首页文章布达佩斯大饭店 The Grand Budapest Hotel(2014)萌姐课程


2017-07-13  本文已影响20人  风境羽

Pressures and problems of giving presentations

I would prefer to write an essay rather than deliver a presentation!


You may think presentations are more difficult to deliver than having to complete an essay or report for an assignment.

They can certainly increase your anxiety levels and you may think that you actually have to work harder for a presentation than for an assignment.

Whilst this may not be true, your higher anxiety levels may cause you to believe this and you may not use your time as effectively in the preparation, because of this anxiety.

You may feel more nervous about reading your work aloud in a presentation than the more private situation where an academic reads your written work alone and no-one from your peer group sees the quality of your work.

I only seem to learn from the content of my own presentations but not when I have to listen to other students. There is no point attending the other presentations!


This is a frequent complaint from students and a real challenge to academics for how to use presentations as a good learning experience for everyone involved. We hope that using this book will help to eliminate this attitude but it is useful to remember that if you feel like this, so will your audience, therefore, think about what you can do to make sure that they learn something from your presentation and find it interesting!

I do not know enough about the topic to give a presentation!


Presentations can also be stressful if you are asked to present on a topic about which you have only a limited knowledge. In these situations you may need to use a large amount of preparation time to develop new knowledge before you feel confident enough to prepare and plan the presentation. Whilst you may see this as stressful and a disadvantage of presentations, in some circumstances, this is exactly why they are chosen as a method of assessment. They force you to develop new knowledge and to prepare well for the event.

There is so much information on the topic I cannot decide what to include and what to leave out!


In this situation, you may feel overwhelmed by the size of the topic and experience feelings of panic when you have to make decisions about the content. There will probably be some guidance and advice in tutorials to help you decide what to include and what to leave out.

Group presentations are usually a problem. I feel that I do more of the work than other group members!


You may experience higher anxiety levels preparing for and delivering a group presentation than for an individual presentation. Problems with group behaviour may divert attention away from the real preparation tasks and more time can be spent arguing or discussing what needs to be done instead of actually doing the work needed to complete the preparation.

I think I could earn higher marks for an individual presentation than for a group presentation!


Sometimes this is experienced by students who have previously had problems working for a group presentation.

You may believe that you could earn higher marks because you are more capable than other group members, or that the group pressures divert energy away from good content development.

Whilst this may be true in some situations, many tutors use group presentations as opportunities to develop the team working and project management skills that many employers say are essential in the workplace.

On many academic courses the assessment procedures are monitored and adjusted to make sure that final marks reflect the true ability of the individual student rather than the group members, so a group mark may only be a small proportion of the total marks for the module.​​​​

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