
2020-04-08  本文已影响0人  慢慢行走的玄子



Business English wins by: Teaches you understand Financial English (with premium MP3 Download)(Chinese Edition)
Business English wins by: Teaches you understand Financial English (with premium MP3 Download)(Chinese Edition)

corporation 公司
融资渠道 the means of financing
经济因素 economic forces
货币政策 monetary policy
公司的财务状况 corporate finances
经济走势 trends in economics
汇率 exchange rates
存贷款的影响 the values of deposits and loans
金融衍生产品的运用 derivatives they handle
鼓励或者钳制作用 encourage or restrict
公司成长 corporate growth
失业率上升 unemployment is on the rise.
右图数据 The figure on the right
整体支出 overall spending
银行信贷紧缩 the credit crunch
连续 in a row
脱落 shedding
被归类为 classifies as
长期 long-term
民营机构分析师 private analysts
表示担心称 have voiced concerns that
估算 estimate
失业救济 jobless claim
赞为 hail as
持保留态度 be cautious to take as
指出 citing
潜在阻力 a potential drag
经济大萧条 the great depression
重蹈 a repetition of
有动力去 have incentive to
削减 cutting back
基数 cardinal numbers
序数 ordinal number
比例 fractions
略谈 a short view of
0.7 seven tenths
1/99 one in ninety-nine
2:1 two to one
2*4 two by four
下降趋势 downward movement
增长曲线 a bumpy curve
水平轴 horizontal axis

金融危机 the financial crisis
接洽 talking to banks
借出 loan
违约 default
本金 principal
收效率 yield
商业票据 (CP) commercial paper
担保物 collateral
契约 indenture
债权证券 debt security
无担保公司债券 debenture
暴跌21% tumble 21%
金融股 financial sectors
预示好 bode well for
尽管如此 nonetheless
指标 indicators
强劲 robust
萎缩 shrunk
公司债券信用评级 corporate bonds have seen their creditworthiness
痛苦 suffering
持续熊市 remain bearish
以绝对数字 in absolute terms
垃圾债券 junk
投资级债券 investment-grade bonds
抛售潮 the sell-off
战胜经济衰退 over the recession
监管机关 regulators
仅就...这点 only in the sense that
政府借款 government borrowing
持续高度关注 keep a sharp eye on
他们的意图 their willingness
市场不安 unease in the markets



