
W2- Beauty and Beast

2017-05-20  本文已影响116人  千鸟幽姬



Notes on beauty and beast

1/ reciprocating machine 往复式机械,活塞式机械

2/ cyclotron  粒子回旋加速器,回旋加速器

3/ individual spunk 个人精神

Spunk: the courage to carry on; material for starting a fire;胆量勇气

Eg: She spunked up her courage finally and knocked at the door.

Spunk up 振奋精神

Eg: You should spunk up and face the facts.

4/ a ground crew 一班人员

A ground 一组,一群,一个团体

5/ Tingle up 缠在一起,缠结,弄乱

Eg:The wind tangled up her hair.

6/ a thatched hut 茅草小屋,茅舍

7/ make a believer of the most skeptical把持有最强烈怀疑的人变成信徒

8/ consecrated 神圣的,被奉为神圣的

Make holy or to dedicate to a higher purpose

You need to consecrate a building to turn it into a church.

9/ get off the ground 开始发行,飞起,成功开始,取得进展

Get started or set in motion

Eg: They just need a little help securing the financing they need to get off the ground.

10/ jet propulsion 喷气推进

11/ a system of buttress 一系列支撑,支柱,支撑物,支墩,扶垛

12/ dug deep into their pockets 掏钱集资

To use a lot of your own money to pay for sth.

13/merchant guild 商会,商人协会


A guild is an organization of people who do the same 同业公会

14/ alter their environment at the margins 很小程度上改变环境

At the margins 在边缘

15/sublime beauty 庄严的,超群的,崇高的,壮丽的,绝妙的,令人崇敬的


Eg: Everything in Heaven should be utterly sublime.

The sublimed water 净化水

From the sublime to the ridiculous 从一个极端到另一个极端,从高超到荒谬。

16/ a knot in the stomach 肠胃打结,腹中翻搅

17/ a lump in the throat 如鲠在喉,喉咙噎住

18/ infidels 异教徒

A person who doesn’t acknowledge your god.

19/ erratic 不规则的,古怪的,偏执的,反复无常的

Eg: The stock owner should not be too concerned with erratic fluctuations in stock prices.

20/ outgrown the excesses of the Crusades

Outgrow 生长速度超过,长大...使得...不再适用

Crusade 十字军东征

十字军东征(拉丁文:Cruciata,1096年-1291年)是一系列在罗马天主教教皇的准许下进行的有名的宗教性军事行动,由西欧的封建领主和骑士对地中海东岸的国家以清除异端的名义发动的所谓"正义"战争。当时原属于罗马天主教圣地的耶路撒冷落入伊斯兰教手中,罗马天主教为了"收复失地",便进行多次东征行动。但实际上东征不仅仅限于针对伊斯兰,如第四次十字军东征就是针对信奉东正教的拜占庭帝国。 十字军在他们占领的地区建立起了几十个十字军国家,最大的是耶路撒冷王国,此外还有安条克公国,的黎波里国等。



21/catechism 教义问答,教理问答,宗教信仰问答,基本原理手册

An elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion;

22/reenacted on a movie screen 以电影的形式重现,重演

Enact or perform again,

Eg: Therefore we must prevent this malaria-like mass movement from being reenacted in China.

23/ blow our whole planet into permanent winter 整个星球陷入凛冬

Blow into 吹进某处,突然来到某处

24/ melt for machismo 为男子气概,大男子主义倾倒

25/ fall for the strong,silent type 迷恋强壮,沉默类型

26/entitlement 权利,应得的数额

Right granted by law or contract

Eg: This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office.

27/cloverleaves 四叶式立体交叉(公路),立交桥

28/ morgue 太平间,陈尸所,停尸房

29/ megaton 百万亿吨(一万吨梯恩炸药的爆炸威力);核武器

30/ one more for road 再喝一杯上路/回家



1.All the money would have been worthless if legions of craftsmen hadn’t been willing to dedicate their skills and often their lives to making this not just another building, but a monument to human achievement.






(1) 将来时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如:

If he should go to Qing Hua University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上清华大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。

If he were to come here, he would tell us about it. 如果他要来的话,他会通知我们一声。

(2) 现在时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如:

If he were free, he would help us. 要是他有空的话,它会帮助我们的。

If he studied at this school, he would know you well. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,它会对你很熟悉。

(3) 过去时的条件句中的虚拟语气。如:

If I had seen the film, I would have told you about it. 我如果看过这场电影,我会把电影内容告诉你了。(剧透spoiler真的好吗?)

