回顾经典时刻|Brochure Broker特辑:18岁的汤姆·
突然想起来前几天看到了奥斯卡影帝Tom Hanks和妻子在澳洲拍戏时确诊了新冠肺炎,大家都着实为他们捏把汗!好在夫妻俩发推文说“没有明显不适,在积极接受治疗”,这才让许多喜爱这位影星的同学们安心啊!汤姆汉克斯今年已经64岁了,他更是在今年获得了第77届金球奖的终身成就奖。
今天我们分享的是一封Tom Hanks在18岁时写给导演乔治·罗伊·希尔George Roy Hill)的信。信中,汤姆毛遂自荐,希望导演能“发掘”还是高中生的他。

Dear Mr. Hill,
Seeing that ... I have seen your fantastically entertaining and award-winning film "The Sting", starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford, and enjoyed it very much, it is all together fitting and proper that you should "discover" me. Now, right away I know what you are thinking: 'Who is this kid?' and I can understand your apprehensions. I am a nobody. No one outside of Skyline High School has heard of me. ... My looks are not stunning. I am not built like a Greek God, and I can't even grow a mustache, but I figure if people will pay to see certain films ... they will pay to see me.
看啊...我已经看过您导演的由保罗·纽曼(Paul Newman)和罗伯特·雷德福(RobertRedford)主演的极具娱乐性和获奖电影“The Sting”(电影《骗中骗》),并且非常喜欢它,这让我想来您“发掘”我也应该是合适的。 ,我知道您在想什么:“这毛孩子是谁啊?”我能理解你的忧虑。我是一个无名小卒。除了天际线高中的同学外没有人听说过我......我的外表面容并不令人惊叹。我也不像希腊古神一般健美,我甚至不能长出胡子,但是我想如果人们会付钱看某些电影,他们也会付钱看我的。
Let's work out the details of my discovery. We can do it the way Lana Turner was discovered, me sitting on a soda shop stool, you walk in and notice me and -- BANGO -- I am a star.
让我们来研究一下我被发掘的细节吧。我们可以像拉娜·特纳(Lana Turner)被发掘的样子,坐在一个水吧的凳子上,您走进来注意到我然后- 叮当 - 我就成了一个明星。

Or maybe we can do it this way. I stumble into your office one day and beg for a job. To get rid of me, you give me a stand-in part in your next film. While shooting the film, the star breaks his leg in the dressing room, and, because you are behind schedule already, you arbitrarily place me in his part and -- BANGO -- I am a star.
或者也许我们可以这样做。有一天,我蹒跚地走进您的办公室,乞求一份工作。为了摆脱我,您在您的下一部电影中给我一个替身。在拍摄这部电影的时候,主演在更衣室里摔断了腿,然而因为你已经落后于计划,所以你就只有把我放在他的角色里 - 叮当--我就成名了。
All of these plans are fine with me, or we could do it any way you would like, it makes no difference to me! But let's get one thing straight. Mr. Hill, I do not want to be some bigtime, Hollywood superstar with girls crawling all over me, just a hometown American boy who has hit the big-time, owns a Porsche, and calls Robert Redford "Bob".
Respectfully submitted,
Your Pal Forever,
Thomas J. Hanks