荐课:Kelly - Values and Human Beha
哲学赋予我们思考的工具。很多人可能认为哲学是非常不接地气也非常不实用的学科。这可能是偏见。对于全球研究中心的跨学科学习者,哲学是绕不过的学科,CGS研究“local”和“global”,而文化的差异在哲学中得到最好也最深刻的体现,比如英美法系和大陆法系的差别根本上是英国经验主义和欧陆理性主义的差异。对于想成为“generalist”的同学,哲学也是非常棒的选择(我自己便是因此选了哲学作为之后博士研究的专业),具体的某一个学科比如我自己的计算机和英语,这是“器”的学习,而哲学是“道”的学习,“君子不器”便是说君子不应当拘泥于某一个学科的学习,而是应该广泛地吸取各个学科的思想。丹尼尔丹内特的一位学生很好的总结了哲学的价值“You can’ do much carpenter with your bare hands, and you can’t do much thinking with your bare brain.” 哲学则赋予你思考的工具。
童鞋们,Kelly老师的课程"Values and Human Behavior" 还有学位,欢迎大家选修!!属性:校核心课程。如下是Kelly老师关于该门课的介绍 Announcement:
Three credits, Monday 4:00 - 6:35 PM "Values and Human Behavior"
Dr. Kelly Nicholson The Center for Global Studies
This course is devoted to questions about how we as human beings ought to behave -
what is the difference between good and evil, and what qualities of character are worth developing?
How do these questions enter into practical issues such as abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia (so-called mercy killing), warfare, animal rights, and human sexuality?
The course includes one essay exam and one class presentation. The presentation allows students to actively shape their own study by choosing a topic to share, either solo or with team members, during the term. Thus the course provides valuable practice in English language, reading, listening, and speaking. Short videos and frequent small group discussion are included. A study guide is provided in advance to prepare students for the essay exam given in the second half of the term.
Mar 1