
2018-01-07  本文已影响41人  小贴贴七夏

创世记 6:1-8;
唱诗:诗篇 36:2

……却保护了传义道的挪亚一家八口。(彼后 2: 5)




是什么使挪亚与众不同?“义” 这个词不是说挪亚比他同时代的人更好,挪亚也是一个需要被救赎的罪人。但这个词说明挪亚敬畏神,并努力服侍神,神的律法写在他的心里。早在挪亚的上古时代,义就是信心的产物。



January 24
Genesis 6:1-8
Song:Psalm 36:2


..but [God] protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others...”(2 Peter 2:5)

In his damning profile of the false teachers of his day, Peter writes about the ancient world to which the flood came as judgment. But he also adds that God “protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others.” Even in a time of severe judgment, God was merciful.

In Genesis 6, we read that the LORD was very angry over all the sin he saw on the earth. In fact, verse 6 tells us," The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth." This clarifies that God was not, and is not, an uninterested observer, but deeply and responsibly involved in the life of his creatures. “[His] heart was filled with pain."

The LORD decided to wipe mankind from the face of the earth. Then we read, "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD." And the apostle Peter writes that Noah was "a preacher of righteousness".

What is it that set Noah apart from other people? The word "righteousness" should not be taken to mean that, in himself, Noah was a better person than his contemporaries. Noah, too, was a sinner in need of redemption. But it means that Noah feared the LORD and sought to serve him. God's law was written in his heart. Already in Noah's time, in the ancient world, righteousness was a matter of faith.

Noah is called “a preacher of righteousness".He spoke unceasingly to others about the LORD.He embodied and advocated a lifestyle that glorified God.Our faith,too,must be evident in testimony.

Question:What would Noah have said as "a preacher of righteousness"?

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