14 –精通级-单元4: APPLYING FOR A HOME
Write about buying a home and applying for a home loan in your country. How easy or difficult is the process? Are there a lot of forms to fill out? Is housing expensive? What are the interest rates? Do you need to use a real estate agent or mortgage broker?
A decent life must include a cozy home; and in the eyes of the majority of Chinese people, having a home normally means owning the house where home is. Chinese people are prone to buying a house as a home; and owning it makes them feel safe and settled down. After more than two decades of a fast growing economy, we have got a frenzied housing market. Owning a house is possible for individuals of working class, but owning a decent and respectable house in a metropolitan is financially beyond our endeavors, because the housing price in major cities is going through the roof currently. Mortgage loans are easy to apply for if you are qualified to buy a house somewhere, with the assistance of bank clerks to fill forms on behalf of you, and a complete list of required documents and information included in the clear instructions the banks provide to mortgage appliers. The qualification requirement is mainly based on the national and local regulations. In Mainland China, all Chinese are subject to the restriction of the household register (Hukou), which may lead to many people unable to buy a house in the city they have been living for many years because theirHukouare not there. The regulations are also subject to changestimely, not only with the Hukou restriction. Sometimes when we buy the second house in the same city, we may be required to pay a higher percent of down payment andhighermortgageintereststhan that of our first purchases. Currently, the new polices in many citiesrestrictthe holding period, that mean after we have bought a house, we cannot sell out it within 2 to 8 years varyingaccordingly indifferent cities. The new rules have eliminated many flocks of speculators. Hopefully, the price is going to level off soon. In Guangzhou and several other cities, the new policies also allow tenants to register their permanent residences;and their
children can go thelocal public schools now.Whileoverwhelmed by the rocketing price, more and more people choose to rent a house rather than buying one. Financially speaking, renting a house is much better than buying one, because the rent is even lower than the bank interests of the money to buy the same house, not taking into account the costs and interests of mortgage installment.