2022年经济学人杂志年度书籍 - 文化和科技类
《男孩与男人之间》 现代男性挣扎这件事为什么影响重大、要怎么做
Of Boys and Men. By Richard Reeves. Brookings Institution Press; 256 pages; $28.99. Swift Press; £20
In some ways the world remains male-dominated, yet many men are falling behind, says the author. Boys do worse than girls in school in many countries, and are more likely everywhere to end up in prison or kill themselves. He suggests practical, incremental reforms, such as having boys start school a year later.
《人艰不拆》 哲学如何帮助我们找到前路
Life is Hard. By Kieran Setiya. Riverhead Books; 240 pages; $27. Hutchinson Heinemann; £16.99
A professor of philosophy at mit argues that suffering need not diminish or spoil a good life. Living well and hardship can go together, he says; clear thinking is the key. A humane, consoling guide to this vale of tears, with a glimmer of hope.
《次要情节》 中国在读什么,这点为什么重要
The Subplot. By Megan Walsh. Columbia Global Reports; 133 pages; $16 and £11.99
Papyrus. By Irene Vallejo. Translated by Charlotte Whittle. Knopf; 464 pages; $35. Hodder & Stoughton; £25
A lively history of books in the ancient world. The committing of words and stories to papyrus scrolls was, the author says, as disruptive as the internet.
Magnificent Rebels. By Andrea Wulf. Knopf; 512 pages; $35. John Murray; £25
An arresting group biography of the “Jena Set”, a gang of young German intellectuals who played an outsize part in the movement that came to be known as Romanticism. It reads as if Iris Murdoch had set a novel during an especially muddy phase of German metaphysics.
The Song of the Cell. By Siddhartha Mukherjee. Scribner; 496 pages; $26.99. Bodley Head; £22
A tour d’horizon of cell theory, by a clinical oncologist and professor of that subject at Columbia University. Cases from the author’s own career illustrate the results of both cellular understanding and the lack of it. The result is part history lesson, part biology lesson and part reminder of how science itself actually proceeds.
Elusive. By Frank Close. Basic Books; 304 pages; $26. Allen Lane; £25
A compelling account of the long search for the Higgs boson: its existence was predicted in 1964, but it did not show its face to the world until 2012. This is also a biography of Peter Higgs, the shy physicist after whom the particle was named.
An Immense World. By Ed Yong. Random House; 464 pages; $30. Vintage; £17.99
Human senses can only perceive a fraction of the energy and information moving through the world. Animals manage much more: some birds can sense magnetic fields, bees can see ultraviolet light and bats perceive their surroundings using sound waves. By examining how such creatures sense their environments, this book lifts the shroud on previously invisible dimensions of the world itself.
Beyond Measure. By James Vincent. W.W. Norton; 432 pages; $32.50. Faber; £18.99
Humans are list-makers, this deeply researched history of measurement argues. From Aristotle’s “Categories” to the Linnaean taxonomy of biology, people are splitters, not lumpers, forever seeking to parse and quantify the world.
The Equality Machine. By Orly Lobel. PublicAffairs; 368 pages; $30 and £25
This author agrees with those who fear artificial intelligence can be biased. But, in a brilliant act of intellectual jiu-jitsu, she argues that the answer is not to slow the technology, but to speed it up to solve those defects and achieve social progress.
This Mortal Coil. By Andrew Doig. Bloomsbury; 384 pages; $34 and £25
A biochemist at the University of Manchester provides a surprisingly upbeat history of death—and points to medical marvels that may lie ahead. An empowering story of human ingenuity.
一位曼彻斯特大学的生物化学家给出对死亡的令人惊讶、积极向上的历史 - 医学奇迹就在前方。一个关于人类才华的动人的故事。
SOURCE: https://www.economist.com/culture/2022/12/06/these-are-the-economists-best-books-of-2022