
2017-10-12  本文已影响0人  迦勒Caleb

2017年10月12日 充电

灵修主题: 力量的源泉


因为 神所赐给我们的,不是胆怯的灵,而是有能力、仁爱、自律的灵。  (提摩太后书 1:7 新译本)





1. P代表 追求圣洁

运动员在一切事上都要追求圣洁。情欲的圣洁是必须的,只有圣洁才能带来亲密关系。圣洁的作战计划在诗篇119:9 里有解释,“少年人用什么洁净自己的行为呢?就是要遵守你的话。”如果你将神的话语藏于心中,圣洁就成为一种生活方式。

在你决志将自己献给基督之后,第二个重要的决定应该是要做一名圣洁的运动员。在哥林多前书6:18 保罗告诫我们要“你们要逃避淫乱的事。”他所说的应该是约瑟在创世纪39章里逃离波提乏的妻子。在面临淫乱试探的时候,我们效法约瑟快跑,逃离。


O 代表顺服呼召

神对我们每个人都有使命和呼召。问题不是你是否被 呼召做神的工作,而是你是否会对神所放在你生命当中的呼召作回应。他并没有想象你隐藏祂的旨意或使之很难搞懂。你的目的就是要去,像大卫在诗篇27:4中所描述的那样做。“有一件事我求过耶和华,我还要寻求;我要一生一世住在耶和华的殿里,瞻仰他的荣美,在他的殿中求问。”当你寻求他,他就会向你显明你的使命。你的恩赐、才能和技术都能够也应该被用来荣耀神。 Zig Ziglar 说“你是地球上唯一可以使用自己能力的人。”一个有能力的运动员愿意顺服他生命的呼召。

W 代表每天敬拜神


E 代表与他人相交

箴言13:20说“与智慧人同行的,必得智慧;与愚昧人为友的,必受亏损。 ”要找到一些好朋友和他们一起经营生活。伟大的朋友就像稀有昂贵的钻石,很难被找到。一旦找到他们,你就应该好好的珍惜!身边的人都应该是希望你做到最好的人。想发展这样了不起的关系并不容易。需要努力箴言18:1 说,“离群独处的,只顾自己的心愿;他抗拒一切大智慧。 ”不要离群独处。一个有能力的运动员和对的人为友,这样的关系就决定他生活的方向和生活的质量。

R 代表拒绝冷漠

你身体的每一个部分都会说,“什么也别做。”一个冷漠的灵就是,“我不在乎”的态度。我们需要在乎。有能力的运动员,将生命看做一次历险记,而不是繁琐无聊的职责。每一分每一秒都很重要。所以求神给你勇气,将每一刻都活到最充实的状态。不要站在生活的边线上。箴言28:1说“恶人虽然没有人追赶,仍然逃跑;义人却像狮子,放胆无惧。 ”要像狮子一样放胆无惧,勇敢的带领。勇气是即使害怕也勇敢前进,而不是不害怕。做一个有能力的运动员,意味着要做正确的事情。求神告诉你哪些事情是对的,也求神给你勇气,即使在困难的时候也坚持做对的事。每次你向前迈步的时候,神都会出现。有勇气去带领和服侍!不要退缩。一个有能力的运动员,拒绝冷漠的灵,而是让自己进入到耶稣的能力当中。




1 .为什么体育文化里充满了能力的概念?能举个例子吗?

2. 上面列举出来的五条原则,哪一条对你来说最有挑战性?你生命中的什么环境使它这么困难?


4. 你如何能够成为大有属灵能力的运动员?你可以开始做哪一件事,停止做哪一件事?


离群独处的,只顾自己的心愿;他抗拒一切大智慧。 (箴言 18:1 新译本)

次日凌晨,天还没有亮,耶稣起身出去,来到荒野的地方,在那里祷告。  (马可福音 1:35 新译本)

我们这样疼爱你们,不但乐意把 神的福音传给你们,连自己的性命也乐意给你们,因为你们是我们所爱的。  (帖撒罗尼迦前书 2:8 新译本)







P.O.W.E.R. Up


“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

-2 Timothy 1:7


It’s all about power these days. We have Power Bars, Powerade®, Power Play, Power Training and Power Ratings. The world of sports is addicted to power. Bigger, faster and stronger is the ticket.