If I had got there earlier, I would have met Mr. Li 如果我早点到那儿我就会会到了李先生。

His report states that in America in 2005, divorcees could have saved more than 73 billion  kilowatt-hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water if they had stayed married.  他的报告陈述到,2005年,在美国,离婚原本可以节约超过730亿千瓦时的电和6270亿加仑的水,如果他们没有离婚的话。(离婚会导致资源浪费,环境恶化,这里埋个包袱)

2.Certainly no other creature could conceive and create something of such sublime beauty. Case closed? Hardly.





Case closed本来指法庭结案,此处延伸为到此为止。

类似的表达还有close a deal:完成交易。



3.Some of the workers may well have been veterans of the First Crusade, an expedition to save the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims that was part religious frenzy, part military adventure, and part social fad.



Well have been里面的well非常值得关注,表示程度之高,如He is well into his 40s他已经四十好几岁了.

4.We like to think that our erratic behavior is a thing of the past, that we’ve outgrown the excesses of the Crusades. But nothing could be further from truth.

我们倾向于认为这些荒诞的行为都成为过去,现如今我们已经超越了十字军东征的那个阶段。  但是,事实与此相去甚远/事实远非如此。


A thing of the past:过去的事情eg. Telegraph has already become a thing of the past.

Nothing could be further from truth.非常好用的固定词组。没有什么比这更远离事实的了=与事实想去甚远。


1.Remarkable phenomenon 了不起的存在,神奇的物种; 了不起的现象

2.Scores of musicians/ an army of people 其他音乐家/很多其他人;大量的音乐家/大批人群

3.How far we human have come in such a short time



How far we have come:走过了多远的一段路,很形象的常见用法,强烈建议内化哈~

(We’ve come a long way,from where we begin, 速七金曲。。。)

4.The sight of …. Is almost enough to make a believer of even the most skeptical.

一看到... 哪怕是最坚定的怀疑论者也变成了信徒


Make sth (out) of sth:将....制成....即将.....转变为....

5.Medieval equivalent of the modern effort  与现代成就对等的中世纪成就


6.Reshape our destiny 改变我们的命运; 重塑命运

7.Set goals/pursue goals 设定目标/ 为实现目标而努力;制定/追求目标

8.Be ashamed of … 为...感到羞耻

9.Fall for …. 为...所倾倒;为....而神魂颠倒

10.Alternate between… 在...转换,切换;在....之间交替

11.Wrestle with sth 与...摔跤,过招;相当于struggle with sth挣扎


12.Get off the ground 开始,着手;起飞,起步

13.Contradictory drives 矛盾的心理;相互矛盾的力量

Day 5

运用所学 输出

“Are they a permanent part of human condition, or we can do something about them?”请就此问题给出自己答案,并加以论证,形成一个总结短文。

When I was a little girl,I believed people  were simply separated into two categaries: the good and the evil. I got this stereotype and hyperbole impression mainly from the cartoons,fairytales and storytellings.Just as the author described people alternates between beauty and  beast. But as I grow up,I realize that human are far more complicated than solely good or bad.The beauty and beast exist in every single one of us.Human categories denies an easy black or white but fit into different shades of gray.

Knowing that human nature is a combination of beauty and beast, I grant myself the permition to be human.And people have the ability and intelligence make a difference to harness the great potentials of being human while minimizing the beast part.Grant there is no penacea for such a condition, I hope the following could offer some inspiration.

The first tip is to be aware and accept of this contradictory drives and never let it bother you to an extreme.We human are definitely no perfect creatures, we are just intelligent beings with  inane weakness. With this permission to be imperfect human,we can free us from nationalism, popularism,and religious extremism, as we are all flawed and imperfect on an equal footing.

Secondly, I do believe more tolerance would help bring out the harmony in the way we treat each other.Being aware of the dark beast inside, we can foster a more tolerable attitude towards the differences among people.Be it religion, culture, language, there is no need to form only one way of living. Thus we liberate ourselves from imposing  the so called rightful thoughts onto others.

The third advice is to have the beast  in check through nurturing the beauty.As aphilosopher  once said , the best way to get rid of the weed in one's mind garden is cultivating beautiful  flowers in it. When we appreciate the virtues and beauty in ourselves it flourishes.The more good in us,the better the  beast have in check.

To put it in a nutshell, by learning how to deal with our own beauty and beast ,we have already shouldered up our due part to mankind.There is no shame in the very nature of being human and we should permit both ourselves and others the right to enjoy their way of living with more tolerance and acceptance.

Day 6




注孤生的我心中泛起对今天领证新人的艳羡以及嫉妒。内心的beauty的部分还是希望各位可以找到真爱,获得幸福,执子之手,与子偕老。可是内心beast的部分缺想说,结了还可能会离,毕竟离婚率一直在飙升,婚姻这种组合方式不见得可以带来happy ever after。结婚之后的生活细细算来可能仍然是一地鸡毛,如人饮水,冷暖自知……


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