
【天声人语】偉い人は撮らない 2019-05-30

2019-06-08  本文已影响3人  吕尧


Late filmmaker Fukuharta Tapped into beauty of conflicted souls









May of the protagonists in films by director Yasuo Furuhata have unresolved emotional issues that haunt them years later.

An "izakaya" pub owner is tormented by his failure to save the woman who was his first love; a wartime "kamikaze" suicide squad pilot is ashamed of having survived his mission; and a police detective carries the guilt of a crime he committed as a teenager.

Furuhata died on May 20 at age 84.

I alwasys thought of him as a director who could handle any theme with ease, but I was wrong.

There was one film assignment he flatly refused to undertake. It was the success story of a resourceful founder of an enterprise.

"I do not want to make a film about any great, respectable people," he explained. "I believer a film is only worth making if it brings out the beauty and nobility inherent in people who have been rejected by society."

This was his philosophy of fimmaking throughout his career.

Born in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, in 1934, Fukuhata grew up steeped in militarism. But one day, he was told by a school teacher: "Japan is going to lose this war. Don't ever volunteer to serve as a child soldier."

The teacher was risking imprisonment for giving such an advice.FUruhata later recalled. Deeply shocked as he was, the advice also enabled him to see Japanese society in an entirely new light.

In recent years, Furuhata was one of the main members of "Eiga-jinn 9-jo no Kai" an association of filmmakers and actors supporting pacifist Article 9 of the Constitution.

He issued messages from time to time.

On one occasion, he said, "The bellicose language of today's politicians heightens my sense of foreboding." On another, he said, "I am apprehensive of the atmosphere that is being fostered daily."

While highly contentious national security legislation was being debated in the Diet in summer 2015, he spearheaded a protest movement with fellow film director Isao Takahata.

News of Furuhata's death turned me to some of his best-known works for the first time in a while.

The protagnist of "Eki(Station)" is a police detective who broods over his failure to save the life of his superior. The lead character in "Poppoya(Railroad Man)" is a railroad worker who bitterly regrets his past as a neglectful husband and father.

Both roles were played by the late Ken Takakura with his signature depth and quiet gravitas.

Furuhata was not the type to be categorized as a "great master." But his empathy with weak, transient and sad individuals was tryly profound. He made many films that resonated deeply with "ordinary people."




降旗在不久前的5月20日不幸逝世,享年84岁。我总是以为他是那种无论任何题材的电影都能游刃有余的天才导演。然而不然,前段时间他就坚决拒绝了一部电影。这是一部讲述创业者创业成功经历的励志成功故事。“我不想拍那些成功人士,我觉得只有那些不被社会所接受的人身上的美和尊贵,才是电影人应该捕捉的”。 这是他的电影生涯一以贯之的哲学。




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