

2019-11-19  本文已影响0人  can_4999















  1. public interface IJhrscom

  2. {

  3. ResponseResult GetResult(string a, DateTime dateTime, int id);

  4. ResponseResult GetPatient(Guid id, ResponseResult t);

  5. }

  6. public class Jhrscom : IJhrscom

  7. {

  8. [AutoCache(10)]

  9. public ResponseResult GetPatient(Guid id, ResponseResult t)

  10. {

  11. string key = GetKey(new object[] { id, t });

  12. ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult() { Code = 4444, Message = "第2个方法" };

  13. return result;

  14. }

  15. [AutoCache(cacheMinutes: 12, enableSliding: true)]

  16. public ResponseResult GetResult(string a, DateTime dateTime, int id)

  17. {

  18. ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult() { Code = 1122, Message = "缓存测试消息" };

  19. string key = GetKey(new object[] { a, dateTime, id });

  20. return result;

  21. }

  22. /// <summary>

  23. /// 缓存key

  24. /// </summary>

  25. /// <param name="pars"></param>

  26. /// <returns></returns>

  27. private string GetKey(params object[] pars)

  28. {

  29. var method = new StackFrame(1).GetMethod();

  30. var array = method.GetParameters();

  31. var key = array.Select(x => { return pars[x.Position].ToJson(); }).ToArray();

  32. var cacheKey = $"{method.DeclaringType.ToString()}|{method.Name.Replace("′", "")}|{string.Join("", array.Select(x => x.Name))}|{string.Join("", key)}".GetMd5();

  33. Console.WriteLine($"【{method.Name.Replace("′", "")}】实现类里面的缓存Key:" + cacheKey);

  34. return cacheKey;

  35. }

  36. }

  37. /// <summary>

  38. /// 输出结果

  39. /// </summary>

  40. public class ResponseResult

  41. {

  42. public int Code { get; set; }

  43. public string Message { get; set; }

  44. //.....其它属性

  45. }



  1. /// <summary>

  2. /// 用AOP来实现自动缓存

  3. /// </summary>

  4. public class AutoCacheAttribute : Attribute, IMethodAdvice

  5. {

  6. /// <summary>

  7. /// 滑动过期

  8. /// </summary>

  9. public bool EnableSliding { get; set; }

  10. /// <summary>

  11. /// 缓存时间,分钟

  12. /// </summary>

  13. public int CacheMinutes { get; set; }

  14. /// <summary>

  15. /// 构造函数

  16. /// </summary>

  17. /// <param name="cacheMinutes">缓存时间,分钟,默认5分钟,小于等于0永久缓存</param>

  18. /// <param name="enableSliding">使用滑动过期缓存控制策略</param>

  19. public AutoCacheAttribute(int cacheMinutes = 5, bool enableSliding = false)

  20. {

  21. EnableSliding = enableSliding;

  22. CacheMinutes = cacheMinutes;

  23. }

  24. /// <summary>

  25. /// AOP组件拦截方法,用于实现自动缓存,有缓存时直接返回;

  26. /// 没有缓存时,调用被拦截方法后,有返回值则将数据自动缓存起来

  27. /// </summary>

  28. /// <param name="context"></param>

  29. public void Advise(MethodAdviceContext context)

  30. {

  31. var key = GetKey(context);

  32. if (context.HasReturnValue && key.TryGetCache(out object m))

  33. {

  34. var r = m as ResponseResult;

  35. r.Message = "在拦截方法里面改了缓存里面取出来的数据!";

  36. context.ReturnValue = r;

  37. //context.ReturnValue = m;

  38. //context.Proceed(); //直接取出缓存返回,不用执行原来取数据方法。

  39. }

  40. else

  41. {

  42. context.Proceed();//执行被拦截的方法

  43. if (context.HasReturnValue && context.ReturnValue != null)

  44. {

  45. //被拦截方法有返回值,并且返回值不为null

  46. if (EnableSliding && CacheMinutes > 0)

  47. context.ReturnValue.SetCache(key, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(CacheMinutes));

  48. else if (CacheMinutes > 0)

  49. context.ReturnValue.SetCache(key, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(CacheMinutes));

  50. else

  51. context.ReturnValue.SetCache(key);

  52. }

  53. }

  54. }

  55. /// <summary>

  56. /// 获取缓存key,key的规则为: md5(类全名|方法名|参数列表拆分数组|参数值的json数组),这样可以保证唯一

  57. /// </summary>

  58. /// <param name="context"></param>

  59. /// <returns></returns>

  60. private string GetKey(MethodAdviceContext context)

  61. {

  62. var array = context.TargetMethod.GetParameters();

  63. var key = array.Select(x => { return context.Arguments[x.Position].ToJson(); }).ToArray();

  64. var cacheKey = $"{context.Target.ToString()}|{context.TargetName}|{string.Join("", array.Select(x => x.Name))}|{string.Join("", key)}".GetMd5();

  65. return cacheKey;

  66. }

  67. }

  68. /// <summary>

  69. /// 缓存扩展方法,可使用其它缓存替代

  70. /// </summary>

  71. public static class CacheExtensions

  72. {

  73. private static MemoryCache cache = new MemoryCache("");

