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Detach Elements v.1.0
Author : Anubis [project3d.narod.ru]
Created: [2010-01-18] - entire code
Updated: [2010-03-15] - added notes
Requirement: any 3ds Max version
Detach all elements on multiple objects
Usage Notes:
Sometime in 3ds Max 2008/2009 Undo buffer become empty
after script usage. This come from the major undo bug in this
Max releases, i.e. it's not related to the script code itself.
Use Max Edit Hold/Fetch feature instead in 3ds Max 2008/2009.
if Detach2Elements != undefined do
if classOf Detach2Elements == RolloutClass do
destroyDialog Detach2Elements
rollout Detach2Elements "Detach Elements"
--// Top level Locals
local srcObjs = #() -- source objs
local tmpObjs = #() -- temporary
local endObjs = #() -- for conv2Mesh
local eleGroups = #() -- for UnGrouping
--// Functions
fn DetachToElements obj cPivot &endObjs num:1 = (
while obj.getNumFaces() != 0 do (
polyop.setFaceSelection obj #{1}
ele = polyop.getFaceSelection obj
newName = (num as string)
num += 1 -- pump up counter
polyop.detachFaces obj ele asNode:true name:newName
newObj = getNodeByName newName
append endObjs newObj
attachObjects obj newObj
if cPivot do centerPivot obj.children
mapped fn renameChildren ch = (
ch.name = ch.parent.name + ch.name
--// UI
group "Base Options"
checkBox keepSource "Keep Source Objects" checked:true
checkBox UndoOn "Enable Undo" checked:false --enabled:false
group "New Objects"
checkBox outMesh "Convert to Mesh" checked:false
checkBox isGroup "Group by Source" checked:false
checkBox cPivot "Center Pivot" checked:false
group ">>>"
button detach "Detach" width:140
label feed "..."
progressbar progBar color:green
--// this function must be here! (ie after UI def.)
fn runEntirely = (
feed.text = "Detaching..."
local total = (tmpObjs.count as string) -- total objects
for i = 1 to tmpObjs.count do (
feed.text = "Detaching... " + (i as string) + "/" + total -- progress
DetachToElements tmpObjs[i] cPivot.state endObjs
grp = group tmpObjs[i].children name:(srcObjs[i].name)
append eleGroups grp -- for UnGrouping ...
attachObjects srcObjs[i] grp move:false -- link G to source obj.
renameChildren grp.children -- rename
progBar.value = 100. * i / tmpObjs.count -- % progress
progBar.value = 0 -- reset progressbar
feed.text = "Finalize..."
eleGroups = for g in eleGroups where isValidNode g collect g -- important!
if not isGroup.state do ( -- if you rid of groups...
if not keepSource.state do ( -- and original objs deleted...
local n = 1 -- get for progressBar
for g in eleGroups do ( -- to preserve hierarchy...
holder = point pos:g.pos name:g.name
g.parent = holder -- replace GroupHead with Point.
progBar.value = 100. * n / eleGroups.count -- % progress
n += 1 -- pump up counter
progBar.value = 0 -- reset progressbar
ungroup eleGroups -- now ungroup all at once
if not keepSource.state do (delete srcObjs)
--// Events
on detach pressed do
feed.text = "Initialize..."
--// filter selection
srcObjs = for i in selection where canConvertTo i Editable_Poly collect i
-- save your time
if srcObjs.count == 0 then (
feed.text = "* Nothing to proceed *"
else ( --// Runtime...
feed.text = "Preparation..."
max create mode
setWaitCursor() -------------------
TimeStart = timestamp()
numObjs = objects.count
snapshot srcObjs -- make copies...
tmpObjs = ( -- and collect 'em
for i = (numObjs + 1) to objects.count collect objects[i]
convertTo tmpObjs Editable_Poly
--// the "core" in Undo context
with undo "Detach" UndoOn.state ( runEntirely() )
delete tmpObjs -- KEEP this Out Off Undo context !!!
endObjs = for i in endObjs where isValidNode i collect i -- important!
if outMesh.state do convertToMesh endObjs
select endObjs
feed.text = "Done!"
TimeEnd = (timestamp() - TimeStart) / 1000.
setArrowCursor() --------------------
format "Time:\t%sec.\n" TimeEnd
) -- end (Runtime)
) -- end (on detach pressed)
) -- end of rollout
createDialog Detach2Elements