Show your work读书笔记

2023-01-22  本文已影响0人  eleven_echo


6.Teach What You Know.

they started out as beginners, and so they feel an obligation to pass on what they’ve learned.


Think about what you can share from your process that would inform the people you’re trying to reach. Have you learned a craft? What are your techniques? Are you skilled at using certain tools and materials? What kind of knowledge comes along with your job?

The minute you learn something, turn around and teach it to others. Share your reading list. Point to helpful reference materials. Create some tutorials and post them online. Use pictures, words, and video.


7. Don’t Turn Into Human Spam.

They don’t want to pay their dues, they want their piece right here, right now.

the world owes none of us anything.

切忌:过度分享,完全以自我为中心,成为作者所说的Human Spam。

If you’re only pointing to your own stuff online, you’re doing it wrong. You have to be a connector.

这就是为什么,要分享your work而不是你的自拍、晚餐、咖啡和猫猫狗狗。我想我心中是隐约有这个概念的,所以我不怎么发社交媒体,尤其是发自拍和女性照片,偶尔跟朋友出行跟风发几次,也没什么特别的感觉。这也是为什么手机里存了很多照片和视频,却总是发不出去无法断舍离,因为我的感觉里,那完全是关于我自己,只能满足我的自恋,不能算有趣,也不可作为一种指南。要做一个连接者,去建立连接。

What you want is to follow and be followed by human beings who care about issues you care about. This thing we make together. This thing is about hearts and minds, not eyeballs.


Don’t waste your time reading articles about how to get more followers.


to be “interest-ing” is to be curious and attentive, and to practice “the continual projection of interest.” To put it more simply: If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested.


people you know can’t do anything for you if you’re not doing good work.

how many people waste time and energy trying to make connections instead of getting good at what they do, when “being good at things is the only thing that earns you clout or connections.”

Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.

上文说到,"要做一个连接者,去建立连接。"但建立连接,并不是所谓的经营人脉,我们的时间和精力要花在使自己变得更专业getting good at what we do,因为这是唯一可以赢得人脉和影响力的方法。

“Whatever excites you, go do it. Whatever drains you, stop doing it.”


比如无效社交,比如应酬应付,比如长时间浏览购物软件、浏览视频、浏览社交软件、上网,一整天刷剧、熬夜,囤货,比如疯狂囤书停不下来,沉迷于物品和表面的浮华。这些都是会让我筋疲力尽的事,应该列一个Not to do的坏习惯列表,减少次数。

The Vampire Test. 

It’s a simple way to know who you should let in and out of your life. it works on many things in our lives, not just people—you can apply it to jobs, hobbies, places, etc.

If, after hanging out with someone you feel worn out and depleted, that person is a vampire. If, after hanging out with someone you still feel full of energy, that person is not a vampire.






Vampires cannot be cured.


Should you find yourself in the presence of a vampire, be like Brancusi, and banish it from your life forever.

Banish Vampires from your life forever!



If we get sick of talking to one another, we can browse, and if we get sick of browsing, we can grab a coffee in the café.

Meeting people online is awesome, but turning them into IRL friends is even better.