  74. /// <summary>

  75. /// 设置缓存,一直不过期

  76. /// </summary>

  77. /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>

  78. /// <param name="value"></param>

  79. /// <param name="key"></param>

  80. public static void SetCache<T>(this T value, string key)

  81. {

  82. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存键参数{nameof(key)}不能为null或空");

  83. if (value == null) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存值参数{nameof(value)}不能为null");

  84. CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy();

  85. cache.Set(key, value, policy);

  86. }

  87. /// <summary>

  88. /// 设置缓存,固定过期时间

  89. /// </summary>

  90. /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>

  91. /// <param name="value"></param>

  92. /// <param name="key"></param>

  93. /// <param name="absoluteExpiration"></param>

  94. public static void SetCache<T>(this T value, string key, DateTimeOffset? absoluteExpiration)

  95. {

  96. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存键参数{nameof(key)}不能为null或空");

  97. if (value == null) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存值参数{nameof(value)}不能为null");

  98. CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy() { AbsoluteExpiration = (DateTimeOffset)absoluteExpiration };

  99. cache.Set(key, value, policy);

  100. }

  101. /// <summary>

  102. /// 设置缓存,滑动过期

  103. /// </summary>

  104. /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>

  105. /// <param name="value"></param>

  106. /// <param name="key"></param>

  107. /// <param name="slidingExpiration"></param>

  108. public static void SetCache<T>(this T value, string key, TimeSpan? slidingExpiration)

  109. {

  110. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存键参数{nameof(key)}不能为null或空");

  111. if (value == null) throw new ArgumentException($"缓存值参数{nameof(value)}不能为null");

  112. CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy() { SlidingExpiration = (TimeSpan)slidingExpiration };

  113. cache.Set(key, value, policy);

  114. }

  115. /// <summary>

  116. /// 获取缓存数据

  117. /// </summary>

  118. /// <typeparam name="T">对象类型</typeparam>

  119. /// <param name="key"><缓存key/param>

  120. /// <param name="value">返回的缓存数据对名</param>

  121. /// <returns></returns>

  122. public static bool TryGetCache<T>(this string key, out T value)

  123. {

  124. value = default(T);

  125. if (cache.Contains(key))

  126. {

  127. value = (T)cache.Get(key);

  128. return true;

  129. }

  130. return false;

  131. }

  132. /// <summary>

  133. /// 获取字符串MD5值

  134. /// </summary>

  135. /// <param name="value"></param>

  136. /// <returns></returns>

  137. public static string GetMd5(this string value)

  138. {

  139. byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);

  140. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  141. MD5 hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

  142. bytes = hash.ComputeHash(bytes);

  143. foreach (byte b in bytes)

  144. {

  145. sb.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);

  146. }

  147. return sb.ToString();

  148. }

  149. }



  1. public static class JsonExtensions

  2. {

  3. /// <summary>

  4. /// 将对象转换为JSON字符串

  5. /// </summary>

  6. /// <param name="obj">要转换的对象</param>

  7. /// <param name="camelCase">是否小写名称</param>

  8. /// <param name="indented"></param>

  9. /// <returns></returns>

  10. public static string ToJson(this object obj, bool camelCase = false, bool indented = false)

  11. {

  12. JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();

  13. if (camelCase)

  14. {

  15. settings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

  16. }

  17. if (indented)

  18. {

  19. settings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

  20. }

  21. return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, settings);

  22. }

  23. /// <summary>

  24. /// 把Json字符串转换为强类型对象

  25. /// </summary>

  26. public static T FromJson<T>(string json)

  27. {

  28. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json)) return default(T);

  29. json = JsonDateTimeFormat(json);

  30. return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);

  31. }

  32. /// <summary>

  33. /// 处理Json的时间格式为正常格式

  34. /// </summary>

  35. private static string JsonDateTimeFormat(string json)

  36. {

  37. json = Regex.Replace(json,

  38. @"\/Date((\d+))\/",

  39. match =>

  40. {

  41. DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

  42. dt = dt.AddMilliseconds(long.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value));

  43. dt = dt.ToLocalTime();

  44. return dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");

  45. });

  46. return json;

  47. }

  48. }




You’ve missed the point: Mr Advice is a post-build weaver, which changes the assembly at build-time after the csc compiler has generated it. To achieve this, is inserts a task in the csproj. So if you want to do the same manually, you need to also add the build task in your csproj. If you have a VS2017 solution with a project working, you’ll only need to copy the lines that were added to the csproj into your own project.


MrAdvice 目录



  1. <Import Project="..\packages\MrAdvice.2.8.8\build\MrAdvice.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\MrAdvice.2.8.8\build\MrAdvice.targets')" />
  2. <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
  3. <PropertyGroup>
  4. <ErrorText>这台计算机上缺少此项目引用的 NuGet 程序包。使用“NuGet 程序包还原”可下载这些程序包。有关更多信息,请参见。缺少的文件是 {0}。</ErrorText>
  5. </PropertyGroup>
  6. <Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\MrAdvice.2.8.8\build\MrAdvice.targets')" Text="([System.String]::Format('(ErrorText)', '..\packages\MrAdvice.2.8.8\build\MrAdvice.targets'))" />
  7. </Target>
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