Strength training for any athlete is essential—you need to be an athlete of power. We know what an athlete of power looks like physically, but do we know what an athlete of power looks like spiritually? God wants us to be an athlete or coach of spiritual P.O.W.E.R. This is not power that the world offers, but the kind of power that only comes from God. What kind of athlete do you want to be? It’s time to P.O.W.E.R. up.

P - Pursue Purity

Athletes must pursue purity in all things. Sexual purity is essential, because purity paves the way to intimacy in all relationships. The purity game plan is explained in Psalm 119:10: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” Purity becomes a lifestyle when you hide God’s Word in your heart.

The second greatest decision you can make (after surrendering your life to Christ) is deciding to be an athlete of purity. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, Paul warns us to, “flee from sexual immorality.” He was probably referring to Joseph in Genesis 39 when Joseph fled from Potiphar’s wife. We need to “pull a Joseph” when there is sexual temptation. Run! Sprint! Flee!

Pursuing purity stretches beyond sexual purity, too, into having right actions, thoughts and motives in all areas of our lives. A life of purity is one that is marked with excellence. An Athlete of Power understands that there is spiritual power in purity.

O - Obey the Call 

God places a call or a mission in each of us. The question is not whether you are called to do God’s work, but whether you will respond to the call God has on your life. He doesn’t try to hide His will from you or make it difficult. Your goal is to do what David writes in Psalm 27:4: “One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life …” When you seek Him, He will reveal what you are made to do. Your gifts, talents and skills can and should be used to glorify him. Zig Ziglar nailed it when he said, “You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.” An Athlete of Power is willing to obey the call in his or her life.

W - Worship Daily

Get your spiritual workout in by learning when and how to engage Jesus Christ daily. Worshipping God is like breathing. It’s not just important; it’s mandatory! Seek God constantly. Pursue Him with everything you have. He will never disappoint you! Walk with Jesus daily by getting your face in the Word of God. An Athlete of Power realizes he or she can’t survive without worshipping God daily.

E – Engage Others

Proverbs 13:20 says, “The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.” Find some good friends and do life together. Great friends are like rare, expensive diamonds—hard to find. But once you do find them you should value them greatly! Surround yourself with people who want the best for you. Developing these significant relationships doesn’t come easy. It’s hard work. Proverbs 18:1 says, “One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound judgment.” Don’t pull away and isolate yourself. An Athlete of Power surrounds himself or herself with the right people, and those relationships will determine his or her direction in life and the quality of their life.

R – Reject Apathy

Everything in your body says “Do Nothing.” Don’t take the easy way out. An apathetic spirit is the “I don’t care” attitude. We need to care. Athletes of Power approach life as if it is an adventure, not a chore or duty. Every moment counts. So, ask the Lord for the courage to be bold and maximize every moment. Don’t stay on the sidelines of life. Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Be bold as a lion and lead courageously. Courage is moving forward while you have fear, not when fear is absent.

Being an Athlete of Power means doing the right thing. Ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to know what’s right and the courage to do what’s right even when it’s hard. Every time you step up, God will show up. Lead and serve with courage! Don’t pull away. An Athlete of Power rejects the apathetic spirit and leans into the power of Jesus within them.

So, what kind of athlete do you want to be? The choice is yours. Choose to be an Athlete of Power!


1. Why is our sports culture consumed with power? Can you give an example?

2. Which of the five principles listed above is the most challenging for you? What are the circumstances in your life that is causing it to be difficult?

3. How can God use these principles to help you grow spiritually?

4. How can you become an athlete of spiritual power? What is one thing you can start doing and one thing you can stop doing?


Proverbs 18:1

Mark 1:35

1 Thessalonians 2:8


“Lord God in Heaven, I want to be an athlete of power. Today, I ask for spiritual power. May my life be marked with purity, a strong calling, a fresh encounter with You daily, great friends and a spirit of courage. I understand this power comes from You alone, but I don’t want to ask for just power. Lord, I want to pursue You and seek Your face. I desire to know You and not just ask something from You. Hear my heart Lord. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

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