《Netty in Action》书摘

2020-04-10  本文已影响0人  AlphaHinex



date: 2020.04.10 19:26
- Book
tags: [Netty]
keywords: Netty

Start at: 2020-01-05
End at: 2020-03-28
Process: 298/298

3 Netty components and design

3.1 Channel, EventLoop, and ChannelFuture

3.1.2 Interface EventLoop

Channels, EventLoops, and EventLoopGroups

4 Transports

4.3 Included transports

4.3.1 NIO —— non-blocking I/O

5 ByteBuf

5.2 Class ByteBuf—Netty’s data container

5.2.2 ByteBuf usage patterns

5.3 Byte-level operations

5.3.2 Sequential access indexing

5.3.8 Derived buffers

6 ChannelHandler and ChannelPipeline

6.1 The ChannelHandler family

6.1.3 Interface ChannelInboundHandler

6.1.4 Interface ChannelOutboundHandler

6.1.6 Resource management

6.2 Interface ChannelPipeline

6.3 Interface ChannelHandlerContext

7 EventLoop and threading model

7.3 Task scheduling

7.3.1 JDK scheduling API

7.3.2 Scheduling tasks using EventLoop

7.4 Implementation details

7.4.1 Thread management

7.4.2 EventLoop/thread allocation

Figure 7.4 Figure 7.5

8 Bootstrapping

8.4 Bootstrapping clients from a Channel

9 Unit testing

10 The codec framework

10.3 Encoders

10.3.1 Abstract class MessageToByteEncoder

11 Provided ChannelHandlers and codecs

11.5 Writing big data

11.6 Serializing data

11.6.2 Serialization with JBoss Marshalling

14 Case studies, part 1

14.3 Urban Airship—building mobile services

14.3.5 Netty excels at managing large numbers of concurrent connections

Introduction to Maven

A2.2 POM Inheritance and aggregation


