = 0x0, es_epqTupleSet = 0x0, es_epqScanDone = 0x0, 
  es_use_parallel_mode = false, es_query_dsa = 0x0, es_jit_flags = 0, es_jit = 0x0}
(gdb) p *(queryDesc->planstate)
$7 = {type = T_ModifyTableState, plan = 0x2cc10f8, state = 0x2c2f900, ExecProcNode = 0x69a78b <ExecProcNodeFirst>, ExecProcNodeReal = 0x6c2485 <ExecModifyTable>, instrument = 0x0, 
  worker_instrument = 0x0, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, chgParam = 0x0, ps_ResultTupleSlot = 0x2c30a00, ps_ExprContext = 0x0, ps_ProjInfo = 0x0, 
  scandesc = 0x0}
(gdb) p direction
$8 = ForwardScanDirection
(gdb) p count
$9 = 0
(gdb) p execute_once
$10 = true
(gdb) next
330     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
333     if (queryDesc->totaltime)
(gdb) p *oldcontext
$11 = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = false, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720 <AllocSetMethods>, parent = 0x2c6f380, firstchild = 0x2c2f7f0, prevchild = 0x0, nextchild = 0x0, 
  name = 0xb8d2f1 "PortalContext", ident = 0x2c72e98 "", reset_cbs = 0x0}
(gdb) p *(estate->es_query_cxt)
$12 = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = false, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720 <AllocSetMethods>, parent = 0x2c2d3d0, firstchild = 0x2cbce60, prevchild = 0x0, nextchild = 0x0, 
  name = 0xb1a840 "ExecutorState", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}
(gdb) next
339     operation = queryDesc->operation;
340     dest = queryDesc->dest;
345     estate->es_processed = 0;
346     estate->es_lastoid = InvalidOid;
348     sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||
349                   queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasReturning);
348     sendTuples = (operation == CMD_SELECT ||
351     if (sendTuples)
357     if (!ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction))
359         if (execute_once && queryDesc->already_executed)
361         queryDesc->already_executed = true;
363         ExecutePlan(estate,
365                     queryDesc->plannedstmt->parallelModeNeeded,
363         ExecutePlan(estate,
377     if (sendTuples)
380     if (queryDesc->totaltime)
383     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
384 }
ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x2c2d4e0, direction=ForwardScanDirection, count=0, execute_once=true) at execMain.c:307
307 }




